
Calculate Customer Cart and Place Orders through checkout engine.

Error Codes

The Skechers Web Service uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. When a request is valid, but does not complete successfully (e.g. user not found), a response is given containing a specific error code and error message about the point of failure.

Response Parameters

  • errorCode: string

    An error code that can be referenced in the table to the right. Refer to this error code when identifying errors.
  • errorMessage: string

    A human-readable message providing more details about this error.


00001 Request Timeout.
00002 Invalid form data.
00003 Invalid response.
00004 API unavailable.
00005 Generic fail.
00006 Not found.
00007 Unauthorized.
00008 Too many requests.
03000 user not found.
06000 Order not found.
06001 Order attempt not found.
06002 Order item not found.
06003 Order transaction not found.
06004 Payment not found.
06005 Not allow to change.
06006 Not allow to change address.
06007 Order item not allow to change.
06008 Checkout fail.
06009 Refund exceeds amount.
06010 Refund beyone one thousand.
06011 The PO box not allow to ship.
06012 Invalid shipping option.
06013 Transaction error.
06015 Email address is required.
06016 Confirmed password is required.
06017 Could not find taxrule.
06018 Tax calculation failed.
06020 Card number or PIN incorrect.
06021 Gift card zero balance.
06022 Gift card not found.
06023 Invalid shipping address.
06024 Reward card not found.
06028 Find order invoice failed.
06029 Email not found, unable to resend.
06030 Webpay service error.
06031 Not allow to generate credit invoice.
06031 Failed on fraud prevention check.
06033 Invalid order item Id.
06034 Afterpay service error.
06036 Afterpay order has gift card payments balance changes.
06037 Sum of afterpay and gc payments doesn't match order total.
06038 B2C - Invalid shipping state, only for USA and CAN.
06039 Order payment timeout, apply for Worldpay, Braintree, PayPal and Chase.
06040 Some are not available.

CheckoutMsg - Oms


  • storenum: string

    Skechers defined number for each store, for e-commerce sites US: 600, Chile: 611, Canada: 612, UK: 614, German: 615, Spain: 620.
  • locale: string

    US: en_US, Chile: es_CL, Canada: en_CA and fr_CA, UK: en_GB, German: de_DE, Spain: es_ES.
  • emailaddress: string

    The email address that customer uses in Skechers website.
  • externaluserid: string

    An unique number to identify each customer, for guest , external user id is -1, for Skechers Elite member, external user id is provided by Pixel.
  • shippingmethod: string

    Skechers defined delivery method, for B2C they are Standard and UWB, for B2B they are Standard and W20.
  • billingaddress: AddressMsg object

    Order billing information.
  • billingaddress.firstname: string

    Order billing first name. Use value 'Timeout Log'/'Timeout Error' to get a 408(timeout) error, the difference is an order will be logged for 'Timeout Log'. Use value 'Validation Error' to get a 400 error and 'Internal Server Error' to get a 500 error.
  • billingaddress.lastname: string

    Order billing last name.
  • billingaddress.address1: string

    Order billing address line 1.
  • billingaddress.address2: string

    Order billing address line 2.
  • string

    Order billing city
  • billingaddress.state: string

    Order billing state, default to empty space.
  • string

    Order billing zip, default to empty space.
  • string

    Order billing country.
  • string

    Order billing phone.
  • employee: EmployeePurchase ojbect

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • employee.employeeid: string

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • employee.employeeinfo: string

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • referralid: string

    Required if order is placed by Skechers's afflitate members.
  • numofinstallments: int

    Required if order is placed by Skechers Chile site.
  • vatid: string

    Required if order is placed by Skechers Spain site.
  • groupbrandcode: string

    Required for B2b - Brand code includes the brands like KFC,Startbucks.etc..
  • groupaddressid: string

    Required while placing order through B2b..
  • payments: List[OmsPaymentMsg] object

    Customer payments information.
  • payments[0].accountnumber: string

    Payment account number. The value of account number for creditCard is last 4-digits card number prefixed with X, example as X1111, for PayPal is PayPal provided payerId example as SZJZFPFZTCWZS, for gift card or reward card is 19-digits long card number example as 6035710349460000001, for Afterpay is Afterpay provided merchant reference number example as 100100019430.
  • payments[0].token: string

    Payment token. The value of token for creditCard is a tokenizated string provided by credit card payment vendor example as A7809103-30F8-4295-9DE3-51779777F8F1, for PayPal is the auth code provided by PalPal during the sale transaction example as 0M7923012C1034257, for gift card or reward card is 19-digits long card number example as 6035710349460000001, for Afterpay is a tokenizated string provided by Afterpay during CreateOrder API call example as 4q0acagsbort2l94q3gmnquovm4bev15skb4d6nbkbt22b54mr6f.
  • payments[0].paymenttype: string

    Skechers defined case sensitive payment types, they are CREDIT, GIFT, REWARD, PAYAPL and AFTERPAY.
  • payments[0].transactionauthcode: string

    Authorization code provided by payment vendor during sale transaction.
  • payments[0].saleamount: float

    The order amount includes tax and shipping cost.
  • payments[0].exp: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card expiration.
  • payments[0].expmonth: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card expiration month.
  • payments[0].expyear: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card expiration month.
  • payments[0].cardtype: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card type.
  • payments[0].pin: string

    Only required in gift card and reward certificate payment, card pin number.
  • items: List[OmsOrderItemMsg]

    List of order items.
  • items[0].style: string

    Skechers defined product style code.
  • items[0].color: string

    Skechers defined 4 letters product color.
  • items[0].productname: string

    Skechers defined product description.
  • items[0].skunumber: string

    Skechers defined product unique number.
  • items[0].skusize: string

    Shoe size
  • items[0].skutype: string

    Skechers defined shoe's widith example as EW and EWW.
  • items[0].division: string

    Skechers defined product division code.
  • items[0].gender: string

    Product gender.
  • items[0].quantity: int

    the quantity of same product in shopping cart.
  • items[0].shipstorenum: string

    Pickup store number
  • items[0].itemtype: string

    Either SHOE, GIFTCARD and REWARD, they are case sensitive.
  • items[0].categorydiscountamount: float

    The discount defined by Skechers merchandiser.
  • items[0].regularunitprice: float

    The price for product without applying any discount.
  • items[0].unitprice: float

    The price after category discount and promo discount.
  • items[0].totalprice: float

    The price after discounts, tax and shipping cost.
  • items[0].shippingcost: string

    Shipping cost, default to be 0.
  • items[0].discounts: List[OmsDiscountMsg]

    List of promotional discounts applied to the order.
  • items[0].discounts[0].discountcode: string

    Required if discount is applied to the order, map to SFCC promotionID.
  • items[0].discounts[0].description: string

    Discount description. map to SFCC discount description.
  • items[0].discounts[0].discountamount: float

    Required if discount is applied to the order, default is 0.
  • items[0].discounts[0].comment: string

    Discount comment, map to SFCC couponCode.
  • items[0].taxes: List[OmsTaxMsg]

    Taxes applied to item, Canada is the only country has multiple taxes (HST, QST, GST and PST) applied to item.
  • items[0].taxes[0].taxamount: float

    Tax amount per item.
  • items[0].taxes[0].taxtype: string

    Tax type per item.
  • items[0].taxes[0].taxrate: float

    Tax rate per item.
  • items[0].giftcard: GiftCardItemMsg object

    Required for ordering virtual gift card.
  • items[0].giftcard.recvremail: string

    Gift card's recipient email.
  • items[0].giftcard.recvrename: string

    Gift card's recipient name.
  • items[0].giftcard.sendername: string

    Gift card's sender name.
  • items[0].giftcard.message: string

    Gift card message.
  • shippingaddress: AddressMsg object

    Order shipping information.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.firstname: string

    Order shipping first name.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.lastname: string

    Order shipping last name.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.address1: string

    Order shipping address line 1.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.address2: string

    Order shipping address line 2.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping city
  • items[0].shippingaddress.state: string

    Order shipping state, default to empty space.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping zip, default to empty space.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping country.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping phone.
  • items[0].comments: string

    Comment per item.



  • emailaddress: string

    The email address that customer uses in Skechers website.
  • userid: string

    For guest customer, userid is -1, for order placed through Omni, userid is -2, for Skechers Elite member, userid is any number greater than 0.
  • password: string

    Required if customer wants to join Skechers Elite program on Checkout page.
  • confirmpwd: string

    Required if customer wants to join Skechers Elite program on Checkout page.
  • billingaddress: AddressMsg object

    Customer billing information.
  • billingaddress.firstname: string

    Order billing first name. Use value 'Timeout Log'/'Timeout Error' to get 408(timeout) error, the difference is an order will be logged for 'Timeout Log'. Use value 'Validation Error' to get a 400 error and 'Internal Server Error' to get a 500 error.
  • billingaddress.lastname: string

    Customer billing last name.
  • billingaddress.address1: string

    Customer billing address line 1.
  • billingaddress.address2: string

    Customer billing address line 2.
  • string

    Customer billing city
  • billingaddress.state: string

    Customer billing state, default to empty space.
  • string

    Customer billing zip, default to empty space.
  • string

    Customer billing country.
  • string

    Customer billing phone.
  • payments: PaymentsMsg object

    Customer payments information.
  • payments.creditcards: List[CreditCardMsg]

    Customer payments information.
  • payments.creditcards[0].accountnumber: string

    Credit card account number start with x with cc's last 4 digits, example as x1234.
  • payments.creditcards[0].token: string

    Required if order placed with Skechers mobile app.
  • payments.creditcards[0].creditcardid: string

    Required if customer uses saved credit card.
  • payments.creditcards[0].refnum: string

    Required if customer applies new credit card, refum is provided by Skechers web server.
  • payments.creditcards[0].txnid: string

    Required if customer applies new credit card, txnid is provided by Payment Gateway during the time Payment Gateway redirect back to Skechers Checkout page.
  • payments.creditcards[0].exp: string

    Credit card expiration.
  • payments.creditcards[0].expmonth: string

    Credit card expiration month.
  • payments.creditcards[0].expyear: string

    Credit card expiration month.
  • payments.creditcards[0].cardtype: string

    Credit card type.
  • payments.creditcards[0].default: string

    as default credit card for next time shopping.
  • payments.creditcards[0].srvc: string

    Payment service type, required for ApplePay(APPL), GoogleWallet(GOOG), Afterpay(AP), Webpay(WP).
  • payments.giftcards: List[GiftCardMsg]

    Gift card payments.
  • payments.giftcards[0].accountnumber: string

    Gift card number.
  • payments.giftcards[0].pin: string

    Gift card pin.
  • payments.giftcards[0].balance: float

    Gift card balance.
  • payments.paypal: PayPalMsg object

    PayPal payment.
  • payments.paypal.accountnumber: string

    Same as PayPal payerid, payerid is embedded in PayPal URL during PayPal redirects back to Skechers Checkout page.
  • payments.paypal.token: string

    PayPal token is embedded in PayPal URL PayPal during PayPal redirects back to Skechers Checkout page.
  • payments.paypal.payerid: string

    PayPal payerid is embedded in PayPal URL during PayPal redirects back to Skechers Checkout page.
  • payments.payroll: PayrollMsg object

    Customer payments information.
  • payments.payroll.employeeid: string

    Required for Skechers direct customer if they want to use payroll as payment.
  • lineitems: List[LineItemMsg]

    List of order items.
  • lineitems[0].shipstorenum: string

    Pickup store number
  • lineitems[0].upccode: string

    Order item sku number
  • lineitems[0].quantity: int

    Quantity of particular item
  • lineitems[0].giftcard: GiftCardItemMsg object

    Required for ordering virtual gift card.
  • lineitems[0].giftcard.recvremail: string

    Gift card's recipient email.
  • lineitems[0].giftcard.recvrename: string

    Gift card's recipient name.
  • lineitems[0].giftcard.sendername: string

    Gift card's sender name.
  • lineitems[0].giftcard.message: string

    Gift card message.
  • shippingaddress: AddressMsg object

    Customer shipping information.
  • shippingaddress.firstname: string

    Customer shipping first name.
  • shippingaddress.lastname: string

    Customer shipping last name.
  • shippingaddress.address1: string

    Customer shipping address line 1.
  • shippingaddress.address2: string

    Customer shipping address line 2.
  • string

    Customer shipping city
  • shippingaddress.state: string

    Customer shipping state, default to empty space.
  • string

    Customer shipping zip, default to empty space.
  • string

    Customer shipping country.
  • string

    Customer shipping phone.
  • shippingmethod: string

    Order shipping method, example as Standard, UWB.
  • discountcode: string

    Promotion code applied in the order.
  • employee: EmployeePurchase ojbect

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • employee.employeeid: string

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • employee.employeeinfo: string

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • refid: string

    Required if order is placed by mobile application(mobile-preditspring) and afflitate members.
  • garpacid: string

    Required if order is placed by Skechers direct.
  • employeeid: string

    Required if order is placed by Skechers direct with Yum Brand.
  • numofinstallments: int

    Required if order is placed by Skechers Chile site.
  • vatid: string

    Required if order is placed by Skechers Spain site.
  • btverifycardnonce: string

    Required if order is placed in a European site and the user opted-in for 3d-secure.



  • storenum: string

    Store where order placed.
  • transactiontype: string

    Transaction type, such as CVS, CC_SALE, CC_REFUND, PAYPAL_SALE, GC_ACTIVATE ...
  • serverauthorizationcode: string

    A unique code returned by payment gateway to identify each transaction.
  • serverreferencenum: string

    A unique number generated by Skechers to identify each transaction.
  • requestfile: string

    Transaction request data sent by Skechers.
  • responsefile: string

    Transaction response data returned by payment gateway.
  • cctype: string

    Credit card type or prepaid payment such as PayPal.
  • amount: float

    Transaction amount.
  • entrytimestamp: number

    JSON deserialized transaction time.
  • orderLog: OrderLog object

  • payment: OrderPayment object




  • name: string

    Name of shipping method.
  • description: string

    Description of shipping method.
  • shipType: string

    Ship type, such as '2 day' or 'Ground'.
  • customerType: string

    There are 3 customer types, A: all, G: guest, E: elite.
  • country: string

    Country code, such as USA, GBR etc...
  • locale: string

    Locale, such as en_US, en_GB etc...
  • price: float

    Shipping cost
  • active: boolean

    Status indicates a shipping method is active.
  • allowPoBox: boolean

    Status indicates a shipping method allows to use P.O. Box.
  • beginDate: number

    JSON deserialized calendar value.
  • endDate: number

    JSON deserialized calendar value.
  • included: List[string]

    List of state codes.
  • excluded: List[string]

    List of state codes.
  • freeThreshold: float

    Order total level to allow free shipping.



  • id: int

    Order Item Id generated by database.
  • orderid: int

    Order number
  • skunumber: string

    Sku Number that uniquely identifies that product in the inventory. For example : sku Number for product D'Lites 2 - One Piece Style : 12977 Color Code : WBKB is 192283758959
  • skuvalue: string

    Skechers defined shoe size.
  • unitprice: float

    Price of the item after discount
  • regularunitprice: float

    Regular price before coupon and category discount
  • quantity: int

  • discountcode: string

    Discount code applied to a order item.
  • discountcodedescription: string

    Description of the discount code used
  • stylecode: string

    Style code of the order item placed for example 12977
  • colorcode: string

    Code code of the order itemm for example WBKB.
  • color: string

    Various options for the color of the order items provided, for example WHT/BLACK/BLUE
  • itemtype: string

    Type of the item, for example 'REWARD' or 'SHOE'.
  • image: string

    Product image applied to order item.
  • trackingnumber: string

    A string provided by a carrier to track the package.
  • trackinglink: string

    A url created by Skechers to allow customer tracks their package.
  • orderstatus: string

    Status in which the order is, for example: NEW,SHIP,CANC etc.
  • quantityprice: float

    The price of total quanity bought.
  • itemdiscountamount: float

    The discount amount applied to order item.
  • itemtax: float

    The tax amount calculated per item.
  • itemtotalprice: float

    Total price of the item after adding the tax amount. For example : Shoe price : 85$ and Tax amount : 6.80. Total Item Cost : $91.80
  • itemshippingcost: float

    The shipping cost applied to order item.
  • categorydiscountamount: float

    The category discount applied to order item.
  • refundamount: float

    Total refund amount applied to order item.
  • creditamount: float

    Total credit amount applied to order item.
  • divisioncode: string

    Skechers defined product divison for order item.
  • skutype: string

    Type of shoe width for order item, for example EW, EEW.
  • webwidth: string

    The web width for order item.
  • productname: string

    Skechers defined product name for order item, for example D'Lites 2 - One Piece.
  • pickdate: Calendar

    The date that order has been processed by Skechers E2 systme.
  • shipdate: Calendar

    Expected shipping date of the Order
  • shipstorenum: string

    Shipping store number
  • canceldate: Calendar

    Order cancel date
  • returndate: Calendar

    Order return date
  • cancelreason: string

    Order cancel reason
  • returnreason: string

    Order return reason
  • giftcard_recipient_name: string

    gift card's recipient name.
  • giftcard_recipient_email: string

    gidtcard’s recipient’s email address.
  • giftcard_sender_name: string

    gift card's sender name.
  • giftcard_cardnum: string

    Gift card CardNumber
  • giftcard_pin: string

    Gift card’s PIN number.
  • giftcard_msg: string

    Gift card message.
  • giftcard_amount: float

    Gift card amount
  • giftcard_expiration: Long

    Gift card’s expiration date
  • item_shipping_fname: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping first name.
  • item_shipping_lname: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping last name.
  • item_shipping_address1: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping address line1.
  • item_shipping_address2: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping address line2.
  • item_shipping_city: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping city.
  • item_shipping_zip: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping zipCode.
  • item_shipping_state: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping state.
  • item_shipping_country: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping country
  • item_shipping_phone: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping phone number
  • .appCancellable: boolean

    Status indicates order item is cancellable by a customer.
  • adminEditable: boolean

    Status indicates order item is eidtable Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • adminReturnable: boolean

    Status indicates order item is returnable Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • adminRevokable: boolean

    Status indicates order item is revokable Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • adminRevoked: boolean

    Status indicates order item is revoked Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • appReturnable: boolean

    Status indicates order item is returnable by a customer.
  • isCreditedPoints: boolean

    Status indicates order item is allow to credit.
  • itemtaxes: List[TaxCalculation]

    List of taxs applied to order item.
  • itemtaxes[0].tax: float

    Tax amount based on subtotal.
  • itemtaxes[0].taxtype: string

    Tax type. Default tax type is TAX
  • item_issue_creditinvoice: boolean

    Status indicates order item is allow to issue credit invoice.
  • isShoes: boolean

    Boolean variable that defines if this order item is of type shoe or not.



  • orderid: int

    Skechers order number.
  • locale: string

    Location from where the order enters the system. For example , en_US for USA orders.
  • parentid: int

    New order number for exchange order action.
  • storenum: string

    Store where the order is placed.
  • customerid: int

    For guest customer, userid is -1, for order placed through Omni, userid is -2, for Skechers Elite member, userid is any number greater than 0.
  • emailaddress: string

    Customer email used for placing order.
  • billing_fname: string

    Customer’s billing first name.
  • billing_lname: string

    Customer’s billing last name.
  • billing_address1: string

    Customer’s billing address line1.
  • billing_address2: string

    Customer’s billing address line2.
  • billing_city: string

    Customer’s billing city.
  • billing_zip: string

    Customer’s billing zipCode.
  • billing_state: string

    Customer’s billing state.
  • billing_country: string

    Customer’s billing country.
  • billing_phone: string

    Customer’s billing phone number.
  • shipping_fname: string

    Customer’s shipping first name.
  • shipping_lname: string

    Customer’s shipping last name.
  • shipping_address1: string

    Customer’s shipping address line1.
  • shipping_address2: string

    Customer’s shipping address line2.
  • shipping_city: string

    Customer’s shipping city.
  • shipping_zip: string

    Customer’s shipping zipCode.
  • shipping_state: string

    Customer’s shipping state.
  • shipping_country: string

    Customer’s shipping country.
  • shipping_phone: string

    Customer’s shipping phone number.
  • shippingmethod: string

    Order shipping method, for example Standard shipping method.
  • shippingdescription: string

    Description of shipping method, for example : Standard Shipping (4-10 business day for Standard shipping method).
  • discountcode: string

    Discount code used for placing the order.
  • tax: float

    Tax amount applied to order.
  • discountamount: float

    Discount amount applied to order.
  • shippingcost: float

    Shipping amount applied to order.
  • referralid: string

    Order placed through Skechers affiliate member site. The referalid is an pre-defined name associated with each Skechers affiliate member, for example, the mobile-predictspring refers to the order placed by Skechers mobile application.
  • currencycode: string

    Currency Code applied to order, for example: USD for Skechers US site.
  • ordertimestamp: Calendar

    The time at which order is placed.
  • failedPaymentRetry: boolean

    Status indicates order has failed payments and 'Retry' option is allowed.
  • garpacid: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique number provided by Skechers E2 system.
  • networkid: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique string provided by a B2B employee while placing an order on Skechers's B2B site.
  • taxrate: float

    Tax rate applied to order.
  • groupname: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique name provided by B2B to identify a business unit.
  • estimatedShippingDate: Calendar

    Estimated Shipping Date applied to order.
  • crmecode: string

    A unique string for Skechers's Elite member.
  • crmcardnum: string

    A unique number for Skechers's Elite member.
  • subtotal: float

    Sum of item total after item's category discount.
  • total: float

    Total amount applied to order.
  • gcpaymentamount: float

    Sum of total paid by gift cards.
  • totalaftergcpaymentamount: float

    Order total amount after gift card payments.
  • orderAppCancellable: boolean

    Status indicates order is cancellable by a customer.
  • orderAdminEditable: boolean

    Status indicates order is cancellable by a Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • orderAdminReturnable: boolean

    Status indicates order qualifies for return by a Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • orderAdminDiscountable: boolean

    Status indicates order qualifies for discount by a Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • orderAdminRevokable: boolean

    Status indicates order qualifies for revoke by a Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • orderAdminRevoked: boolean

    Status indicates order has been revoked.
  • orderAdminVoidable: boolean

    Status indicates order qualifies for void by a Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • inReturnGracePeriod: boolean

    Status indicates order is under Skechers defined return period.
  • inPayPalReturnGracePeriod: boolean

    Status indicates order is under PayPal defined refund period.
  • orderDisplayReturn: boolean

    Status notifies front-end to show 'Return' option on 'MANAGER ORDER' dropdown selection on 'Order Detail' page.
  • failedCCPayment: boolean

    Status indicates order has failed payments
  • exchangeOrderIds: List[int]

    List of exchanged order numbers.
  • orderitemwrites: List[WebItem]

    Refers to WebItem object to Models -> WebItem.
  • exchangedOrderItems: List[WebItem]

    Order items linked to exchanged order, refers to WebItem object to Models -> WebItem.
  • creditedGiftCardItems: List[WebItem]

    Order items associated with refunded gift card items, refers to WebItem object to Models -> WebItem.
  • transactionwrites: List[TransactionWrites]

    List of order transactions applied to order.
  • transactionwrites[0].id: int

    A unique id generated by database.
  • transactionwrites[0].transactiontype: String

    Transaction type, for examle CVV, CC_SALE, CC_REFUND ...
  • transactionwrites[0].transactionamount: Float

    The amount applied to payment gateway transaction.
  • transactionwrites[0].cctype: String

    Credit card type applied to order.
  • transactionwrites[0].accountnumber: string

    Payment's account number, for example credit card's acct number is last 4-digits prefixed with x, PayPal's acct number is payerId provided by PayPal.
  • transactionwrites[0].serverreferencenum: string

    A unique number generated by Skechers to identify each transaction request.
  • transactionwrites[0].voidable: Boolean

    Status indicates transaction is voidable.
  • transactionwrites[0].voided: Boolean

    Status indicates transaction has been voided.
  • ordercommentwrites: List[OrderCommentWrites]

    List of comments applied to order.
  • ordercommentwrites[0].author: string

    The user who adds the comment. For example : or
  • ordercommentwrites[0].commenttype: String

    Type of comment. For example, Admin Add Comment, Cancel Comment, Revoke Comment.
  • ordercommentwrites[0].comment: string

    Actual comment string
  • ordercommentwrites[0].entrytimeStr: string

    The time at which the comment is created.
  • paymentwrites: List[PaymentWrites]

    List of gateway payments applied to order.
  • paymentwrites[0].paymentid: int

    A unique id generated by database.
  • paymentwrites[0].accountnumber: string

    Payment's account number, for example credit card's acct number is last 4-digits prefixed with x, PayPal's acct number is payerId provided by PayPal.
  • paymentwrites[0].token: string

    A unique string provided by payment gateway to identify individual credit card, gift card, PayPal paymet, Afterpay payment ...
  • paymentwrites[0].paymenttype: string

    Skechers defined payment type, for example 'CREDIT' is for credit card payment, 'PAYPAL' is for PayPal payment, 'GIFT' is for gift card payment and 'REWARD' is for reward certificate payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexp: string

    Credit card expiration.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexpmonth: string

    Credit card expiration month.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexpyear: string

    Credit card expiration year.
  • paymentwrites[0].cctype: string

    Credit card type, for example MasterCard, visa, Discover etc.
  • paymentwrites[0].activeok: boolean

    Status indicates credit card is active.
  • paymentwrites[0].totalrefundamount: float

    Total refund amount occurs on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].totalchargedamount: float

    Total charge amount occurs on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].updatedateStr: string

    The timestamp with formatted string at which the payment is updated, for example: Jan 17, 2019 11:52 PST.
  • paymentwrites[0].allowCredit: boolean

    Total amount allows to credit on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].availableamount: float

    Total available amount current on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].status: string

    Current status of payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].paymentservice: string

    Service provided by payment gateway, for example credit card have APPL(ApplePay) and GOOG(Google Wallet). If the payment type is REWARD, the value of 'GIVEX' should be entered for US and 'SFCC' for Canada.
  • paymentwrites[0].authcode: string

    A unique number provided by payment gateway to identify each payment transaction.
  • PaymentWrites[0].numofinstallments: int

    Only applied to Webpay, number of payments a payment gateway offers.
  • emailWrites: List[OrderEmailWrites]

    List of emails applied to order.
  • emailWrites[0].orderid: int

    Customer’s order number.
  • emailWrites[0].storenum: string

    Store Number from where the order was placed
  • emailWrites[0].recipient: string

    Customer's email address.
  • emailWrites[0].subject: string

    Email’s subject text. For example : Order_Confirmation_en_US order - #497552
  • emailWrites[0].log: string

    While sending an email to the customer, a log message is generated that has the important information about the order and the customer. For example. {"orderid":"497552","emailaddress":"SHAHPANK1428@GMAIL.COM","orderDateStr":"Jan 17, 2019","hasGiftCardPayments":false,"hasPaypalPayments":false,"hasCreditCardPayments":true,"hasPayrollPayments":false,"hasWebpayPayments":false,"employeeid":"","numofinstallments":"","shippingCostStr":"FREE","hasDiscount":false,"discountcode":"","discountStr":"$0.00","shippingMethodStr":"FREE Standard Shipping (4-10 business days)*","paypalPaymentList":[],"giftCardPaymentList":[],"creditCardPaymentList":[{"accountnumber":"x1111","ccexp":"04/2031","cctype":"Visa","chargedamountStr":"$0.00","paymentType":"","paymentFee":"","authorizationCode":"8212339"}],"shippedItemList":[],"outofstockItemList":[],"currencyCode":null,"totalStr":"$91.80","totalAfterGCPaymentStr":"$91.80","totalGCPaymentStr":"$0.00","subtotalStr":"$85.00","taxStr":"$6.80","taxRateStr":"","taxStr2":"$0.00","taxType":null,"taxType2":null,"hasTax1":false,"hasTax2":false,"isWebOrder":true,"isRetailOrder":false,"isFreeOrder":false,"orderHistoryLinkStr":"http://localhost:9000/en-us/secure/signin","hasShippingAddress":false,"shiptoaddress":{"id":4146349,"firstname":"PANKTI","lastname":"SHAH","address1":"3700 WILSHIRE BLVD","address2":"350","city":"LOS ANGELES","state":"CA","zip":"30330","country":"USA","homephone":"4513111111","cellphone":"4513111111","createtimestamp":1547754737287},"orderbillingaddress":{"id":2221207,"firstname":"PANKTI","lastname":"SHAH","address1":"3700 WILSHIRE BLVD","address2":"350","city":"LOS ANGELES","state":"CA","zip":"30330","country":"USA","homephone":"4513111111","cellphone":"4513111111","createtimestamp":1547754737294},"hasShiptoAddress2":true,"shipToAddress2":"350","orderitems":[{"skunumber":"192283758959","skuvalue":"8.0","webwidth":"","webwidthlabel":"","skutype":"","stylecode":"12977","colorcode":"WBKB","productname":"D'Lites 2 - One Piece","imageUrl":"","unitprice":"$85.00","regularunitprice":"$85.00","quantity":1,"quantityprice":"$85.00","discountcode":"","discountcodedescription":"","discountamount":"$0.00","categorydiscountamount":"$0.00","tax":"$6.80","shippingcost":"$0.00","totalprice":"$91.80","orderstatus":"NEW","hasTrackingNumber":false,"hascategorydiscount":false,"hasnocategorydiscount":true,"isEGiftCard":false,"isNotEGiftCard":true,"trackingnumber":null,"trackingLinkStr":"","giftcard_cardnum":"","giftcard_pin":"","recvremail":null,"recvrname":null,"sendername":null,"senderemail":null,"message":null,"carryStr":null,"productUrl":"http://localhost:9000/en-us/style/12977/d-lites-2-one-piece/WBKB","creditamount":"$0.00"}],"hasGiftCardRefund":false,"gcRefundAmountStr":null,"gcRefundCardNum":null,"gcRefundDateStr":null,"hasPaypalRefund":false,"payPalRefundAmountStr":null,"payPalRefundDateStr":null,"hasCreditCardRefund":false,"ccRefundAmountStr":null,"ccRefundAccountNum":null,"ccRefundDateStr":null,"hasAfterpayRefund":false,"apRefundAmountStr":null,"apRefundAccountNum":null,"apRefundDateStr":null,"totalRefundStr":null,"hasRewardCodeRefund":false,"rewardCodeRefundAmountStr":"$0.00","returnedItemList":[],"cancelledItemList":[],"cancelledItemsAmountStr":null,"totalAfterCancelStr":null,"cancelPartialOrder":false,"cancelWholeOrder":false,"fromJob":false,"originalItemList":[],"exchangedItemList":[],"updatedItemList":[],"adminChargeBackCardNumber":null,"adminChargeBackCardType":null,"adminChargeBackAmountStr":null,"adminChargeBackDateStr":null,"useEliteRewardCode":false,"estimatedShippingDateStr":"","isAfterpayOrder":false,"afterpayId":null,"storename":"600","website":"","locale":"en_US","serverUrl":"http://localhost:9000/en-us","sslServerUrl":"http://localhost:9000/en-us"},
  • emailWrites[0].timestampStr: string

    The time at which the email is sent out.
  • emailWrites[0].status: string

    The status of the email that was sent ie if it is successfully sent or it is a failure
  • emailWrites[0].comment: string

    If any extra comments that were mentioned in the email.
  • hasShippedItems: boolean

    Status indicates order has the items already delivered.
  • hasGCRCItem: boolean

    Status indicates order has the refunded gift card items.
  • hasInvoice: boolean

    Status indicates order has a invoice.
  • hasNif: boolean

    Status indicates order provides nif number.
  • requireNif: boolean

    Status indicates order requires nif number.
  • isPayrollOrder: boolean

    Status indicates order has PayPal payment.
  • isFreeOrder: boolean

    Status indicates order is free and no payment needed.
  • orderAllowPartialCancel: boolean

    Status indicates order allows to cancel some of order itmes.
  • taxes: List[TaxCalculation]

    List of tax types applied to order.
  • taxes[0].tax: float

    Tax amount based on subtotal. For example. $6.80
  • taxes[0].taxtype: string

    Tax Type. Default tax type is TAX
  • numOfInstallments: Int

    Webpay only(Chile site), the number of payments Chile site offers.
  • printOrderSummary: boolean

    Status indicates order has printable order summary available.
  • vatid: string

    Germany and Spain site only, a number is required for placing a order on Germany or Spain site.
  • isAfterpayOrder: boolean

    Status indicates order uses Afterpay payment gateway.
  • afterpayId: string

    Afterpay only, a unique number provided by Afterpay to identify each order.

Afterpay - Complete Order

Afterpay - capture payment and complete order.

Request Parameters

  • afterpayToken: string

    A unique string returns from 'Afterpay - Create Order' call used to identify each order request.
  • merchantRef: string

    A unique Skechers order number returns from 'Afterpay - Create Order' call.

Response Parameters

  • webOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers webOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/afterpayCompleteOrder

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"afterpaytoken":"","merchantref":""}} '

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object"}

Live Response


Afterpay - Create Order

Create afterpay order, to qualify afterpay, the total value of order has to be between $35.00 and $300.00 inclusvie, afterpay payment excludes the order with gift card purchase

Request Parameters

  • orderLogMsg: OrderLogMsg object

    Refers to Models -> OrderLogMsg, if there is a discrepancy in the param's definition between here and models, please use param definition below.
  • payments.creditcards: List[CreditCardMsg]

    List of credit cards.
  • payments.creditcards(0).accountnumber: string

    Afterpay only - static value as AP.
  • payments.creditcards(0).srvc: string

    Afterpay only - static value as AFTERPAY.

Response Parameters

  • afterpayToken: string

    A unique string to identify each order in Afterpay.
  • tokenExp: string

    Afterpay token expiration time.
  • merchantRef: string

    Skechers generated order id.
POST /api/order/afterpayCreateOrder

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"accountnumber":"AP","srvc":"AFTERPAY"}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"192283758935","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"accountnumber":"AP","srvc":"AFTERPAY"}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"192283758935","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}}

Example Response


Live Response


Authorization by Credit Card

Performs an authorization call based on credit card.

Request Parameters

  • cardnumber: string

    Card Number.
  • expirationMonth: string

    Expiration month.
  • expirationYear: string

    Expiration year.
  • securityCode: string

    Security Code
  • string

    The email address that customer uses in Skechers website.
  • billing.firstName: string

    Order billing first name.
  • billing.lastName: string

    Order billing last name.
  • billing.address1: string

    Order billing address line 1.
  • billing.address2: string

    Order billing address line 2.
  • string

    Order billing city
  • billing.state: string

    Order billing state, default to empty space.
  • billing.postalCode: string

    Order billing zip, default to empty space.
  • string

    Order billing country.
  • billing.phoneNumber: string

    Order billing phone.
  • amount: float

    The amount to be authorized on the payment card. This corresponds to the exact amount that can be collected from a payment card.

Response Parameters

  • id: string

    Payment ID that can be used to capture.
POST /api/v2/order/authorization/cc

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"appversion":9,"amount":100,"expirationYear":"2031","expirationMonth":"12","securityCode":"123","billing":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","phoneNumber":"3101230000","email":"","state":"CA","country":"USA","address2":"","postalCode":"90505","lastName":"Smith","firstName":"John","address1":"225 S Sepulveda"},"cardnumber":"4111111111111111"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"appversion":9,"amount":100,"expirationYear":"2031","expirationMonth":"12","securityCode":"123","billing":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","phoneNumber":"3101230000","email":"","state":"CA","country":"USA","address2":"","postalCode":"90505","lastName":"Smith","firstName":"John","address1":"225 S Sepulveda"},"cardnumber":"4111111111111111"}}

Example Response


Live Response


Authorization by Token

Performs an authorization call based on token.

Request Parameters

  • token: string

    This is a unique identifier that is associated with a payment card, for Aurus payment gateway, test token is 2000000000002629, for CyberSource payment gateway, test token is 9C9B43FD878BA458E05341588E0A2C8A.
  • string

    The email address that customer uses in Skechers website.
  • billing.firstName: string

    Order billing first name.
  • billing.lastName: string

    Order billing last name.
  • billing.address1: string

    Order billing address line 1.
  • billing.address2: string

    Order billing address line 2.
  • string

    Order billing city
  • billing.state: string

    Order billing state, default to empty space.
  • billing.postalCode: string

    Order billing zip, default to empty space.
  • string

    Order billing country.
  • billing.phoneNumber: string

    Order billing phone.
  • amount: float

    The amount to be authorized on the payment card. This corresponds to the exact amount that can be collected from a payment card.

Response Parameters

  • ci: string

    The Card Identifier(CI) is a unique identifier that is associated with a payment card.
  • oot: string

    The One Order Token(OOT) is associated with a pre-auth transaction. This can be used to perform post-auth/void/refund against a single pre-auth.
  • aptn: string

    The Aurus Pay Ticket Num(APTN) is associated with an approved and completed transaction.
  • aptid: string

    The Aurus Pay Transaction Identifier(APTID) is a unique identifier returned in the original authorization response message.
  • amount: float

    This is the approved amount corresponding to the action performed (pre-auth, post-auth, void, refund, etc.).
POST /api/v2/order/authorization/token

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"token":"2000000000002629","amount":100,"appversion":8,"billing":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","phoneNumber":"3101230000","email":"","state":"CA","country":"USA","address2":"","postalCode":"90505","lastName":"Smith","firstName":"John","address1":"225 S Sepulveda"}}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"token":"2000000000002629","amount":100,"appversion":8,"billing":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","phoneNumber":"3101230000","email":"","state":"CA","country":"USA","address2":"","postalCode":"90505","lastName":"Smith","firstName":"John","address1":"225 S Sepulveda"}}}

Example Response


Live Response


Braintree - Settle Sale Tnx

This API is only be used for test environment, the call will automatically put credit card sale in settle status in Braintree, this allows QA to start testing credit card refund quickly

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Skechers order Id

Response Parameters

  • orderLogTransaction: OrderLogTransaction object

    Order transaction details include txn type, timestamp, request and response etc...
POST /api/order/settleBraintreeSale

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":123456}} '

Example Response

{"result":"OrderLogTransaction object"}

Live Response


Calculate Shipping

Given order items, calculate the shipping amount. Free shipping is given if customer has a account, or if customer has a promocode that gives free shipping.

Request Parameters

  • orderLogMsg: OrderLogMsg object

    Refers OrderLogMsg to Models -> OrderLogMsg, if there is a discrepancy in the param's definition between here and models, please use param definition below.

Response Parameters

  • rate: float

    Shipping amount.
POST /api/shipping/calculate

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"emailaddress":"","userid":-1,"lineitems":[{"upccode":"886005472598","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Fake City","zip":"90288","state":"CA","firstname":"First","country":"USA","lastname":"Last","address1":"123 Fake St.","default":true,"phone":99999999}}],"shippingmethod":"Standard"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"emailaddress":"","userid":-1,"lineitems":[{"upccode":"886005472598","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Fake City","zip":"90288","state":"CA","firstname":"First","country":"USA","lastname":"Last","address1":"123 Fake St.","default":true,"phone":99999999}}],"shippingmethod":"Standard"}}

Example Response


Live Response


Calculate Tax

Calculate tax for each order item, exclude the item with 100% discount and e-giftcard item.

Request Parameters

  • upc: string

    A 12 digit unique number used to identify Skechers's product.
  • quantityprice: float

    Price per item, the price has to be after any type of discount such as category discount or promotion discount.
  • skuvalue: string

    Requires if shopping item is Canada's kid shoe. Canada provides the discount for infant and kid shoes, Skechers configures sku value such as 1.0N, 2.0N, 3.0N, 1.0L and 1.5L for these items in order for Canada order gets discount.
  • shippingcost: float

    Shipping cost per item, the shipping cost per order has to be prorated to each item.
  • zip: String

    Order shipping postal code.
  • state: String

    Order shipping state, requires if shipping address is in USA and CAN.
  • country: String

    Order shipping country, Skechers is using ISO-3 defined country code such as USA, DEU and GBR.

Response Parameters

  • applyTaxableItem: List[ApplyTaxableItem]

    List of tax amount, type and rate per item.
  • applyTaxableItem[0].upc: string

    Returning upc number matches upc number in request parameter.
  • applyTaxableItem[0].tax: float

    Tax amount per item.
  • applyTaxableItem[0].taxtype: string

    Tax type per item.
  • applyTaxableItem[0].taxrate: float

    Tax rate per item.
  • applyTaxableItem[0].tax2: float

    Tax amount per item for Candad order, Canada has GST (Goods and Services tax) and HST(Harmonized sales tax) for HST participating provinces, Skechers displays GST in tax's group and HST in tax2's group.
  • applyTaxableItem[0].taxtype2: string

    Tax type per item for Candad order.
  • applyTaxableItem[0].taxrate2: float

    Tax rate per item for Candad order.
POST /api/v2/tax/calculate

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"taxableitems":[{"quantityprice":48.75,"zip":"90706","state":"CA","country":"USA","skuvalue":"9","upc":"192283759215","shippingcost":0}]}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Check GC Balance

Check the balance of a gift card.

Request Parameters

  • gc: GiftCardMsg object

    GiftCardMsg object.
  • accountnumber: string

    Gift card number.
  • pin: string

    Pin code.

Response Parameters

  • giftCardBalance: GiftCardBalance object

    GiftCardBalance holds gift card card number, pin, current balance and type of gift card (giftcard or rewardcard) .
  • giftCardBalance.accountnumber: string

    Gift card number .
  • giftCardBalance.token: string

    Same as gift card number .
  • string

    Gift card pin .
  • giftCardBalance.balance: float

    Current gift card hold value.
  • giftCardBalance.cardtype: string

    Giftcard or rewardcard.
POST /api/checkout/checkGCBalance

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"gc":{"accountnumber":"6035710349460000000","pin":"1234"}}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Element - Auth CC

In order to meet PCI requirements, Skechers implements hosted-payment solution provided by Element on Checkout page while customer enter the new credit card, because of this implementation, Element will not return credit card expiration back to Skechers. This API is created for front-end to make a call to Element directly not only retrieving credit card expiration info also validating credit card's CVV code, then returns credit card expiration info and CVV validation result back to front-end.

Request Parameters

  • refnum: string

    Skechers generated transaction based number, the refnum used here need to be captured from Element -TxnSetup call.
  • email: string

    Customer email used for placing order.

Response Parameters

  • authorized: boolean

    Status indicates credit card CVV validation is approved
  • expMonth: string

    Credit card expiration month.
  • expYear: string

    Credit card expiration month.
  • cvvResp: string

    Credit card CVV response code M(CVV matches).
  • errorDetails: string

    An error returns from Element payment service.
POST /api/checkout/authorizeElementCreditCard

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"refnum":"","email":""}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Element - Tnx Setup

This is Get Transaction ID and

Request Parameters

  • email: string

    Customer email used for placing order.
  • guest: boolean

    Guest or Skechers Elite member.
  • customerBillingAddressMsg: CustomerBillingAddressMsg object

    Custoemr billing info
  • customerBillingAddressMsg.firstname: string

    Customer billing first name.
  • customerBillingAddressMsg.lastname: string

    Customer billing last name.
  • customerBillingAddressMsg.address1: string

    Customer billing address line 1.
  • customerBillingAddressMsg.address2: string

    Customer billing address line 2.
  • string

    Customer billing city
  • customerBillingAddressMsg.state: string

    Customer billing state, default to empty space.
  • string

    Customer billing zip, default to empty space.
  • string

    Customer billing country.
  • string

    Customer billing phone.
  • customerBillingAddressMsg.default: boolean

    A option to allow billing info to de default for next purchase.
  • customCss: string

    The stylesheet Skechers passes to Element to styling the Add New Card iFrame on Checkout page.
  • processTransactionTitle: string

    Passes a customized name to Element for submiting a new credit card button.

Response Parameters

  • url: string

    The url provided by Element.
  • tnxid: string

    A unique string provided by used to identify each request.
  • refnum: string

    Skechers generated transaction based number used to identify each transaction.
  • responsemsg: string

    Response message.
POST /api/checkout/transactionSetup

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"guest":false,"processTransactionTitle":"Save and Review Order","email":"SKXTEST1@SKXTEST.COM","customerBillingAddressMsg":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","country":"USA","lastname":"User","address1":"229 Manhattan Beach Blvd","default":true,"phone":"3103183100"},"customCss":".selectOption{border-style:solid;width:45%;height:44px;border-color:#ccc;position:relative;top:1px;font-size:16px}.tdTransactionButtons{text-align:left;border-style:none;padding-top:8px;padding-left:12px;padding-right:12px}#trManualEntryCardNumber{display:inline-block;width:55%;padding-right:15px}#trManualEntryExpDate{display:inline-block;width:40%;height:72px}#trCVV{display:block}.tdLabel{display:block;text-align:left;font-size:14px}.cardNumber{margin-top:3px;width:inherit;height:40px;border-style:solid;border-color:#ccc;color:#434343;margin-bottom:10px;font-size:16px;}#tableManualEntry{width:100%}.tdField{width:100%;display:block}.cvv{width:20%;height:40px;border:1pxsolid#ccc;border-color:#ccc;border-style:solid}.tdLabel{font-weight:normal}#tdCardInformation{display:none}#trTransactionInformation{display:none}.buttonEmbedded:visited{width:50%;height:40px;line-height:40px;background-color:#0063ba;border-bottom:3pxsolid#103877;color:#fff}.buttonEmbedded:link{width:50%;height:40px;line-height:40px;background-color:#0063ba;border-bottom:3pxsolid#103877;color:#fff}.buttonCancel{display:none}.buttonCancel:visited{color:#fff}.buttonCancel:link{color:#fff}.content{border-style:none}#pnlForm{background-color:#efefefpadding-top:0px;padding-left:5px;padding-bototm:10px;padding-right:5px}#submit{background-color:#fff;border-style:solid;border-color:#ccc;color:#0063ba;cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;letter-spacing:1px;line-height:50px;height:50px;min-width:50px;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;vertical-align:top;font-weight:600;border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-color:#0063ba;border-bottom-width:1px;padding:0px;width:100%}#submit:hover{box-shadow:001px0#434343inset;background-color:#e3e3e3}#trTransactionEntry{background-color:#efefef}#tableTransactionEntry{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:20px}@mediaonlyscreenand(max-width:1000px){#trManualEntryExpDate{width:100%;}}"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"guest":false,"processTransactionTitle":"Save and Review Order","email":"SKXTEST1@SKXTEST.COM","customerBillingAddressMsg":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","country":"USA","lastname":"User","address1":"229 Manhattan Beach Blvd","default":true,"phone":"3103183100"},"customCss":".selectOption{border-style:solid;width:45%;height:44px;border-color:#ccc;position:relative;top:1px;font-size:16px}.tdTransactionButtons{text-align:left;border-style:none;padding-top:8px;padding-left:12px;padding-right:12px}#trManualEntryCardNumber{display:inline-block;width:55%;padding-right:15px}#trManualEntryExpDate{display:inline-block;width:40%;height:72px}#trCVV{display:block}.tdLabel{display:block;text-align:left;font-size:14px}.cardNumber{margin-top:3px;width:inherit;height:40px;border-style:solid;border-color:#ccc;color:#434343;margin-bottom:10px;font-size:16px;}#tableManualEntry{width:100%}.tdField{width:100%;display:block}.cvv{width:20%;height:40px;border:1pxsolid#ccc;border-color:#ccc;border-style:solid}.tdLabel{font-weight:normal}#tdCardInformation{display:none}#trTransactionInformation{display:none}.buttonEmbedded:visited{width:50%;height:40px;line-height:40px;background-color:#0063ba;border-bottom:3pxsolid#103877;color:#fff}.buttonEmbedded:link{width:50%;height:40px;line-height:40px;background-color:#0063ba;border-bottom:3pxsolid#103877;color:#fff}.buttonCancel{display:none}.buttonCancel:visited{color:#fff}.buttonCancel:link{color:#fff}.content{border-style:none}#pnlForm{background-color:#efefefpadding-top:0px;padding-left:5px;padding-bototm:10px;padding-right:5px}#submit{background-color:#fff;border-style:solid;border-color:#ccc;color:#0063ba;cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;letter-spacing:1px;line-height:50px;height:50px;min-width:50px;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;vertical-align:top;font-weight:600;border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-color:#0063ba;border-bottom-width:1px;padding:0px;width:100%}#submit:hover{box-shadow:001px0#434343inset;background-color:#e3e3e3}#trTransactionEntry{background-color:#efefef}#tableTransactionEntry{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:20px}@mediaonlyscreenand(max-width:1000px){#trManualEntryExpDate{width:100%;}}"}}

Example Response


Live Response


Get Active Shipping Methods

Based on your API Key's locale, give all the shipping methods applicable to this order. Filters by expiration, excluded states, active = true, and also sets the price accordingly if VIP or promocode ensures free shipping.

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    Customer's ID. Pass in -1 if guest.
  • country: string

    Country, maxLength = 50
  • state: string

    State, maxLength = 10
  • promocode: string

    Promocode, maxLength = 50
  • elite: string

    Is new elite member or not. This is for checkout where customers check the box to want to become free members, but are not actually signed up yet and won't be signed up until order is placed.
  • upcs: list(string)

    Filter shipping methods based on UPCs provided. Helpful for returning free shipping when the order is guest and only contains E-Giftcards.

Response Parameters

  • shippingMethods: list[ShippingMethod]

    Refers ShippingMethod to Models -> ShippingMethod, filter shipping methods based on UPCs provided. Helpful for returning free shipping when the order is guest and only contains E-Giftcards.
POST /api/shipping/active

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"state":"CA","elite":false,"upcs":[],"country":"USA","userid":-1,"promocode":"TEST"}} '

Example Response

{"result":[{"allowPoBox":true,"name":"Standard","endDate":1895990400000,"included":[],"description":"Standard Shipping (4-10 business days)","shipType":"2 day","price":8.5,"country":"USA","locale":"en_US","id":3,"beginDate":1233129600000,"excluded":[],"active":true}]}

Live Response


Gift Card Sales B2C

Gift card sales for B2C

Request Parameters

  • giftcards: List[OmsGiftCardSaleMsg]

    list of gift card payments.
  • giftcards[0].giftcardnumber: string

    19-digits gift card number.
  • giftcards[0].giftcardpin: string

    gift card pin.
  • giftcards[0].giftcardbalance: float

    the balance on gift card.
  • saleamount: float

    Amount needs to sale.

Response Parameters

  • result: List[OmsGCSaleResponseMsg]

    list of gift card sale response
  • giftcardnumber: string

    the gift card number of gc that has been redeemed
  • giftcardpin: string

    the pin number of gc that has been redeemed
  • approvedamount: float

    approved redeem amount
  • processortxnrefnum: string

    the processortxnrefnum is returned from gateway processor for redeeming gc transaction, this processortxnrefnum is required for void gift card sale call
  • skxtxnrefnum: string

    the skxtxnrefnum is generated by Skx server and required by making gift card sale call, return this value for reference
  • processorauthcode: string

    the processorauthcode is a authorization code returned from gateway processor for redeeming gc transaction.
  • error: object

  • errorCode: string

  • errorMessage: string

    There is not enough balance for redeeming
POST /api/v2/order/checkout/gcSales

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"giftcards":[{"giftcardnumber":"6035710349460000000","giftcardpin":"1234","giftcardbalance":50},{"giftcardnumber":"6035710349460000001","giftcardpin":"1234","giftcardbalance":20}],"saleamount":60}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Gift Card Void Sales B2C

Gift card void sales for B2C

Request Parameters

  • voidablegiftcards: List[OmsVoidGiftCardSaleMsg]

    list of voidable gift cards.
  • voidablegiftcards[0].processortxnrefnum: string

    Gift card sale Chase provided transaction id.
  • voidablegiftcards[0].skxrefnum: string

    Gift card sale Skechers provided reference number.
  • voidablegiftcards[0].voidamount: number

    Partial void is supported by sending void amount in request, without sending void amount in request, full amount is voided .

Response Parameters

  • voidgiftcardsalesresult: List[OmsVoidGiftCardSaleResponseMsg]

    list of gift card void sale response
  • voidgiftcardsalesresult[0].processortxnrefnum: string

    Original voidable gift card Chase provided transaction id.
  • voidgiftcardsalesresult[0].skxrefnum: string

    Original voidable gift card Skechers provided reference number.
  • voidgiftcardsalesresult[0].status: boolean

    Status of void gift card sale.
POST /api/v2/order/checkout/voidGcSales

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"voidablegiftcards":[{"processortxnrefnum":"6035710349460000000","skxrefnum":"1234","voidamount":50}]}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Log B2B Order

API to place a B2B online order.

Request Parameters

  • storenum: string

    Skechers defined number for each store, for e-commerce sites US: 600, Chile: 611, Canada: 612, UK: 614, German: 615, Spain: 620.
  • locale: string

    US: en_US, Chile: es_CL, Canada: en_CA and fr_CA, UK: en_GB, German: de_DE, Spain: es_ES.
  • fraudscore: int

    Fraud score returned back from CyberSource Decision Manager.
  • underreview: boolean

    Boolean flag to signal to the OMS whether an order is under review or not by Decision Manager.
  • clientip: string

    Customer's ip address
  • emailaddress: string

    The email address that customer uses in Skechers website.
  • externaluserid: string

    An unique number to identify each customer, for guest , external user id is -1, for Skechers Elite member, external user id is provided by Pixel.
  • shippingmethod: string

    Skechers defined delivery method, for B2C they are Standard and UWB, for B2B they are Standard and W20.
  • billingaddress: AddressMsg object

    Order billing information.
  • billingaddress.firstname: string

    Order billing first name. Use value 'Timeout Log'/'Timeout Error' to get a 408(timeout) error, the difference is an order will be logged for 'Timeout Log'. Use value 'Validation Error' to get a 400 error and 'Internal Server Error' to get a 500 error.
  • billingaddress.lastname: string

    Order billing last name.
  • billingaddress.address1: string

    Order billing address line 1.
  • billingaddress.address2: string

    Order billing address line 2.
  • string

    Order billing city
  • billingaddress.state: string

    Order billing state, default to empty space.
  • string

    Order billing zip, default to empty space.
  • string

    Order billing country.
  • string

    Order billing phone.
  • employee: EmployeePurchase ojbect

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • employee.employeeid: string

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • employee.employeeinfo: string

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • referralid: string

    Required if order is placed by Skechers's afflitate members, the max length is 50.
  • numofinstallments: int

    Required if order is placed by Skechers Chile site.
  • vatid: string

    Required if order is placed by Skechers Spain site.
  • garpacid: string

    Required if order is placed by Skechers direct.
  • groupbrandcode: string

    Required for B2b - Brand code includes the brands like KFC,Startbucks.etc..
  • groupaddressid: string

    Required while placing order through B2b..
  • payments: List[OmsPaymentMsg] object

    Customer payments information.
  • payments[0].accountnumber: string

    Payment account number. The value of account number for creditCard is last 4-digits card number prefixed with X, example as X1111, for PayPal is PayPal provided payerId example as SZJZFPFZTCWZS, for gift card or reward card is 19-digits long card number example as 6035710349460000001, for Afterpay is Afterpay provided merchant reference number example as 100100019430.
  • payments[0].token: string

    Payment token. The value of token for creditCard is a tokenizated string provided by credit card payment vendor example as A7809103-30F8-4295-9DE3-51779777F8F1, for PayPal is the auth code provided by PalPal during the sale transaction example as 0M7923012C1034257, for gift card or reward card is 19-digits long card number example as 6035710349460000001, for Afterpay is a tokenizated string provided by Afterpay during CreateOrder API call example as 4q0acagsbort2l94q3gmnquovm4bev15skb4d6nbkbt22b54mr6f.
  • payments[0].hosttnxid: string

    Host transaction ID. (e.g. Payment ID, Capture ID) Provided by payment provider that is used to identify transaction.
  • payments[0].clientrefnum: string

    Client reference number (e.g. clientReferenceInformation.code in CYBS). Provided to payment provider as a reference to the pre-authorization transaction.
  • payments[0].paymenttype: string

    Skechers defined case sensitive payment types, they are CREDIT, GIFT, REWARD, PAYAPL and AFTERPAY.
  • payments[0].transactionauthcode: string

    Authorization code provided by payment vendor during sale transaction.
  • payments[0].saleamount: float

    The order amount includes tax and shipping cost.
  • payments[0].exp: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card expiration.
  • payments[0].expmonth: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card expiration month.
  • payments[0].expyear: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card expiration month.
  • payments[0].cardtype: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card type.
  • payments[0].pin: string

    Only required in gift card and reward certificate payment, card pin number.
  • items: List[OmsOrderItemMsg]

    List of order items.
  • items[0].style: string

    Skechers defined product style code.
  • items[0].color: string

    Skechers defined 4 letters product color.
  • items[0].productname: string

    Skechers defined product description.
  • items[0].skunumber: string

    Skechers defined product unique number.
  • items[0].skusize: string

    Shoe size
  • items[0].skutype: string

    Skechers defined shoe's widith example as EW and EWW.
  • items[0].division: string

    Skechers defined product division code.
  • items[0].gender: string

    Product gender.
  • items[0].quantity: int

    the quantity of same product in shopping cart.
  • items[0].shipstorenum: string

    Pickup store number
  • items[0].itemtype: string

    Either SHOE, GIFTCARD and REWARD, they are case sensitive.
  • items[0].categorydiscountamount: float

    The discount defined by Skechers merchandiser.
  • items[0].regularunitprice: float

    The price for product without applying any discount.
  • items[0].unitprice: float

    The price after category discount and promo discount.
  • items[0].totalprice: float

    The price after discounts, tax and shipping cost.
  • items[0].shippingcost: string

    Shipping cost, default to be 0.
  • items[0].discounts: List[OmsDiscountMsg]

    List of promotional discounts applied to the order.
  • items[0].discounts[0].discountcode: string

    Required if discount is applied to the order.
  • items[0].discounts[0].description: string

    Discount description.
  • items[0].discounts[0].discountamount: float

    Required if discount is applied to the order, default is 0.
  • items[0].taxes: List[OmsTaxMsg]

    Taxes applied to item, Canada is the only country has multiple taxes (HST, QST, GST and PST) applied to item.
  • items[0].taxes[0].taxamount: float

    Tax amount per item.
  • items[0].taxes[0].taxtype: string

    Tax type per item.
  • items[0].taxes[0].taxrate: float

    Tax rate per item.
  • items[0].giftcard: GiftCardItemMsg object

    Required for ordering virtual gift card.
  • items[0].giftcard.recvremail: string

    Gift card's recipient email.
  • items[0].giftcard.recvrename: string

    Gift card's recipient name.
  • items[0].giftcard.sendername: string

    Gift card's sender name.
  • items[0].giftcard.message: string

    Gift card message.
  • shippingaddress: AddressMsg object

    Order shipping information.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.firstname: string

    Order shipping first name.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.lastname: string

    Order shipping last name.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.address1: string

    Order shipping address line 1.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.address2: string

    Order shipping address line 2.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping city
  • items[0].shippingaddress.state: string

    Order shipping state, default to empty space.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping zip, default to empty space.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping country.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping phone.
  • items[0].comments: string

    Comment per item.
  • items[0].employeeinfo: object

    Employee information for an B2B order item.
  • items[0].employeeinfo.employeeid: string

    Employee id.
  • items[0].employeeinfo.firstname: string

    Employee first name.
  • items[0].employeeinfo.lastname: string

    Employee last name.
  • items[0].employeeinfo.attr1: string

    Attribute 1
  • items[0].employeeinfo.attr2: string

    Attribute 2
  • items[0].employeeinfo.attr3: string

    Attribute 3
  • items[0].employeeinfo.attr4: string

    Attribute 4

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder-OMS: OmsWebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder-OMS.Impersonate -> b2b/b2c -> Order Service -> Models -> WebOrder-OMS.
POST /api/v2/order/checkout

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"fraudscore":80,"payments":[{"hosttnxid":"5780845260226960303001","exp":"12/2099","accountnumber":"x1111","paymenttype":"CREDIT","saleamount":57.38,"token":"7010000000016321111","clientrefnum":"9124984","expyear":"2099","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"VISA"}],"garpacid":"10001","emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"EDDIE","country":"USA","address2":"","lastname":"FIGUEROA","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","phone":"3103183100"},"externaluserid":"1111","items":[{"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"JOHN","country":"USA","address2":"","lastname":"SMITH","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","phone":"3103183100"},"productname":"Work Relaxed Fit: Ghenter - Bronaugh SR","quantity":1,"skutype":"","style":"232175","unitprice":47,"categorydiscountamount":22,"color":"BLK","division":"2W","regularunitprice":70,"taxes":[{"taxrate":0.1025,"taxamount":5.43}],"shippingcost":4.95,"skusize":"8.5","totalprice":57.38,"discounts":[{"discountcode":"LOYALTY","description":"$1 OFF","discountamount":1}],"itemtype":"SHOE","skunumber":"194880789039","gender":"M"}],"storenum":"602","shippingmethod":"Standard","locale":"en_US_direct","clientip":"","groupname":"Kentucky Fried Chicken","underreview":false}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"fraudscore":80,"payments":[{"hosttnxid":"5780845260226960303001","exp":"12/2099","accountnumber":"x1111","paymenttype":"CREDIT","saleamount":57.38,"token":"7010000000016321111","clientrefnum":"9124984","expyear":"2099","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"VISA"}],"garpacid":"10001","emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"EDDIE","country":"USA","address2":"","lastname":"FIGUEROA","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","phone":"3103183100"},"externaluserid":"1111","items":[{"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"JOHN","country":"USA","address2":"","lastname":"SMITH","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","phone":"3103183100"},"productname":"Work Relaxed Fit: Ghenter - Bronaugh SR","quantity":1,"skutype":"","style":"232175","unitprice":47,"categorydiscountamount":22,"color":"BLK","division":"2W","regularunitprice":70,"taxes":[{"taxrate":0.1025,"taxamount":5.43}],"shippingcost":4.95,"skusize":"8.5","totalprice":57.38,"discounts":[{"discountcode":"LOYALTY","description":"$1 OFF","discountamount":1}],"itemtype":"SHOE","skunumber":"194880789039","gender":"M"}],"storenum":"602","shippingmethod":"Standard","locale":"en_US_direct","clientip":"","groupname":"Kentucky Fried Chicken","underreview":false}}

Example Response

{"name":"webOrder","type":"WebOrder object","required":true,"description":"Refer to Models -> WebOrder."}

Live Response


Log B2C Order

API to place a B2C online order.

Request Parameters

  • storenum: string

    Skechers defined number for each store, for e-commerce sites US: 600, Chile: 611, Canada: 612, UK: 614, German: 615, Spain: 620.
  • locale: string

    US: en_US, Chile: es_CL, Canada: en_CA and fr_CA, UK: en_GB, German: de_DE, Spain: es_ES.
  • fraudscore: int

    Fraud score returned back from CyberSource Decision Manager.
  • underreview: boolean

    Boolean flag to signal to the OMS whether an order is under review or not by Decision Manager.
  • emailaddress: string

    The email address that customer uses in Skechers website.
  • externaluserid: string

    An unique number to identify each customer, for guest , external user id is -1, for Skechers Elite member, external user id is provided by Pixel.
  • shippingmethod: string

    An unique number to identify each customer, for guest , external user id is -1, for Skechers Elite member, external user id is provided by Pixel.
  • billingaddress: AddressMsg object

    Order billing information.
  • billingaddress.firstname: string

    Order billing first name. Use value 'Timeout Log'/'Timeout Error' to get a 408(timeout) error, the difference is an order will be logged for 'Timeout Log'. Use value 'Validation Error' to get a 400 error and 'Internal Server Error' to get a 500 error.
  • billingaddress.lastname: string

    Order billing last name.
  • billingaddress.address1: string

    Order billing address line 1.
  • billingaddress.address2: string

    Order billing address line 2.
  • string

    Order billing city
  • billingaddress.state: string

    Order billing state, default to empty space.
  • string

    Order billing zip, default to empty space.
  • string

    Order billing country.
  • string

    Order billing phone.
  • employee: EmployeePurchase ojbect

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • employee.employeeid: string

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • employee.employeeinfo: string

    Required for Skx Friends & Family Sale when Skechers employee place order with promo code starts with SKX.
  • referralid: string

    Required if order is placed by Skechers's afflitate members, the max length is 50. Use app-ios or app-android for mobile applications.
  • numofinstallments: int

    Required if order is placed by Skechers Chile site.
  • vatid: string

    Required if order is placed by Skechers Spain site.
  • payments: List[OmsPaymentMsg] object

    Customer payments information.
  • payments[0].accountnumber: string

    Payment account number. The value of account number for creditCard is last 4-digits card number prefixed with X, example as X1111, for PayPal is PayPal provided payerId example as SZJZFPFZTCWZS, for gift card or reward card is 19-digits long card number example as 6035710349460000001, for Afterpay is Afterpay provided merchant reference number example as 100100019430.
  • payments[0].token: string

    Payment token. The value of token for creditCard is a tokenizated string provided by credit card payment vendor example as A7809103-30F8-4295-9DE3-51779777F8F1, for PayPal is the auth code provided by PalPal during the sale transaction example as 0M7923012C1034257, for gift card or reward card is 19-digits long card number example as 6035710349460000001, for Afterpay is a tokenizated string provided by Afterpay during CreateOrder API call example as 4q0acagsbort2l94q3gmnquovm4bev15skb4d6nbkbt22b54mr6f.
  • payments[0].hosttnxid: string

    Host transaction ID. (e.g. Payment ID, Capture ID) Provided by payment provider that is used to identify transaction.
  • payments[0].clientrefnum: string

    Client reference number (e.g. clientReferenceInformation.code in CYBS). Provided to payment provider as a reference to the pre-authorization transaction.
  • payments[0].paymenttype: string

    Skechers defined case sensitive payment types, they are CREDIT, GIFT, REWARD, PAYAPL and AFTERPAY.
  • payments[0].transactionauthcode: string

    Authorization code provided by payment vendor during sale transaction.
  • payments[0].saleamount: float

    The order amount includes tax and shipping cost.
  • payments[0].exp: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card expiration.
  • payments[0].expmonth: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card expiration month.
  • payments[0].expyear: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card expiration month.
  • payments[0].cardtype: string

    Only required in CreditCard payment, Credit card type.
  • payments[0].pin: string

    Only required in gift card and reward certificate payment, card pin number.
  • items: List[OmsOrderItemMsg]

    List of order items.
  • items[0].style: string

    Skechers defined product style code.
  • items[0].color: string

    Skechers defined 4 letters product color.
  • items[0].productname: string

    Skechers defined product description.
  • items[0].skunumber: string

    Skechers defined product unique number.
  • items[0].skusize: string

    Shoe size
  • items[0].skutype: string

    Skechers defined shoe's widith example as EW and EWW.
  • items[0].division: string

    Skechers defined product division code.
  • items[0].gender: string

    Product gender.
  • items[0].quantity: int

    the quantity of same product in shopping cart.
  • items[0].shipstorenum: string

    Pickup store number
  • items[0].itemtype: string

    Either SHOE, GIFTCARD and REWARD, they are case sensitive.
  • items[0].categorydiscountamount: float

    The discount defined by Skechers merchandiser.
  • items[0].regularunitprice: float

    The price for product without applying any discount.
  • items[0].unitprice: float

    The price after category discount and promo discount.
  • items[0].totalprice: float

    The price after discounts, tax and shipping cost.
  • items[0].shippingcost: string

    Shipping cost, default to be 0.
  • items[0].discounts: List[OmsDiscountMsg]

    List of promotional discounts applied to the order.
  • items[0].discounts[0].discountcode: string

    Required if discount is applied to the order.
  • items[0].discounts[0].description: string

    Discount description.
  • items[0].discounts[0].discountamount: float

    Required if discount is applied to the order, default is 0.
  • items[0].taxes: List[OmsTaxMsg]

    Taxes applied to item, Canada is the only country has multiple taxes (HST, QST, GST and PST) applied to item.
  • items[0].taxes[0].taxamount: float

    Tax amount per item.
  • items[0].taxes[0].taxtype: string

    Tax type per item.
  • items[0].taxes[0].taxrate: float

    Tax rate per item.
  • items[0].giftcard: GiftCardItemMsg object

    Required for ordering virtual gift card.
  • items[0].giftcard.recvremail: string

    Gift card's recipient email.
  • items[0].giftcard.recvrename: string

    Gift card's recipient name.
  • items[0].giftcard.sendername: string

    Gift card's sender name.
  • items[0].giftcard.message: string

    Gift card message.
  • shippingaddress: AddressMsg object

    Order shipping information.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.firstname: string

    Order recipient's first name, the recipient can be the person picks an order at store or receives an order at home.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.lastname: string

    Order recipient's last name, the recipient can be the person picks an order at store or receives an order at home.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.address1: string

    Order shipping address line 1.
  • items[0].shippingaddress.address2: string

    Order shipping address line 2.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping city
  • items[0].shippingaddress.state: string

    Order shipping state, default to empty space.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping zip, default to empty space.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping country.
  • items[0] string

    Order shipping phone.
  • items[0].comments: string

    Comment per item.
  • items[0].deliverytype: string

    Required for InStore pickup order, default to InStore.

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder-OMS: OmsWebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder-OMS.Impersonate -> b2b/b2c -> Order Service -> Models -> WebOrder-OMS.
POST /api/v2/order/checkout

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"fraudscore":80,"payments":[{"hosttnxid":"5780845260226960303001","exp":"12/2099","accountnumber":"x1111","paymenttype":"CREDIT","saleamount":12.38,"token":"7010000000016321111","clientrefnum":"9124984","expyear":"2099","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"VISA"},{"hosttnxid":"683252","accountnumber":"6035710349460000001","paymenttype":"GIFT","saleamount":20,"token":"6035710349460000001","pin":"1234"},{"hosttnxid":"683252","accountnumber":"6035710349460000001","paymenttype":"REWARD","srvc":"GIVEX","saleamount":20,"token":"6035710349460000001","pin":"1234"}],"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"JOHN","country":"USA","address2":"","lastname":"SMITH","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","phone":"3103183100"},"externaluserid":"1112","referralid":"app-ios","items":[{"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"JOHN","country":"USA","address2":"","lastname":"SMITH","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","phone":"3103183100"},"productname":"Work Relaxed Fit: Ghenter - Bronaugh SR","quantity":1,"skutype":"","style":"232175","unitprice":42,"categorydiscountamount":22,"color":"BLK","division":"2W","regularunitprice":70,"taxes":[{"taxrate":0.1025,"taxamount":5.43}],"shippingcost":4.95,"skusize":"8.5","totalprice":52.38,"discounts":[{"discountcode":"5OFF","description":"$5 OFF all items","discountamount":5},{"discountcode":"LOYALTY","description":"$1 OFF","discountamount":1,"comment":"Discount Campaign"}],"itemtype":"SHOE","skunumber":"194880789039","gender":"M"}],"storenum":"600","shippingmethod":"Standard","locale":"en_US","clientip":"","externalorderid":"ext-123","underreview":false}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"fraudscore":80,"payments":[{"hosttnxid":"5780845260226960303001","exp":"12/2099","accountnumber":"x1111","paymenttype":"CREDIT","saleamount":12.38,"token":"7010000000016321111","clientrefnum":"9124984","expyear":"2099","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"VISA"},{"hosttnxid":"683252","accountnumber":"6035710349460000001","paymenttype":"GIFT","saleamount":20,"token":"6035710349460000001","pin":"1234"},{"hosttnxid":"683252","accountnumber":"6035710349460000001","paymenttype":"REWARD","srvc":"GIVEX","saleamount":20,"token":"6035710349460000001","pin":"1234"}],"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"JOHN","country":"USA","address2":"","lastname":"SMITH","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","phone":"3103183100"},"externaluserid":"1112","referralid":"app-ios","items":[{"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"JOHN","country":"USA","address2":"","lastname":"SMITH","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","phone":"3103183100"},"productname":"Work Relaxed Fit: Ghenter - Bronaugh SR","quantity":1,"skutype":"","style":"232175","unitprice":42,"categorydiscountamount":22,"color":"BLK","division":"2W","regularunitprice":70,"taxes":[{"taxrate":0.1025,"taxamount":5.43}],"shippingcost":4.95,"skusize":"8.5","totalprice":52.38,"discounts":[{"discountcode":"5OFF","description":"$5 OFF all items","discountamount":5},{"discountcode":"LOYALTY","description":"$1 OFF","discountamount":1,"comment":"Discount Campaign"}],"itemtype":"SHOE","skunumber":"194880789039","gender":"M"}],"storenum":"600","shippingmethod":"Standard","locale":"en_US","clientip":"","externalorderid":"ext-123","underreview":false}}

Example Response

{"result":"[Web Order Object]"}

Live Response


Log Decline Transaction

Log any payment gateways' failed transactions into Order_Decline table

Request Parameters

  • email: string

    Customer email used for placing order.
  • avsresp: string

    Required if transaction is credit card address validation, such as M(street address and postal code match), N(neither street address nor postal code matches) etc ...
  • cvvresp: string

    Required if transaction is credit card CVV code validation, such as M(CVV match), N(CVV not match) etc ...
  • respcode: string

    Response code from payment gateway.
  • respmsg: string

    Detailed response message from payment gateway.

Response Parameters

  • message: Message object

    Skechers defined response message either Success or Error
POST /api/checkout/logAuthDecline

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"avsresp":"Z","email":"","respmsg":"Failed to match zip code","cvvresp":"Z","respcode":"0","acctnum":"x1111"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"avsresp":"Z","email":"","respmsg":"Failed to match zip code","cvvresp":"Z","respcode":"0","acctnum":"x1111"}}

Example Response

{"result":"true / false"}

Live Response


LogOrder - B2B

Place a skechers direct order

Request Parameters

  • orderLogMsg: OrderLogMsg object

    Refers OrderLogMsg to Models -> OrderLogMsg, if there is a discrepancy in the param's definition between here and models, please use param definition below.
  • garpacid: string

    Required for en_US_direct locale
  • payment.payroll.employeeid: string

    Required for en_US_direct locale and payroll payment
  • employeeid: string

    Required for en_US_direct locale with Yun Brand group (garpacid: 28837)

Response Parameters

  • webOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers webOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/checkout

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"payroll":{"employeeid":"1000"}},"garpacid":"10001","emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"employeeid":"","lineitems":[{"upccode":"827443976705","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":4067686,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"payroll":{"employeeid":"1000"}},"garpacid":"10001","emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"employeeid":"","lineitems":[{"upccode":"827443976705","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":4067686,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}}

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object"}

Live Response


LogOrder - Domestic

Place an order. 1st case: token only, 2nd case: creditcard id only (use creditcardid to retrieve token), 3rd case: refnum & txnid (request new token), 4th case: no payment, test validation code, 5th case: tempus test

Request Parameters

  • orderLogMsg: OrderLogMsg object

    refers OrderLogMsg to Models -> OrderLogMsg, if there is a discrepancy in the param's definition between here and models, please use param definition below.

Response Parameters

  • webOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers webOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/checkout

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"refnum":"13563078","exp":"undefined/undefined","accountnumber":"x1111","txnid":"2101746167","default":true,"expyear":"2999","expmonth":"01","cardtype":"Visa"}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"192283758935","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"refnum":"13563078","exp":"undefined/undefined","accountnumber":"x1111","txnid":"2101746167","default":true,"expyear":"2999","expmonth":"01","cardtype":"Visa"}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"192283758935","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}}

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object"}

Live Response


LogOrder - Int'l

Place a UK order.

Request Parameters

  • orderLogMsg: OrderLogMsg object

    Refers OrderLogMsg to Models -> OrderLogMsg, if there is a discrepancy in the param's definition between here and models, please use param definition below.
  • payments.creditcards: list

    List of credit card payments
  • payments.creditcards[0].txnid: string

    Required for Braintree add new credit card payment, tnxid is passed by Braintree when using tokenizationized call in js and Braintree provides test txnid as fake-valid-nonce.
  • payments.creditcards[0].creditcardid: string

    Required for Braintree using existing credit card payment, the creditcardid is the primary key defined in DB credit_cards table .

Response Parameters

  • webOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers webOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/checkout

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"accountnumber":"x1111","txnid":"fake-valid-nonce","token":"3DS-auth-id","default":true}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"POTTERS BAR","zip":"EN6 2JD","firstname":"AMY","country":"GBR","address2":"DARKES LANE","lastname":"RUAN","address1":"9-11 WYLLYOTTS PLACE","phone":"1707655955"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"884808386623","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"POTTERS BAR","zip":"EN6 2JD","firstname":"AMY","country":"GBR","address2":"DARKES LANE","lastname":"RUAN","address1":"9-11 WYLLYOTTS PLACE","phone":"1707655955"}}],"userid":3064563,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"accountnumber":"x1111","txnid":"fake-valid-nonce","token":"3DS-auth-id","default":true}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"POTTERS BAR","zip":"EN6 2JD","firstname":"AMY","country":"GBR","address2":"DARKES LANE","lastname":"RUAN","address1":"9-11 WYLLYOTTS PLACE","phone":"1707655955"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"884808386623","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"POTTERS BAR","zip":"EN6 2JD","firstname":"AMY","country":"GBR","address2":"DARKES LANE","lastname":"RUAN","address1":"9-11 WYLLYOTTS PLACE","phone":"1707655955"}}],"userid":3064563,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}}

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object"}

Live Response


LogOrder - Mobile App

Place an order through Skechers mobile application

Request Parameters

  • orderLogMsg: OrderLogMsg object

    Refers OrderLogMsg to Models -> OrderLogMsg, if there is a discrepancy in the param's definition between here and models, please use param definition below.
  • payments.creditcards: list

    List of credit card payments
  • payments.creditcards[0].srvc: string

    Required for Applypay and Google Wallet implementation, static value as AAPL and GOOG
  • refid: string

    Required for skechers mobile app, static value as mobile-predictspring

Response Parameters

  • webOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers webOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/checkout

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"exp":"01/2022","accountnumber":"x1111","token":"WMdPwjyrqDgfErwlzrHwLpImwQfhKbzyvtae","default":true,"expyear":"2022","expmonth":"1","cardtype":"Visa"}]},"refid":"mobile-predictspring","emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":"","lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"889110373606","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"exp":"01/2022","accountnumber":"x1111","token":"WMdPwjyrqDgfErwlzrHwLpImwQfhKbzyvtae","default":true,"expyear":"2022","expmonth":"1","cardtype":"Visa"}]},"refid":"mobile-predictspring","emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":"","lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"889110373606","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}}

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object"}

Live Response


Paypal - Get Checkout Detail

Capture order related information such as order total, shipping and tax and customer's billing and shipping information.

Request Parameters

  • token: string

    A unique string returns from 'PayPal - Txn Setup' call

Response Parameters

  • email: string

    Customer's email.
  • shippingtoname: string

    Order shipping name.
  • shippingtostreet: string

    Order shipping address.
  • shippingtostreet2: string

    Order shipping address line 2.
  • shippingtocity: string

    Order shipping city.
  • shippingtostate: string

    Order shipping state.
  • shippingtozip: string

    Order shipping postal code.
  • shippingtocountrycode: string

    Order shipping country code.
  • shippingtocountryname: string

    Order shipping country name.
  • phone: string

    Order contacted phone.
  • billingname: string

    Order billing name
  • billingstreet: string

    Order billing street.
  • billingstreet2: string

    Order billing street line 2.
  • billingcity: string

    Order billing city.
  • billingstate: string

    Order billing state.
  • billingzip: string

    Order billing postal code.
  • billingcountrycode: string

    Order billing country code.
  • billingcountryname: string

    Order billing country name.
POST /api/checkout/payPalGetECDetail

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"token":"EC-86E55983RB147044B"}} '

Example Response

{"result":{"shippingtostate":"CA","shippingtostreet":"1 Main St","email":"","billingcity":"San Jose","billingname":"CC Tester","billingstreet2":null,"shippingtozip":"95131","shippingtocountryname":"United States","billingcountryname":"United States","billingstate":"CA","shippingtocity":"San Jose","shippingtostreet2":null,"billingstreet":"1 Main St","shippingtocountrycode":"US","shippingtoname":"CC Tester","billingzip":"95131","billingcountrycode":"US","phone":"408-579-5754"}}

Live Response


Paypal - Place Order

Place a PayPal payment order,

Request Parameters

  • orderLogMsg: OrderLogMsg object

    Refers OrderLogMsg to Models -> OrderLogMsg, if there is a discrepancy in the param's definition between here and models, please use param definition below.
  • payments.paypal.token: string

    A unique string returns from 'PayPal - Txn Setup' call.
  • payments.paypal.payerid: string

    Returns from PayPal when PayPal redirects back to Skechers with '', the payerID 'SZJZFPFZTCWZS' is Skechers US test account, you can use this payerID with token returns from 'PayPal - Txn Setup' call to place PayPal order
  • payments.paypal.accountnumber: string

    Skechers treats accountnumber as PayPal payerID

Response Parameters

  • webOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers webOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/checkout

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"paypal":{"accountnumber":"SZJZFPFZTCWZS","token":"EC-86E55983RB147044B","payerid":"SZJZFPFZTCWZS"}},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"192283758935","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"paypal":{"accountnumber":"SZJZFPFZTCWZS","token":"EC-86E55983RB147044B","payerid":"SZJZFPFZTCWZS"}},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"192283758935","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}}

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object"}

Live Response


Paypal - Tnx Setup

Setup an inital call with order info to PayPal

Request Parameters

  • email: string

    Customer's email.
  • taxamount: float

    Order tax amount.
  • shippingamount: float

    Order shipping cost
  • itemsamount: float

    Sum of the each item's amount, example as above itemsamount: 49.00 + 2 x 30.00 = 109.00.
  • ordertotal: float

    Sum of itemsamount, taxamount and shippingamount, example as above ordertotal: 109.00 + 5.00 + 5.00 = 119.00.
  • gcpaymentamount: float

    Sum of gift card payments.
  • discount: float

    Total discount per order.
  • minicartcheckout: boolean

    Use PayPal express checkout if it is true.
  • usepaypalshipping: boolean

    Use PayPal shipping adress if it is true.
  • items: List[PayPalTransactionSetupItemMsg]

    List of oder items.
  • items[0].prodname: string

    Name of item, such as 'SUNSHINES - SUMMERGLOW'.
  • items[0].amount: float

    Amount of item after discount.
  • items[0].stylecode: string

    Stylecode of item, such as 10270.
  • items[0].size: float

    Size of item, such as 12.0L.
  • items[0].qty: float

    Quantiry of item, such as 1, 2 ...

Response Parameters

  • token: string

    A unique string returns from PayPal, includes PayPal token.
POST /api/checkout/paypalTransactionSetupWithItems

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"minicartcheckout":false,"ordertotal":119,"items":[{"stylecode":"10270","size":"12.0L","amount":30,"prodname":"SUNSHINES - SUMMERGLOW","qty":2},{"stylecode":"10249","size":"11.0L","amount":49,"prodname":"SHUFFLES - TRIPLE UP","qty":1}],"shippingamount":5,"taxamount":5,"usepaypalshipping":false,"discount":10,"itemsamount":109,"gcpaymentamount":50}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"minicartcheckout":false,"ordertotal":119,"items":[{"stylecode":"10270","size":"12.0L","amount":30,"prodname":"SUNSHINES - SUMMERGLOW","qty":2},{"stylecode":"10249","size":"11.0L","amount":49,"prodname":"SHUFFLES - TRIPLE UP","qty":1}],"shippingamount":5,"taxamount":5,"usepaypalshipping":false,"discount":10,"itemsamount":109,"gcpaymentamount":50}}

Example Response


Live Response


Tempus - Add CC

This call hasn't been implemented by Skechers global yet. This call shall be triggered when customer enter new credit card info on check out page, the call includes request cc token and cc's cvv validation

Request Parameters

  • tempus_tokenrequeststr: string

    When Skechers use Tempus js call, Tempus will return a credit card tokne request str in Tempus RETURNMEMO field
  • cvv: string

    Credit card's cvv number
POST /api/order/tempusCVVCheckWithTokenRequest

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","tempus_tokenrequeststr":"","cvv":"201"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Tempus - Place Order

Place an order with new cc

Request Parameters

  • orderLogMsg: OrderLogMsg object

    Refers OrderLogMsg to Models -> OrderLogMsg, if there is a discrepancy in the param's definition between here and models, please use param definition below.
  • payments.creditcards[0].token: string

    Tempus token combines transarmortoken & transarmortokenproviderid seperated by ':'

Response Parameters

  • webOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers webOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/checkout

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"exp":"04/2020","accountnumber":"x0026","token":"2905746509030026:002","default":true,"expyear":"2020","expmonth":"04","cardtype":"Visa"}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"46706","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"120E 7TH ST","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"192283758935","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"46706","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"120E 7TH ST","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"exp":"04/2020","accountnumber":"x0026","token":"2905746509030026:002","default":true,"expyear":"2020","expmonth":"04","cardtype":"Visa"}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"46706","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"120E 7TH ST","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"192283758935","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"46706","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"120E 7TH ST","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}}

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object"}

Live Response


Validate UPS Address

Validate the given address using UPS Street Address Validation Service. Given a correct address, will return an empty list. If it has suggestions, it will return them in a list.

Request Parameters

  • address1: string

    Address Line 1.
  • address2: string

    Address Line 2.
  • city: string

  • state: string

    State code (ISO 3166-2).
  • zip: string

    Zip code.
  • country: string

    Country code (ISO 3).

Response Parameters

  • addresses: List[CustomerShippingAddress]

    List of UPS suggested addresses
  • addresses[0].id: string

    Id generated by database.
  • addresses[0].firstname: string

    Shipping first name.
  • addresses[0].lastname: string

    Shipping last name.
  • addresses[0].address1: string

    Shipping address line1.
  • addresses[0].address2: string

    Shipping address line 2.
  • addresses[0].city: string

    Shipping city.
  • addresses[0].state: string

    Shipping state.
  • addresses[0].zip: string

    Shipping postal code.
  • addresses[0].country: string

    Shipping country code.
  • addresses[0].homephone: string

    Shipping home phone.
  • addresses[0].cellphone: string

    Shipping cell phone.
  • addresses[0].createtimestamp: number

    Shipping address creation time.
  • addresses[0].default: boolean

    A option to setup shipping address to be default.
POST /api/ups/validateAddress

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","country":"USA","address1":"225 S Sepulveda"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","country":"USA","address1":"225 S Sepulveda"}}

Example Response

{"result":[{"city":"MANHATTAN BEACH","zip":"90266-6825","state":"CA","country":"USA","address2":null,"address1":"225 S SEPULVEDA BLVD"}]}

Live Response


Webpay Normal Ack

Normal Pay - get tran result.

Request Parameters

  • token_ws: string

    A unique string created by Webpay returns from 'Webpay Normal Init' API call.
  • userid: string

    Customer's web id.

Response Parameters

  • redirectUrl: string

  • orderId: string

    Skechers order number.
  • token: string

    The token setup in request call.
POST /api/order/webpayNormalAckOrder

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"token_ws":"","userid":"4065573"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Webpay Normal Init

Normal Pay - InitTransaction.

Request Parameters

  • orderLogMsg: OrderLogMsg object

    Refers OrderLogMsg to Models -> OrderLogMsg, if there is a discrepancy in the param's definition between here and models, please use param definition below.
  • payments.creditcards: List[CreditCardMsg]

    List of credit cards.
  • payments.creditcards(0).accountnumber: string

    Webpay normal payment only - static value as WP.
  • payments.creditcards(0).srvc: string

    Webpay normal payment only - static value as WP_NORMAL.

Response Parameters

  • token: string

    A unique string to identify the order request.
  • redirectUrl: string

    The url provided by Webpay.
  • orderId: string

    Skechers order number.
POST /api/order/checkout

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"accountnumber":"wp","srvc":"WP_NORMAL"}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"EL BOSQUE","zip":"","state":"","firstname":"AMY","country":"CHL","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"884808713535","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"EL BOSQUE","zip":"","state":"","firstname":"AMY","country":"CHL","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":4065573,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"accountnumber":"wp","srvc":"WP_NORMAL"}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"EL BOSQUE","zip":"","state":"","firstname":"AMY","country":"CHL","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"884808713535","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"EL BOSQUE","zip":"","state":"","firstname":"AMY","country":"CHL","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":4065573,"shippingmethod":"Standard"}}

Example Response


Live Response


Webpay OneClick Checkout

One Click - place order

Request Parameters

POST /api/order/checkout

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"exp":"12/2099","accountnumber":"x1111","default":true,"creditcardid":14059,"expyear":"2099","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"Visa"},{"exp":"12/2099","accountnumber":"x1111","token":"5F1C7C73-F57B-4B2C-96EC-BCF9A4E37E6F","default":true,"expyear":"2099","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"Visa"},{"refnum":"21333","exp":"12/2018","accountnumber":"x1111","txnid":"2005005341","default":true,"expyear":"2018","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"Visa"},{"exp":"12/2018","accountnumber":"x1111","default":true,"expyear":"2018","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"Visa"},{"exp":"04/20","accountnumber":"x0026","token":"9855610944010026:002","default":true,"expyear":"2020","expmonth":"04","cardtype":"Visa"}],"giftcards":[{"accountnumber":"6035710349460000000","pin":"1234","balance":50}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"889110447918","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}},{"upccode":"99990001","quantity":1,"giftcard":{"recvremail":"","recvrname":"to","sendername":"from","message":"hello"},"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"2nd item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard","discountcode":"QHUANG6TSO","payroll":{"employeeid":"12345","employerinfo":"skechers"}}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"payments":{"creditcards":[{"exp":"12/2099","accountnumber":"x1111","default":true,"creditcardid":14059,"expyear":"2099","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"Visa"},{"exp":"12/2099","accountnumber":"x1111","token":"5F1C7C73-F57B-4B2C-96EC-BCF9A4E37E6F","default":true,"expyear":"2099","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"Visa"},{"refnum":"21333","exp":"12/2018","accountnumber":"x1111","txnid":"2005005341","default":true,"expyear":"2018","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"Visa"},{"exp":"12/2018","accountnumber":"x1111","default":true,"expyear":"2018","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"Visa"},{"exp":"04/20","accountnumber":"x0026","token":"9855610944010026:002","default":true,"expyear":"2020","expmonth":"04","cardtype":"Visa"}],"giftcards":[{"accountnumber":"6035710349460000000","pin":"1234","balance":50}]},"emailaddress":"","billingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"229 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD","phone":"3103183100"},"lineitems":[{"upccode":"889110447918","quantity":1,"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"first item address","phone":"3103183100"}},{"upccode":"99990001","quantity":1,"giftcard":{"recvremail":"","recvrname":"to","sendername":"from","message":"hello"},"shippingaddress":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"AMY","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"RUAN","address1":"2nd item address","phone":"3103183100"}}],"userid":990104,"shippingmethod":"Standard","discountcode":"QHUANG6TSO","payroll":{"employeeid":"12345","employerinfo":"skechers"}}}

Example Response


Live Response


Webpay OneClick Init

get transaction token and redirect URl.

Request Parameters

POST /api/checkout/transactionSetup

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"SKXTEST1@SKXTEST.COM","guest":false,"customerBillingAddressMsg":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","country":"USA","lastname":"User","address1":"229 Manhattan Beach Blvd","default":true,"phone":"3103183100"},"customCss":"#tdCardInformation{color: blue}"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"SKXTEST1@SKXTEST.COM","guest":false,"customerBillingAddressMsg":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","country":"USA","lastname":"User","address1":"229 Manhattan Beach Blvd","default":true,"phone":"3103183100"},"customCss":"#tdCardInformation{color: blue}"}}

Example Response


Live Response


Webpay OneClick Register

get tbkUser Id

Request Parameters

POST /api/checkout/webpayOneClickRegisterUser

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","token":"please fill in token from OneClickTransactionSetupApi"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","token":"please fill in token from OneClickTransactionSetupApi"}}

Example Response


Live Response