
Authentication, Wallet, Address Book, and CRUD functionality for Customers.

Error Codes

The Skechers Web Service uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. When a request is valid, but does not complete successfully (e.g. user not found), a response is given containing a specific error code and error message about the point of failure.

Response Parameters

  • errorCode: string

    An error code that can be referenced in the table to the right. Refer to this error code when identifying errors.
  • errorMessage: string

    A human-readable message providing more details about this error.


00001 Request Timeout.
00002 Invalid form data.
00004 Third party API is down.
03000 User not found.
03001 User already exists.
03002 User banned.
03003 Invalid credentials.
03004 Password expired.
03006 Passwords don't match.
08000 Customer not found.
08001 Customer already exists.
08002 Passwords don't match.
08005 Wishlist doesn't exist.
08006 Rate limited by Email.
08007 Rate limited by IP.



  • id: int

    Billing or shipping address ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 1132579.
  • firstname: string

    Customer's first name. Example: John.
  • lastname: string

    Customer's last name. Example: Smith.
  • address1: string

    Customer's billing or shipping address 1. Example: 225 S Sepulveda Blvd.
  • address2: string

    Customer's billing or shipping address 2. Example: 123 Rainbow blvd.
  • city: string

    Customer's billing or shipping address city. Example: Manhattan Beach.
  • state: string

    Customer's billing or shipping address state in ISO Alpha-2 format. Example: CA for California.
  • zip: string

    Customer's billing or shipping address zip code. Example: 90266.
  • country: string

    Customer's billing or shipping address country in ISO Alpha-3 format. Example: USA.
  • homephone: string

    Customer's billing or shipping address home phone number. Example: 8007463411.
  • cellphone: string

    Customer's billing or shipping address cellphone number. Example: 8007463411.
  • createtimestamp: long

    When the billing or shipping address was created, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: January 16, 2019 is represented as 1547676490000.
  • default: boolean

    Is default billing or shipping? True to set to yes, false otherwise.



  • id: int

    Credit card ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 504820.
  • firstname: string

    Customer's first name. Example: John.
  • lastname: string

    Customer's last name. Example: Smith.
  • token: string

    Credit card token returned from Element. Example: 1DEF1951-0BF6-412D-8E97-3F2D1ADEC2C6.
  • accountnumber: string

    Last 4 digits of the credit card. Example: 1111 will show as x1111.
  • expiration: string

    Expiration month / year. Example: 12/2020.
  • expirationmonth: string

    Expiration month. Example: 12.
  • expirationyear: string

    Expiration year. Example: 2020.
  • cardtype: string

    Credit card type. Example: American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, or Prepaid.
  • default: boolean

    Is default credit card? True to set to yes, false otherwise.
  • status: boolean

    Is the card active? True to set to yes, false otherwise.
  • lastPurchaseDate: long

    Date of last purchase, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000
  • lastPurchasedOrderID: int

    Order ID of the last purchase, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 497206.
  • braintreecustid: string

    Braintree customer ID. Example: 4016935.
  • paymentservice: string

    The type of payment service. Example: APPL for Apple Pay, GOOG for Google Wallet, AFTERPAY for Afterpay or WP_NORMAL for normal web pay.



  • id: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 63370603.
  • email: string

    Customer's email address. Example:
  • password: string

    Customer's password. Example: test12345.
  • firstname: string

    Customer's first name. Example: John.
  • lastname: string

    Customer's last name. Example: Smith.
  • status: string

    Customer's status. Example: A for active or B for banned.
  • passwordExpirationDate: long

    Customer's password expiration date, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • registrationDate: long

    Customer's registration date, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • lastLoginDate: long

    Customer's last login date, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • lastPurchaseDate: long

    Customer's last login date, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • storenum: string

    Store number associated with the customer. US is 600, US Direct is 602, Chile is 611, Canada is 612, UK is 614, Germany is 615, and Spain is 620.
  • locale: string

    Locale associated with the customer. en_US is US, en_US_direct is US Direct. es_CL is Chile, en_CA is Canada, fr_CA is French Canada, en_GB is UK, de_DE is Germany, and es_ES is Spain.
  • optin: boolean

    Choice whether to optin to Skechers Elite mailing list.
  • crmid: string

    Customer's customer relationship management (CRM) ID. Example: 7000000480.
  • employeeid: string

    Customer's employee ID, if applicable. Example: 000243.
  • networkid: string

    Customer's network ID, if applicable. Example: 1000.
  • birthyear: int

    Customer's birth year(range of 1901-2099 inclusive).
  • birthmonth: int

    Customer's birth month(range of 1-12 inclusive).
  • birthday: int

    Customer's birth day(range of 1-31 inclusive).
  • gender: string

    Customer's gender. M for male, F for female, and U for unspecified.
  • phone: string

    Customer's phone number. Example: 9991239876.
  • zip: string

    Customer's zip code. Example: 90266.
  • lastPaymentType: string

    Customer's last payment type. Example: CREDIT, PAYPAL, PAYROLL, or WEBPAY.
  • regchannel: string

    Customer's channel. Example: desktop or web_desktop.
  • vatid: string

    Customer's value added tax (VAT) ID. This normally applies to customers on the Spain site. Example: 12345678Z.
  • newPassword: string

    Customer's new password. Example: test123456.
  • isRateLimited: boolean

    true if the customer is limited as far as the rate they can send requests, false otherwise.
  • gcValue: int

    Customer's giftcard value amount. Example: amount of 100 is equivalent to 1000 points.
  • requireReKeyInCC: boolean

    True if re-key is required for fraud prevention purposes, false otherwise.
  • billingaddresses: list

    Customer's billing addresses. Please refer to the Address model under Model -> Address for fields that are associated with each billing address object.
  • shippingaddresses: list

    Customer's shipping addresses. Please refer to the Address model under Model -> Address for fields that are associated with each shipping address object.
  • creditcards: list

    Customer's creditcards. Please refer to the CreditCard model under Model -> CreditCard for fields that are associated with each credit card object.
  • customerwishlist: object

    Customer's wishlist of items. Contains a wishlist ID ("id", type: int, Example: 10627) and a list ("wishlistItems", type: list) of wishlist objects. Please refer to the WishlistItem model under Model -> WishlistItem for fields that are associated with each wishlist object.



  • id: int

    Customer wishlist item ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 12115.
  • skuNumber: string

    Product UPC code, string that is numeric only, no dashes. Example: 888222488215.
  • quantity: int

    Customer wishlist item quantity. Example: 50.
  • entryDate: long

    Customer wishlist item entry date, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.

Admin Customer - Validate

Validate update parameters against SessionM.

Request Parameters

  • id: int

    Internal Skechers Web ID.
  • email: string

    Customer's email address.
  • phone: string

    Customer's phone number.
  • crmID: string

    Customer's LOYL / Subscriber Key / CRM ID.

Response Parameters

  • sessionmid: string

    Internal SessionM GUID.
  • email: string

    Customer's email address.
  • phone: string

    Customer's phone number.
  • crmID: string

    Customer's LOYL / Subscriber Key / CRM ID.
POST /api/user/validateCustomer

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"id":990093,"email":"EDDIEF@SKECHERS2.COM","phone":"5555553133","crmID":"9200000061"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Billing Address - Add

Add a billing address to the customer. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • email: string

    Customer's email address, nonEmptyText.
  • billing.firstname: string

    Customer's first name, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • billing.lastname: string

    Customer's last name, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • billing.address1: string

    Customer's billing address 1, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • billing.address2: string

    Customer's billing address 2, if passed in then nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • string

    Customer's billing address city, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 50).
  • billing.state: string

    Customer's billing address state in ISO Alpha-2 format, maxLength = 10, default = "".
  • string

    Customer's billing address zip code, maxLength = 25, default = "".
  • string

    Customer's billing address country in ISO Alpha-3 format, maxLength = 50.
  • string

    Customer's billing address phone number, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • billing.default: boolean

    Is default billing? True to set to yes, false otherwise.

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/addBillingAddress

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","billing":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"phone":"8007463411"}}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","billing":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"phone":"8007463411"}}}

Example Response

{"result":{"newPassword":null,"birthday":null,"vatid":null,"gcValue":0,"requireReKeyInCC":true,"customerwishlist":null,"zip":null,"email":"SKX_TESTER@SKECHERS.COM","employeeid":null,"firstname":"Test","shippingaddresses":[],"passwordExpirationDate":null,"billingaddresses":[{"city":"Manhattan Beach","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","cellphone":null,"country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","id":1132306,"address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"createtimestamp":1547589450000}],"storenum":"600","isRateLimited":false,"lastPurchaseDate":null,"locale":"en_US","crmid":"7000000480","lastname":"Tester","lastPaymentType":null,"id":63370603,"lastLoginDate":1547587925000,"regchannel":"web_desktop","status":"A","creditcards":[],"networkid":null,"registrationDate":1547587925000,"optin":false,"birthmonth":null,"birthyear":null,"phone":"0988766674","gender":"U","password":""}}

Live Response


Billing Address - Delete

Delete a billing address of a customer. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • id: int

    Billing address ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • email: string

    Customer's email address, nonEmptyText.

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/removeBillingAddress

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","id":1132306}} '

Example Response

{"result":{"newPassword":null,"birthday":null,"vatid":null,"gcValue":0,"requireReKeyInCC":true,"customerwishlist":null,"zip":null,"email":"SKX_TESTER@SKECHERS.COM","employeeid":null,"firstname":"Test","shippingaddresses":[],"passwordExpirationDate":null,"billingaddresses":[{"city":"Manhattan Beach","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","cellphone":null,"country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","id":1132579,"address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"createtimestamp":1547683310000},{"city":"Manhattan Beach","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","cellphone":null,"country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","id":1132582,"address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"createtimestamp":1547683423000}],"storenum":"600","isRateLimited":false,"lastPurchaseDate":1547676513000,"locale":"en_US","crmid":"7000000480","lastname":"Tester","lastPaymentType":"CREDIT","id":63370603,"lastLoginDate":1547682257000,"regchannel":"web_desktop","status":"A","creditcards":[],"networkid":null,"registrationDate":1547587925000,"optin":false,"birthmonth":null,"birthyear":null,"phone":"0988766674","gender":"U","password":""}}

Live Response


Billing Address - Update

Update a billing address of a customer. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • email: string

    Customer's email, nonEmptyText
  • id: int

    Billing address id, numeric only, no dashes.
  • billing.firstname: string

    Customer's first name, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • billing.lastname: string

    Customer's last name, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • billing.address1: string

    Customer's billing address 1, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • billing.address2: string

    Customer's billing address 2, if passed in then nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • string

    Customer's billing address city, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 50).
  • billing.state: string

    Customer's billing address state in ISO Alpha-2 format, maxLength = 10, default = "".
  • string

    Customer's billing address zip code, maxLength = 25, default = "".
  • string

    Customer's billing address country in ISO Alpha-3 format, maxLength = 50.
  • string

    Customer's billing address phone number, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • billing.default: boolean

    Is default billing? True to set to yes, false otherwise.

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/updateBillingAddress

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","id":1132306,"billing":{"city":"City Update","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test Update","country":"USA","address2":"My Second Address Update","lastname":"Tester Update","address1":"My First Address Update","default":false,"phone":"9991237654"}}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","id":1132306,"billing":{"city":"City Update","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test Update","country":"USA","address2":"My Second Address Update","lastname":"Tester Update","address1":"My First Address Update","default":false,"phone":"9991237654"}}}

Example Response

{"result":{"newPassword":null,"birthday":null,"vatid":null,"gcValue":0,"requireReKeyInCC":true,"customerwishlist":null,"zip":null,"email":"SKX_TESTER@SKECHERS.COM","employeeid":null,"firstname":"Test","shippingaddresses":[],"passwordExpirationDate":null,"billingaddresses":[{"city":"City Update","homephone":"9991237654","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test Update","cellphone":null,"country":"USA","address2":"My Second Address Update","lastname":"Tester Update","id":1132306,"address1":"My First Address Update","default":true,"createtimestamp":1547589450000}],"storenum":"600","isRateLimited":false,"lastPurchaseDate":null,"locale":"en_US","crmid":"7000000480","lastname":"Tester","lastPaymentType":null,"id":63370603,"lastLoginDate":1547587925000,"regchannel":"web_desktop","status":"A","creditcards":[],"networkid":null,"registrationDate":1547587925000,"optin":false,"birthmonth":null,"birthyear":null,"phone":"0988766674","gender":"U","password":""}}

Live Response


Customer - Authenticate

Authenticate customer. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • username: string

    Customer's username. Must be email or phone, nonEmptyText
  • password: string

    Customer's password, nonEmptyText(minLength = 6).

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/v2/customer/authenticate

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"username":"","password":"test123456"}} '

Example Response

{"result":{"newPassword":null,"birthday":null,"vatid":null,"gcValue":0,"requireReKeyInCC":true,"customerwishlist":null,"zip":null,"email":"SKX_TESTER@SKECHERS.COM","employeeid":null,"firstname":"Test","shippingaddresses":[],"passwordExpirationDate":null,"billingaddresses":[{"city":"Manhattan Beach","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","cellphone":null,"country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","id":1132306,"address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"createtimestamp":1547589450000}],"storenum":"600","isRateLimited":false,"lastPurchaseDate":null,"locale":"en_US","crmid":"7000000480","lastname":"Tester","lastPaymentType":null,"id":63370603,"lastLoginDate":1547587925000,"regchannel":"web_desktop","status":"A","creditcards":[],"networkid":null,"registrationDate":1547587925000,"optin":false,"birthmonth":null,"birthyear":null,"phone":"0988766674","gender":"U","password":""}}

Live Response


Customer - Create

Create a customer account. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • firstname: string

    Customer's first name, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • lastname: string

    Customer's last name. nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • email: string

    Customer's email address. Email format, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • phone: string

    Customer's phone number, if passed in then nonEmptyText.
  • password: string

    Customer's password. Plain text password, nonEmptyText(minLength = 8, maxLength = 255).
  • confirmpwd: string

    Customer's password to match entered password. Plain text password, default = "".
  • optin: boolean

    Boolean. If true, opt-in to receiving marketing emails.

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/createAccount

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","firstname":"John","lastname":"Smith","optin":false,"confirmpwd":"mysecret99","phone":"8881238765","password":"mysecret99"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Customer - Forgot Password

If customer forgets their password, it will generate a new temporary 72-hour long password and email it to them. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • email: string

    Customer's email address, nonEmptyText.

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/forgotPassword

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":""}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Customer - Reset Password with Token

Update customer's password with Token. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • token: string

    Token for resetting password, nonEmptyText.
  • password: string

    new password for customer, nonEmptyText(minLength = 8, maxLength = 255).

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/resetPasswordWithToken

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"token":"2b10c977-25cd-4730-b4c7-a75e62bf8b9f","password":"test12345"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Customer - Update

Update a customer's profile information. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • id: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • firstname: string

    Customer's first name, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • lastname: string

    Customer's last name, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • email: string

    Customer's email address. Email format, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • phone: string

    Customer's phone number, if passed in then nonEmptyText(maxLength=25).
  • gender: string

    Customer's gender, one char. Set 'M' to set to male, 'F' to set to female, or 'U' to set to unspecified. Default = "U"
  • birthday: int

    Customer's birth day(range of 1-31 inclusive).
  • birthmonth: int

    Customer's birth month(range of 1-12 inclusive).
  • birthyear: int

    Customer's birth year(range of 1901-2099 inclusive).

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/update

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"birthday":13,"email":"","firstname":"Charles","lastname":"Smith","id":63370603,"birthmonth":11,"birthyear":1990,"gender":"M"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Customer - Update Password

Update customer's password. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • currentPassword: string

    Customer's current password.
  • newPassword: string

    Customer's desired new password, nonEmptyText(minLength = 8).

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/update/password

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"userid":63370603,"currentPassword":"test12345","newPassword":"test123456"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Get Subscriber Key

Retrieve subscriber key by email.

Request Parameters

  • email: email

    Customer's email address.

Response Parameters

  • subscriberkey: string

    Subscriber key, the unique ID for salesforce and loyalty systems within Skechers.
POST /api/v3/subscriberkey

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":""}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Order Summaries

Retrieve customer's order history. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns order summary information associated with the customer.

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • limit: int

    Limit of the number of orders to retrieve, default = 100.

Response Parameters

  • locale: string

    Locale where the order was executed by the customer. en_US is US, en_US_direct is US Direct. es_CL is Chile, en_CA is Canada, fr_CA is French Canada, en_GB is UK, de_DE is Germany, and es_ES is Spain.
  • status: list

    Status of the order. Example: NEW for pending, HOLD for questionable orders, SHIP for already shipped orders, or CANC for cancelled.
  • billtofirstname: string

    Billing first name related to the order. Example: John.
  • billtolastname: string

    Billing last name related to the order. Example: Smith.
  • billtophone: int

    Billing phone number related to the order. Example: 9991239876.
  • userid: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 6337060.
  • orderid: int

    Order ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 497436.
  • gcid: int

    Gift card ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: -1.
  • timestamp: long

    Expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • total: double

    Total amount of the order. Example: 100.00
  • type: string

    Type of order. Example: Online.
  • points: int

    Number of points credited to an order. Example: 1000.
  • discountcode: string

    Discount code applied to an order. Example: $10_OFF.
  • isrewardorder: boolean

    True if the order is a reward order, false otherwise.
POST /api/customer/ordersummaries

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"userid":63370603,"limit":50}} '

Example Response

{"result":[{"timestamp":1519157203000,"billtophone":null,"isrewardorder":false,"total":70.19999694824219,"userid":990093,"locale":"en_US","points":0,"billtolastname":null,"discountcode":null,"status":["NEW"],"orderid":400105,"type":"Online","billtofirstname":null,"gcid":-1},{"timestamp":1519155085000,"billtophone":null,"isrewardorder":false,"total":0,"userid":990093,"locale":"en_US","points":-100,"billtolastname":"Figueroa","discountcode":null,"status":["$10.00 REWARD"],"orderid":400081,"type":"Reward","billtofirstname":"Eddie","gcid":-1},{"timestamp":1515786336000,"billtophone":null,"isrewardorder":false,"total":75.5999984741211,"userid":990093,"locale":"en_US","points":0,"billtolastname":null,"discountcode":null,"status":["CANC"],"orderid":391384,"type":"Online","billtofirstname":null,"gcid":-1},{"timestamp":1515484800000,"billtophone":"","isrewardorder":false,"total":0,"userid":990093,"locale":"en_US","points":100,"billtolastname":"Figueroa","discountcode":null,"status":["ADJUSTED"],"orderid":0,"type":"Online","billtofirstname":"Eddie","gcid":-1}]}

Live Response


Shipping Address - Add

Add a shipping address to customer. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • email: string

    Customer's email address, nonEmptyText.
  • shipping.firstname: string

    Customer's first name, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • shipping.lastname: string

    Customer's last name, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • shipping.address1: string

    Customer's shipping address 1, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • shipping.address2: string

    Customer's shipping address 2, if passed in then nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • string

    Customer's shipping address city, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 50).
  • shipping.state: string

    Customer's shipping address state in ISO Alpha-2 format, maxLength = 10, default = "".
  • string

    Customer's shipping address zip code, maxLength = 25, default = "".
  • string

    Customer's shipping address country in ISO Alpha-3 format, maxLength = 50.
  • string

    Customer's shipping address phone number, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • shipping.default: boolean

    Is default shipping? True to set to yes, false otherwise.

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/addShippingAddress

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","shipping":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"phone":"8007463411"}}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","shipping":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"phone":"8007463411"}}}

Example Response

{"result":{"newPassword":null,"birthday":null,"vatid":null,"gcValue":0,"requireReKeyInCC":true,"customerwishlist":null,"zip":null,"email":"SKX_TESTER@SKECHERS.COM","employeeid":null,"firstname":"Test","shippingaddresses":[{"city":"Manhattan Beach","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","cellphone":null,"country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","id":0,"address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"createtimestamp":1547665131856}],"passwordExpirationDate":null,"billingaddresses":[],"storenum":"600","isRateLimited":false,"lastPurchaseDate":null,"locale":"en_US","crmid":"7000000480","lastname":"Tester","lastPaymentType":null,"id":63370603,"lastLoginDate":1547587925000,"regchannel":"web_desktop","status":"A","creditcards":[],"networkid":null,"registrationDate":1547587925000,"optin":false,"birthmonth":null,"birthyear":null,"phone":"0988766674","gender":"U","password":""}}

Live Response


Shipping Address - Delete

Delete shipping address of customer. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • id: int

    Shipping address ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • email: string

    Customer's email address, nonEmptyText.

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/removeShippingAddress

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","id":1124497}} '

Example Response

{"result":{"newPassword":null,"birthday":null,"vatid":null,"gcValue":0,"requireReKeyInCC":true,"customerwishlist":null,"zip":null,"email":"SKX_TESTER@SKECHERS.COM","employeeid":null,"firstname":"Test","shippingaddresses":[{"city":"MANHATTAN BEACH","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"TEST","cellphone":null,"country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"TESTER","id":1124488,"address1":"225 S SEPULVEDA BLVD","default":true,"createtimestamp":1547665131000},{"city":"Manhattan Beach","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","cellphone":null,"country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","id":1124491,"address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"createtimestamp":1547677016000},{"city":"Manhattan Beach","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","cellphone":null,"country":"USA","address2":"Second Address","lastname":"Tester","id":1124494,"address1":"225 S Sepulveda Blvd","default":true,"createtimestamp":1547677495000}],"passwordExpirationDate":null,"billingaddresses":[],"storenum":"600","isRateLimited":false,"lastPurchaseDate":1547676513000,"locale":"en_US","crmid":"7000000480","lastname":"Tester","lastPaymentType":"CREDIT","id":63370603,"lastLoginDate":1547676141000,"regchannel":"web_desktop","status":"A","creditcards":[],"networkid":null,"registrationDate":1547587925000,"optin":false,"birthmonth":null,"birthyear":null,"phone":"0988766674","gender":"U","password":""}}

Live Response


Shipping Address - Update

Update a shipping address of customer. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • email: string

    Customer's email address, nonEmptyText.
  • id: int

    Shipping address ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • shipping.firstname: string

    Customer's first name, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • shipping.lastname: string

    Customer's last name, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • shipping.address1: string

    Customer's shipping address 1, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • shipping.address2: string

    Customer's shipping address 2, if passed in then nonEmptyText( maxLength = 255).
  • string

    Customer's shipping address city, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 50).
  • shipping.state: string

    Customer's shipping address state in ISO Alpha-2 format, maxLength = 10, default = "".
  • string

    Customer's shipping address zip code, maxLength = 25, default = "".
  • string

    Customer's shipping address country in ISO Alpha-3 format, maxLength = 50.
  • string

    Customer's shipping address phone number, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 255).
  • shipping.default: boolean

    Is default shipping? True to set to yes, false otherwise.

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/updateShippingAddress

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","id":1124491,"shipping":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","country":"USA","address2":"Second Shipping Address","lastname":"Tester","address1":"First Shipping Address","default":false,"phone":"8007463411"}}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","id":1124491,"shipping":{"city":"Manhattan Beach","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","country":"USA","address2":"Second Shipping Address","lastname":"Tester","address1":"First Shipping Address","default":false,"phone":"8007463411"}}}

Example Response

{"result":{"newPassword":null,"birthday":null,"vatid":null,"gcValue":0,"requireReKeyInCC":true,"customerwishlist":null,"zip":null,"email":"SKX_TESTER@SKECHERS.COM","employeeid":null,"firstname":"Test","shippingaddresses":[{"city":"Manhattan Beach","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"90266","state":"CA","firstname":"Test","cellphone":null,"country":"USA","address2":"Second Shipping Address","lastname":"Tester","id":1124491,"address1":"First Shipping Address","default":true,"createtimestamp":1547677016000}],"passwordExpirationDate":null,"billingaddresses":[],"storenum":"600","isRateLimited":false,"lastPurchaseDate":1547676513000,"locale":"en_US","crmid":"7000000480","lastname":"Tester","lastPaymentType":"CREDIT","id":63370603,"lastLoginDate":1547676141000,"regchannel":"web_desktop","status":"A","creditcards":[],"networkid":null,"registrationDate":1547587925000,"optin":false,"birthmonth":null,"birthyear":null,"phone":"0988766674","gender":"U","password":""}}

Live Response


Shipping Label

Get shipping label for the customer to return shoes. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns an OrderLog object.

Request Parameters

  • itemid: int

    Order item ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • userid: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • labelinfo: boolean

    Flag to use UPS default shipping label. Default = true.
POST /api/ups/getReturnShippingLabel

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"itemid":10155664,"userid":63370603,"labelinfo":true}} '

Example Response

{"result":{"vatid":null,"payments":[{"ccexpmonth":"12","updateuser":null,"ccexp":"12/2020","updatedatetime":null,"availableamount":0,"createuser":"WEB","totalrefundamount":0,"paymentservice":null,"activeok":true,"accountnumber":"x1111","paymenttype":"CREDIT","serverauthorizationcode":"8190979","serverreferencenum":"732463","status":null,"token":"1DEF1951-0BF6-412D-8E97-3F2D1ADEC2C6","createdatetime":1547676491000,"totalchargedamount":0,"ccexpyear":"2020","cctype":"Visa","paymentid":8450113,"gcpin":null}],"updatetimestamp":null,"crmecode":null,"garpacid":null,"orderitems":[{"stylecode":"12977","vat":null,"productname":"D'Lites 2 - One Piece","updatetimestamp":1547679407812,"quantity":1,"quantityprice":85,"skutype":"","carrier":null,"taxtype2":null,"credited":false,"tax":6.8,"unitprice":85,"shippinglabel":null,"discountcodedescription":null,"categorydiscountamount":0,"returnstorenum":null,"orderstatus":"NEW","skuvalue":"5.5","orderfailednotified":0,"vatrate":null,"taxtype":null,"giftcard":null,"version":0,"discountamount":0,"regularunitprice":85,"id":10155664,"shippingcost":0,"returndate":null,"orderfailedlastnotified":null,"discountcode":null,"creditamount":null,"tax2":0,"availabledate":null,"canceldate":null,"emailnotified":false,"returnreason":null,"ordershippingaddress":{"city":"MANHATTAN BEACH","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"TEST","cellphone":"8007463411","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"TESTER","id":4143955,"address1":"225 S SEPULVEDA BLVD","createtimestamp":1547676490000},"totalprice":91.8,"trackingnumber":null,"taxrate2":0,"chargeok":false,"taxrate":0.08,"ordernotes":null,"itemtype":"SHOE","cancelreason":null,"colorcode":"WBGD","pickdate":null,"referencecode":null,"shipstorenum":"600","refundamount":null,"shipdate":null,"shippingvendor":null,"pickok":null,"skunumber":"192283965500","gender":null,"reviewnotified":false}],"emailaddress":"SKX_TESTER@SKECHERS.COM","closed":false,"employeeid":null,"referralid":null,"ipaddress":"","currencycode":"USD","storenum":"600","appversion":4,"shippingmethod":"Standard","locale":"en_US","customerid":63370603,"version":0,"orderbillingaddress":{"city":"MANHATTAN BEACH","homephone":"8007463411","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"TEST","cellphone":"8007463411","country":"USA","address2":null,"lastname":"TESTER","id":2220190,"address1":"225 S SEPULVEDA BLVD","createtimestamp":1547676490000},"shippingcost":0,"discountcode":null,"shippingdescription":"","ordertimestamp":1547676490000,"orderid":497205,"numofinstallments":null,"childlogs":[],"networkid":null,"retailorder":null,"crmcardnum":null,"transactions":[],"comments":[]}}

Live Response


Shoe Alert

Create an email alert for a particular UPC / shoe for when it comes back in stock again. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns information about the shoe alert that was initiated.

Request Parameters

  • email: email

    Customer's email address.
  • sku: string

    Sku / UPC code for item, nonEmptyText, string that is numeric only, no dashes.
  • optin: boolean

    Flag for opting in promotional emails.

Response Parameters

  • email: string

    Customer's email address. Example:
  • entryTimestamp: long

    When the process of being alerted was initiated by the customer, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • locale: string

    Locale where the process of being alerted was initiated by the customer. en_US is US, en_US_direct is US Direct. es_CL is Chile, en_CA is Canada, fr_CA is French Canada, en_GB is UK, de_DE is Germany, and es_ES is Spain.
  • id: int

    Customer alert email ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 19558.
  • notifiedTimestamp: long

    When the customer was notified that the item was back in stock, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • notified: boolean

    True if the customer was notified when the item was back in stock, false otherwise.
  • alertType: string

    Alert type. Example: notify for notify type.
  • skuNumber: string

    Sku / UPC code for item, string that is numeric only, no dashes. Example: 192283965500.
POST /api/customer/saveShoeAlert

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","sku":"192283965500","optin":true}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Wallet - Add CC

Add a credit card to a customer. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a CreditCard object.

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • cardtype: string

    Card type returned from payment processor, e.g., Visa, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, JCB, nonEmptyText.
  • token: string

    Credit card token returned from Element, nonEmptyText.
  • accountnumber: string

    Last 4 digits of the Credit Card, nonEmptyText(minLength = 4, maxLength = 4).
  • expirationmonth: int

    Expiration month (range of 1 to 12 inclusive).
  • expirationyear: int

    Expiration year (range of 1970 to 2050 inclusive).

Response Parameters

  • CreditCard: object

    Refers to a CreditCard object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> CreditCard.
POST /api/customer/addCard

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"expirationyear":2025,"userid":15,"accountnumber":"1111","token":"H4959F8A-240E-4457-8CFC-F43CA52EFDD1","expirationmonth":1,"cardtype":"Visa"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Wallet - Delete CC

Delete a credit card from customer. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • cardid: int

    Credit card ID, numeric only, no dashes.

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/deleteCard

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"userid":63370603,"cardid":504820}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Wallet - Set Default CC

Set default credit card of customer. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Customer object.

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • cardid: int

    Credit card ID, numeric only, no dashes.

Response Parameters

  • Customer: object

    Refers to a Customer object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Customer.
POST /api/customer/defaultCreditCard

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"userid":63370603,"cardid":504820}} '

Example Response


Live Response



Get customer's wishlist. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a list of bagitems associated with the customer and the relevant information for each item such as name, gender, division, colorcode, etc. (see response parameters).

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes.

Response Parameters

  • locale: string

    Locale associated with the customer. Locale associated with the customer. en_US is US, en_US_direct is US Direct. es_CL is Chile, en_CA is Canada, fr_CA is French Canada, en_GB is UK, de_DE is Germany, and es_ES is Spain.
  • stylecode: string

    Product style code. Example: 52675.
  • name: string

    Product name. Example: D'Lites.
  • gender: string

    Gender associated with the product. M for male, F for female, and U for unspecified.
  • division: string

    Product division code. Example: TC for Men's Sport Casual.
  • colorcode: string

    Product color code. Example: BKW for black/white.
  • color: string

    Product color. Example: BLACK.
  • colordesc: string

    Product color description. Example: BLACK/WHITE.
  • images: string

    Product's file name and extension. Example: 52675_BKW.jpg.
  • upc: string

    Product's UPC code, string that is numeric only, no dashes. Example: 888222488215.
  • size: string

    Product size. Example: 9.5.
  • width: string

    Product width. Example: W for wide.
  • instock: boolean

    If the product is in stock, true, otherwise false.
  • price: float

    Product price. Example: 100.00.
  • discountprice: float

    Product discounted price. Example: 75.00.
  • isShoes: boolean

    If the product is a shoe, true, otherwise false.
POST /api/customer/getWishBag

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"userid":63370603}} '

Example Response


Live Response


WishList - Add Item

Add item to customer's wishlist. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a wishlist of items with the item added.

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • upc: string

    Item's UPC code, string that is numeric only, no dashes.

Response Parameters

  • id: int

    Customer wishlist items wishlist ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • wishlistItems: list

    List of wish list objects. Refers to a WishlistItem object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> WishlistItem.
POST /api/customer/addWishlistItem

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"userid":63370603,"upc":"192283965500"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


WishList - Remove Item

Remove item from customer's wishlist. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a wishlist of items with the item removed.

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    Customer's ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • upc: string

    Item's UPC code, string that is numeric only, no dashes.

Response Parameters

  • id: int

    Customer wishlist items wishlist ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • wishlistItems: list

    List of wish list objects. Refers to a WishlistItem object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> WishlistItem.
POST /api/customer/removeWishlistItem

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"userid":63370603,"upc":"192283965500"}} '

Example Response


Live Response