
Create, delete, update, and search discounts and promocodes.

Error Codes

The Skechers Web Service uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. When a request is valid, but does not complete successfully (e.g. user not found), a response is given containing a specific error code and error message about the point of failure.

Response Parameters

  • errorCode: string

    An error code that can be referenced in the table to the right. Refer to this error code when identifying errors.
  • errorMessage: string

    A human-readable message providing more details about this error.


00001 Request Timeout.
00002 Invalid form data.
05000 Discount already exists.
05001 Discount not found.
05002 Discount expired.
05003 Discount not started.
05004 Max usage reached.
05006 Min purchase amount not met.
05007 Max purchase amount exceeded.
05008 Min quantity not met.
05009 Max quantity exceeded.
05010 Does not match gender specified for discount.
05011 Required style code not met.
05012 Must buy all required styles for this discount.
05013 Excluded style codes used.
05014 Discount cannot be approved.
05015 Discount not applicable to redlined items.
05016 Generic Error - Discount not applicable.



  • id: int

    Conditions ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 101.
  • freeshipping: boolean

    True if free standard shipping, false otherwise.
  • usesPerCustomer: int

    Number of uses allowed per customer. Example: 10.
  • maxusage: int

    Max number of times the discount can be used. Example: 10.
  • minItemAmount: float

    Min item amount for which the discount can be applied to. Example: 10.00.
  • maxItemAmount: float

    Max item amount for which the discount can be applied to. Example: 100.00.
  • minOrderAmount: float

    Min order amount before the discount can be applied. Example: 200.00
  • maxOrderAmount: float

    Max order amount that the discount can be applied. Example: 300.00
  • minqty: int

    Min quantity of items before the discount can be applied. Example: 5.
  • maxqty: int

    Max quantity of items that the customer can have so that the discount applies. Example: 15.
  • mustbuyall: boolean

    True if all specified stylecodes / catids are required for discount to be applicable, false otherwise.
  • includeDiscountItems: boolean

    True if the discount is applicable to discounted items, false otherwise.
  • genders: list

    Genders the discount applies to. List of strings. Example: M for male, F for female.
  • stylecodes: list

    Stylecodes the discount applies to. List of strings. Example: 53927.
  • excludedstyles: list

    Stylecodes the discount doesn't apply to. List of strings. Example: 52619.
  • catids: list

    Category IDs the discount applies to. List of strings.
  • excludedcatids: list

    Category IDs the discount doesn't apply to. List of strings.
  • divisions: list

    Divisions the discount applies to. List of strings. Example: TC for Men's Sport Casual.
  • excludeddivisions: string

    Divisions the discount doesn't apply to. List of strings. TC for Men's Sport Casual.



  • id: int

    Discount ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 1492912.
  • code: string

    Discount code. Example: $30_OFF.
  • amount: float

    Discount amount. Example: 30.00.
  • uses: int

    Number of uses of the discount for tracking. Example: 5.
  • locale: string

    Locale where the discount is being applied to.en_US is US, en_US_direct is US Direct. es_CL is Chile, en_CA is Canada, fr_CA is French Canada, en_GB is UK, de_DE is Germany, and es_ES is Spain.
  • description: string

    Discount description. Example: Get 30 dollars off your order.
  • notes: string

    Discount notes. Example: This is a discount note.
  • amountType: string

    Amount type of the discount. Example: P for percent or F for fixed.
  • discountType: string

    Discount type. Example: I for item, O for order, or P for purchase with purchase (PWP).
  • beginDate: long

    Begin date discount should go into effect, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • endDate: long

    End date discount should end, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • garpacid: string

    Garpac ID if this is a B2B discount, if applicable. Example: 88888.
  • status: string

    Discount status. A for active, P for pending, D for disabled.
  • author: string

    Author of the discount in email format. Example:
  • conditions: object

    Discount conditions. Please refer to the Conditions model under Model -> Conditions for fields that are associated with each Conditions object.
  • purchaseConditions: object

    Discount purchase conditions. Please refer to the Conditions model under Model -> Conditions for fields that are associated with each purchase conditions object.

Apply Discount

On error, returns an error code. On success, applies a discount to an order and returns the discount amount. It also returns the list of items for which the discount is applicable to as well as the list of excluded items for which the discount is not applicable to. The discount amount is divided evenly among each of the applicable items.

Request Parameters

  • discountcode: string

    Discount code, nonEmptyText(maxLength = 50).
  • lineitems.upccode: string

    Item's UPC Code, nonEmptyText, string that is numeric only, no dashes.
  • lineitems.quantity: int

    Item Quantity.

Response Parameters

  • amount: float

    Amount taken off the subtotal as a result of applying the discount.
  • applicableItems: list

    Items that the discount is applicable to. Refers to a list of objects for which the fields are listed below this entry.
  • upc: string

    Item's UPC code, string that is numeric only, no dashes. Example: 888222488215.
  • productname: string

    Name of the product. Example: D'Lites.
  • code: string

    Discount code applied to the order. Example: $10_OFF.
  • discountType: string

    Type of discount. Example: O for order type discount.
POST /api/discount/applyDiscount

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"discountcode":"$10_OFF","lineitems":[{"upccode":"193113109125","quantity":1},{"upccode":"884292343003","quantity":1}]}} '

Example Response

{"result":{"amount":10,"applicableItems":[{"productname":"D'Lites","discountType":"O","amount":5,"code":"$10_OFF","upc":"193113109125"},{"productname":"D'Lites - Biggest Fan","discountType":"O","amount":5,"code":"$10_OFF","upc":"884292343003"}],"excludedItems":[],"discountType":"O"}}

Live Response


Batch Create

Batch create discounts. On error, returns an error code. On success, sends csv file to provided email address and returns a confirmation message stating that an email has been sent to the email address provided.

Request Parameters

  • refid: string

    Reference Id to avoid duplicates. Non-empty text, minLength = 5.
  • email: string

    Email address to send the codes to. Non-empty text.
  • suffixlength: int

    Discount code suffix length. MaxLength = 50.
  • numofdiscounts: int

    Number of discounts to generate. Max limit of 500,000.
  • prefix: string

    Discount prefix, nonEmptyText( maxLength = 10).
  • excludes: string

    List of chars to exclude from generated codes.
  • alphanumeric: boolean

    True if alphanumeric code, else it will be entirely numeric.
  • freeshipping: boolean

    Free standard shipping. Default value=false
  • usesPerCustomer: int

    Number of times a customer can use the discount.
  • maxusage: int

    Max number of times the discount can be used.
  • minItemAmount: float

    Min item amount.
  • maxItemAmount: float

    Max item amount.
  • minOrderAmount: float

    Min order amount.
  • maxOrderAmount: float

    Max order amount.
  • minqty: int

    Min quantity.
  • maxqty: int

    Max quantity.
  • mustbuyall: boolean

    If all specified stylecodes / catids are required for discount to be applicable. Default value=false
  • includeDiscountItems: boolean

    If the discount is applicable to discounted items. Default value=false
  • genders: list

    Genders the discount applies to. List of strings.
  • stylecodes: list

    Stylecodes the discount applies to. List of strings.
  • excludedstyles: list

    Stylecodes the discount doesn't apply to. List of strings.
  • catids: list

    Category IDs the discount applies to. List of strings.
  • excludedcatids: list

    Category IDs the discount doesn't apply to. List of strings.
  • divisions: list

    Divisions the discount applies to. List of strings.
  • excludeddivisions: list

    Divisions the discount doesn't apply to. List of strings.
  • code: string

    Discount code, nonEmptyText(maxLength= 50).
  • amount: float

    Discount amount.
  • description: string

    Discount description.
  • notes: string

    Discount notes.
  • amounttype: string

    Whether the discount is percentage-based or fixed, nonEmptyText. Char. Either P for Percent, or F for Fixed.
  • discounttype: string

    Whether the discount is an item, order, or PWP discount, nonEmptyText. Char. I for Item Discount, O for Order Discount, P for PWP Discount.
  • begindate: long

    Begin date discount should go into effect, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
  • enddate: long

    End date discount should end, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
  • garpacid: string

    Garpac ID if this is a B2B discount.
  • pwpConditions: object

    Another set of conditions.
POST /api/discount/batchCreate

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"refid":"L39F5","email":"","suffixlength":10,"numofdiscounts":10,"prefix":"SKX","excludes":["!","#"],"alphanumeric":true,"discount":{"conditions":{"excludedcatids":[],"maxqty":5,"excludeddivisions":[],"excludedstyles":[],"catids":[],"maxOrderAmount":250,"mustbuyall":false,"includeDiscountItems":false,"freeshipping":true,"maxusage":40,"stylecodes":["193113109125"],"minOrderAmount":100,"divisions":[],"genders":["M"],"maxItemAmount":110.5,"minqty":1,"minItemAmount":5.5},"description":"Another description","amount":"40.00","begindate":1403549175000,"code":"$10_OFF","discounttype":"O","notes":"Notes","enddate":1435085175000,"amounttype":"P"}}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"refid":"L39F5","email":"","suffixlength":10,"numofdiscounts":10,"prefix":"SKX","excludes":["!","#"],"alphanumeric":true,"discount":{"conditions":{"excludedcatids":[],"maxqty":5,"excludeddivisions":[],"excludedstyles":[],"catids":[],"maxOrderAmount":250,"mustbuyall":false,"includeDiscountItems":false,"freeshipping":true,"maxusage":40,"stylecodes":["193113109125"],"minOrderAmount":100,"divisions":[],"genders":["M"],"maxItemAmount":110.5,"minqty":1,"minItemAmount":5.5},"description":"Another description","amount":"40.00","begindate":1403549175000,"code":"$10_OFF","discounttype":"O","notes":"Notes","enddate":1435085175000,"amounttype":"P"}}}

Example Response

{"result":"Email has been sent to"}

Live Response


Create Discount

Add a discount. Automatically set to inactive, requires approval first. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Discount object.

Request Parameters

  • code: string

    Discount code, nonEmptyText(maxLength= 50).
  • amount: float

    Discount amount.
  • description: string

    Discount description.
  • notes: string

    Discount notes.
  • amounttype: string

    Whether the discount is percentage-based or fixed, nonEmptyText. Char. Either P for Percent, or F for Fixed.
  • discounttype: string

    Whether the discount is an item, order, or PWP discount, nonEmptyText. Char. I for Item Discount, O for Order Discount, P for PWP Discount.
  • begindate: long

    Begin date discount should go into effect, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
  • enddate: long

    End date discount should end, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
  • garpacid: string

    Garpac ID if this is a B2B discount.
  • freeshipping: boolean

    Free standard shipping. Default value=false
  • usesPerCustomer: int

    Number of times a customer can use the discount.
  • maxusage: int

    Max number of times the discount can be used.
  • minItemAmount: float

    Min item amount.
  • maxItemAmount: float

    Max item amount.
  • minOrderAmount: float

    Min order amount.
  • maxOrderAmount: float

    Max order amount.
  • minqty: int

    Min quantity.
  • maxqty: int

    Max quantity.
  • mustbuyall: boolean

    If all specified stylecodes / catids are required for discount to be applicable. Default value=false
  • includeDiscountItems: boolean

    If the discount is applicable to discounted items. Default value=false
  • genders: list

    Genders the discount applies to. List of strings.
  • stylecodes: list

    Stylecodes the discount applies to. List of strings.
  • excludedstyles: list

    Stylecodes the discount doesn't apply to. List of strings.
  • catids: list

    Category IDs the discount applies to. List of strings.
  • excludedcatids: list

    Category IDs the discount doesn't apply to. List of strings.
  • divisions: list

    Divisions the discount applies to. List of strings.
  • excludeddivisions: string

    Divisions the discount doesn't apply to. List of strings.
  • giveAwayConditions: object

    Another set of conditions.

Response Parameters

  • Discount: object

    Refers to a Discount object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Discount.
POST /api/discount/createDiscount

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"conditions":{"excludedcatids":[],"maxqty":2,"excludeddivisions":[],"excludedstyles":["52619"],"catids":[],"maxOrderAmount":500,"mustbuyall":false,"includeDiscountItems":false,"freeshipping":false,"maxusage":1,"stylecodes":["53927"],"minOrderAmount":15,"divisions":[],"genders":["M"],"maxItemAmount":200,"minqty":1,"usesPerCustomer":1,"minItemAmount":10},"garpacid":"88888","description":"Another description","amount":30,"begindate":1403549175000,"code":"$30_OFF","discounttype":"O","pwpConditions":{"stylecodes":["68135"]},"notes":"Notes","enddate":1435085175000,"amounttype":"P"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"conditions":{"excludedcatids":[],"maxqty":2,"excludeddivisions":[],"excludedstyles":["52619"],"catids":[],"maxOrderAmount":500,"mustbuyall":false,"includeDiscountItems":false,"freeshipping":false,"maxusage":1,"stylecodes":["53927"],"minOrderAmount":15,"divisions":[],"genders":["M"],"maxItemAmount":200,"minqty":1,"usesPerCustomer":1,"minItemAmount":10},"garpacid":"88888","description":"Another description","amount":30,"begindate":1403549175000,"code":"$30_OFF","discounttype":"O","pwpConditions":{"stylecodes":["68135"]},"notes":"Notes","enddate":1435085175000,"amounttype":"P"}}

Example Response

{"result":{"conditions":{"excludedcatids":[],"maxqty":2,"excludeddivisions":[],"excludedstyles":["52619"],"catids":[],"maxOrderAmount":500,"mustbuyall":false,"includeDiscountItems":false,"freeshipping":false,"maxusage":1,"stylecodes":["53927"],"minOrderAmount":15,"divisions":[],"genders":["M"],"maxItemAmount":200,"minqty":1,"usesPerCustomer":1,"minItemAmount":10},"author":null,"garpacid":"88888","description":"Another description","usage":0,"amount":30,"begindate":1403549175000,"code":"$30_OFF","discounttype":"O","status":"P","purchaseConditions":null,"notes":"Notes","enddate":1435085175000,"amounttype":"P"}}

Live Response


Get Discount By Code

Get discount by code and locale. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a Discount object.

Request Parameters

  • code: string

    Discount code, case insensitive. Non-empty text.

Response Parameters

  • Discount: object

    Refers to a Discount object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Discount.
POST /api/discount/getDiscountByCode

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"code":"QHUANG6TSO"}} '

Example Response

{"result":{"conditions":{"excludedcatids":[],"maxqty":null,"excludeddivisions":[],"excludedstyles":[],"catids":[],"maxOrderAmount":null,"mustbuyall":false,"includeDiscountItems":false,"freeshipping":true,"maxusage":null,"stylecodes":[],"minOrderAmount":null,"divisions":[],"genders":[],"maxItemAmount":null,"minqty":null,"usesPerCustomer":null,"minItemAmount":null},"author":"TIFFANYM@SKECHERS.COM","garpacid":null,"description":"10$ Off Order and free shipping!","usage":64,"amount":10,"begindate":1406876400000,"code":"QHUANG6TSO","discounttype":"O","status":"A","purchaseConditions":null,"notes":null,"enddate":1923897599000,"amounttype":"F"}}

Live Response


Get Discounts By Status

Get all discounts associated with a status. 'A' for Active, 'P' for Pending, 'D' for disabled. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a list of Discount objects that meet the status criteria.

Request Parameters

  • status: string

    Discount status, nonEmptyText. A for Active, P for Pending, D for Disabled.

Response Parameters

  • Discount: object

    Refers to a Discount object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Discount.
POST /api/discount/getDiscountsByStatus

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"status":["P"]}} '

Example Response

{"result":[{"conditions":{"excludedcatids":[],"maxqty":null,"excludeddivisions":[],"excludedstyles":[],"catids":["/styles/shoes/sandals/sport-sandals"],"maxOrderAmount":null,"mustbuyall":false,"includeDiscountItems":false,"freeshipping":false,"maxusage":null,"stylecodes":[],"minOrderAmount":null,"divisions":[],"genders":[],"maxItemAmount":null,"minqty":null,"usesPerCustomer":null,"minItemAmount":null},"author":"AMYR@SKECHERS.COM","garpacid":null,"description":"Test discount","usage":0,"amount":50,"begindate":1533853446000,"code":"ZZZZZZ","discounttype":"I","status":"P","purchaseConditions":null,"notes":null,"enddate":1921015446000,"amounttype":"P"}]}

Live Response


Increment Usage

Increment usage of a discount. On error, returns an error code. On success, increments the usage of the discount provided and returns a success confirmation message.

Request Parameters

  • code: string

    Discount code, nonEmptyText.
POST /api/discount/incrementUsage

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"code":"$10_OFF"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Resend Batch Email

Send email with csv of generated codes from previous batch creation. On error, returns an error code. On success, resends csv file containing the batch of discounts associated with prefix and refid provided to the email address provided. Also returns a confirmation message stating that an email has been sent to the email address provided.

Request Parameters

  • prefix: string

    Discount prefix, nonEmptyText.
  • email: string

    Email address to send the codes to. Non-empty text.
  • refid: string

    Reference Id to avoid duplicates. Non-empty text.
POST /api/discount/resendBatchEmail

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"email":"","prefix":"SKX","refid":"L39F5"}} '

Example Response

{"result":"Email has been sent to"}

Live Response


Search By Field

Search discounts by code, begin date, end date, or description. All optional fields. Does not include batch discounts. Limit 1000. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns a list of Discount objects that meet the search criteria.

Request Parameters

  • code: string

    Discount code.
  • begindate: long

    Beginning of date range to search, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
  • enddate: long

    End of date range to search, expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
  • description: string

    Discount description.

Response Parameters

  • Discount: object

    Refers to a Discount object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Discount.
POST /api/discount/searchByField

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"code":"$10_OFF","begindate":1388534400000,"enddate":1580284800000,"description":"Get $10 off your total order"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"code":"$10_OFF","begindate":1388534400000,"enddate":1580284800000,"description":"Get $10 off your total order"}}

Example Response

{"result":[{"conditions":{"excludedcatids":[],"maxqty":null,"excludeddivisions":[],"excludedstyles":[],"catids":[],"maxOrderAmount":null,"mustbuyall":false,"includeDiscountItems":false,"freeshipping":false,"maxusage":null,"stylecodes":[],"minOrderAmount":null,"divisions":[],"genders":[],"maxItemAmount":null,"minqty":null,"usesPerCustomer":null,"minItemAmount":null},"author":"SKXTEST@SKECHERS.COM","garpacid":null,"description":"Get $10 off your total order","usage":4,"amount":10,"begindate":1547107200000,"code":"$10_OFF","discounttype":"O","status":"A","purchaseConditions":null,"notes":null,"enddate":1580284800000,"amounttype":"F"}]}

Live Response


Update Discount

Update a discount. Automatically set to inactive, requires approval first. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns the updated Discount object.

Request Parameters

  • amount: string

    Must be a string that contains a float.
  • description: string

  • notes: string

  • begindate: int

    Begin date discount should go into effect, in milliseconds.
  • enddate: int

    End date discount should end, in milliseconds.
  • freeshipping: boolean

    Free standard shipping.
  • garpacid: string

    Garpac ID if this is a B2B discount.
  • maxusage: string

  • minItemAmount: int

    Min item amount. Float.
  • maxItemAmount: int

    Max item amount. Float.
  • minOrderAmount: int

    Min order amount. Float.
  • maxOrderAmount: int

    Max order amount. Float.
  • minqty: int

    Min quantity.
  • maxqty: int

    Max quantity.
  • mustbuyall: boolean

    If all specified stylecodes / catids are required for discount to be applicable.
  • genders: list

    Genders discount applies to. List of strings.
  • stylecodes: list

    Excluded stylecodes discount applies to. List of strings.
  • excludedstyles: list

    Stylecodes discount doesn't apply to. List of strings.
  • catids: list

    Category IDs that discount applies to. List of strings.
  • excludedcatids: list

    Category IDs that discount doesn't apply to. List of strings.
  • pwpConditions: object

    Another set of conditions.

Response Parameters

  • Discount: object

    Refers to a Discount object for which the model can be found in the Models section of this document under Models -> Discount.
POST /api/discount/updateDiscount

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"discount":{"conditions":{"stylecodes":["53927"]},"giveAwayConditions":{"stylecodes":["68135"]},"description":"Another description","amount":"100.00","begindate":1403549175000,"code":"GIVEAWAY10","discounttype":"O","notes":"Notes","enddate":1435085175000,"amounttype":"P"}}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"discount":{"conditions":{"stylecodes":["53927"]},"giveAwayConditions":{"stylecodes":["68135"]},"description":"Another description","amount":"100.00","begindate":1403549175000,"code":"GIVEAWAY10","discounttype":"O","notes":"Notes","enddate":1435085175000,"amounttype":"P"}}}

Example Response

{"result":{"excludedcatids":[],"freeShipping":false,"maxUsage":null,"isBatch":false,"endDate":1435085175000,"discountType":"O","garpacid":null,"giveAwayConditions":{"excludedcatids":[],"minQuantity":null,"maxQuantity":null,"excludedstyles":[],"catids":[],"id":3,"stylecodes":["68135"],"genders":null,"maxItemAmount":null,"minItemAmount":null},"minQuantity":null,"description":"Another description","uses":0,"maxQuantity":null,"mustBuyAllStyles":false,"excludedstyles":[],"catids":[],"amount":100,"locale":"en_US","code":"GIVEAWAY10","maxOrderAmount":null,"id":1403,"status":"P","stylecodes":["53927"],"minOrderAmount":null,"notes":"Notes","genders":null,"maxItemAmount":null,"amountType":"P","beginDate":1403549175000,"minItemAmount":null}}

Live Response


Update Status

Approve, disable, activate a discount. On error, returns an error code. On success, updates the status of the provided discount and returns a success confirmation message.

Request Parameters

  • code: string

    Discount code, nonEmptyText.
  • status: string

    Discount status will be updated to the value provided in this field, nonEmptyText. Set 'A' to set to active, 'P' for pending, 'D' for disabled.
  • author: string

    Email address of the discount author, nonEmptyText.
POST /api/discount/updateStatus

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"code":"$10_OFF","status":"A","author":""}} '

Example Response


Live Response