
Search and update existing web orders. Admin order updates.

Error Codes

The Skechers Web Service uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. When a request is valid, but does not complete successfully (e.g. user not found), a response is given containing a specific error code and error message about the point of failure.

Response Parameters

  • errorCode: string

    An error code that can be referenced in the table to the right. Refer to this error code when identifying errors.
  • errorMessage: string

    A human-readable message providing more details about this error.


06000 Order not found.
06002 Order item not found.
06004 Order payment not found.
06005 Order not allowed to change.
06007 Order item not allowed to change.
06013 Order transaction error.
06025 Order already closed.
06026 Order not allowed to cancel partial order.
06029 Order resend email failed.
06038 Invalid state code.
06039 Payment timeout.
06040 SKU not available.
06041 Return label generation failed.
06042 Order has not been shipped, not eligible for return label.



  • id: int

    Order Item Id generated by database.
  • orderid: int

    Order number
  • skunumber: string

    Sku Number that uniquely identifies that product in the inventory. For example : sku Number for product D'Lites 2 - One Piece Style : 12977 Color Code : WBKB is 192283758959
  • skuvalue: string

    Skechers defined shoe size.
  • unitprice: float

    Price of the item after discount
  • regularunitprice: float

    Regular price before coupon and category discount
  • quantity: int

  • discountcode: string

    Discount code applied to a order item.
  • discountcodedescription: string

    Description of the discount code used
  • stylecode: string

    Style code of the order item placed for example 12977
  • colorcode: string

    Code code of the order itemm for example WBKB.
  • color: string

    Various options for the color of the order items provided, for example WHT/BLACK/BLUE
  • itemtype: string

    Type of the item, for example 'REWARD' or 'SHOE'.
  • image: string

    Product image applied to order item.
  • trackingnumber: string

    A string provided by a carrier to track the package.
  • trackinglink: string

    A url created by Skechers to allow customer tracks their package.
  • orderstatus: string

    Status in which the order is, for example: NEW,SHIP,CANC etc.
  • quantityprice: float

    The price of total quanity bought.
  • itemdiscountamount: float

    The discount amount applied to order item.
  • itemtax: float

    The tax amount calculated per item.
  • itemtotalprice: float

    Total price of the item after adding the tax amount. For example : Shoe price : 85$ and Tax amount : 6.80. Total Item Cost : $91.80
  • itemshippingcost: float

    The shipping cost applied to order item.
  • categorydiscountamount: float

    The category discount applied to order item.
  • refundamount: float

    Total refund amount applied to order item.
  • creditamount: float

    Total credit amount applied to order item.
  • divisioncode: string

    Skechers defined product divison for order item.
  • skutype: string

    Type of shoe width for order item, for example EW, EEW.
  • webwidth: string

    The web width for order item.
  • productname: string

    Skechers defined product name for order item, for example D'Lites 2 - One Piece.
  • pickdate: Calendar

    The date that order has been processed by Skechers E2 systme.
  • shipdate: Calendar

    Expected shipping date of the Order
  • shipstorenum: string

    Shipping store number
  • canceldate: Calendar

    Order cancel date
  • returndate: Calendar

    Order return date
  • cancelreason: string

    Order cancel reason
  • returnreason: string

    Order return reason
  • giftcard_recipient_name: string

    gift card's recipient name.
  • giftcard_recipient_email: string

    gidtcard’s recipient’s email address.
  • giftcard_sender_name: string

    gift card's sender name.
  • giftcard_cardnum: string

    Gift card CardNumber
  • giftcard_pin: string

    Gift card’s PIN number.
  • giftcard_msg: string

    Gift card message.
  • giftcard_amount: float

    Gift card amount
  • giftcard_expiration: Long

    Gift card’s expiration date
  • item_shipping_fname: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping first name.
  • item_shipping_lname: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping last name.
  • item_shipping_address1: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping address line1.
  • item_shipping_address2: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping address line2.
  • item_shipping_city: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping city.
  • item_shipping_zip: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping zipCode.
  • item_shipping_state: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping state.
  • item_shipping_country: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping country
  • item_shipping_phone: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping phone number
  • .appCancellable: boolean

    Status indicates order item is cancellable by a customer.
  • adminEditable: boolean

    Status indicates order item is eidtable Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • adminReturnable: boolean

    Status indicates order item is returnable Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • adminRevokable: boolean

    Status indicates order item is revokable Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • adminRevoked: boolean

    Status indicates order item is revoked Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • appReturnable: boolean

    Status indicates order item is returnable by a customer.
  • isCreditedPoints: boolean

    Status indicates order item is allow to credit.
  • itemtaxes: List[TaxCalculation]

    List of taxs applied to order item.
  • itemtaxes[0].tax: float

    Tax amount based on subtotal.
  • itemtaxes[0].taxtype: string

    Tax type. Default tax type is TAX
  • item_issue_creditinvoice: boolean

    Status indicates order item is allow to issue credit invoice.
  • isShoes: boolean

    Boolean variable that defines if this order item is of type shoe or not.



  • id: int

    Order Item Id generated by database.
  • orderid: String

    Order number
  • skunumber: string

    Sku Number that uniquely identifies that product in the inventory. For example : sku Number for product D'Lites 2 - One Piece Style : 12977 Color Code : WBKB is 192283758959
  • skuvalue: string

    Skechers defined shoe size.
  • unitprice: float

    Price of the item after discount
  • regularunitprice: float

    Regular price before coupon and category discount
  • quantity: int

  • stylecode: string

    Style code of the order item placed for example 12977
  • colorcode: string

    Code code of the order itemm for example WBKB.
  • color: string

    Various options for the color of the order items provided, for example WHT/BLACK/BLUE
  • itemtype: string

    Type of the item, for example 'REWARD' or 'SHOE'.
  • image: string

    Product image applied to order item.
  • trackingnumber: string

    A string provided by a carrier to track the package.
  • trackinglink: string

    A url created by Skechers to allow customer tracks their package.
  • orderstatus: string

    Status in which the order is, for example: NEW,SHIP,CANC etc.
  • quantityprice: float

    The price of total quanity bought.
  • itemdiscountamount: float

    The discount amount applied to order item.
  • itemtax: float

    The tax amount calculated per item.
  • itemtotalprice: float

    Total price of the item after adding the tax amount. For example : Shoe price : 85$ and Tax amount : 6.80. Total Item Cost : $91.80
  • itemshippingcost: float

    The shipping cost applied to order item.
  • categorydiscountamount: float

    The category discount applied to order item.
  • refundamount: float

    Total refund amount applied to order item.
  • creditamount: float

    Total credit amount applied to order item.
  • divisioncode: string

    Skechers defined product divison for order item.
  • skutype: string

    Type of shoe width for order item, for example EW, EEW.
  • webwidth: string

    The web width for order item.
  • productname: string

    Skechers defined product name for order item, for example D'Lites 2 - One Piece.
  • pickdate: Calendar

    The date that order has been processed by Skechers E2 systme.
  • shipdate: Calendar

    Expected shipping date of the Order
  • shipstorenum: string

    Shipping store number
  • canceldate: Calendar

    Order cancel date
  • returndate: Calendar

    Order return date
  • cancelreason: string

    Order cancel reason
  • returnreason: string

    Order return reason
  • giftcard_recipient_name: string

    gift card's recipient name.
  • giftcard_recipient_email: string

    gidtcard’s recipient’s email address.
  • giftcard_sender_name: string

    gift card's sender name.
  • giftcard_cardnum: string

    Gift card CardNumber
  • giftcard_pin: string

    Gift card’s PIN number.
  • giftcard_msg: string

    Gift card message.
  • giftcard_amount: float

    Gift card amount
  • giftcard_expiration: Long

    Gift card’s expiration date
  • item_shipping_fname: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping first name.
  • item_shipping_lname: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping last name.
  • item_shipping_address1: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping address line1.
  • item_shipping_address2: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping address line2.
  • item_shipping_city: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping city.
  • item_shipping_zip: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping zipCode.
  • item_shipping_state: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping state.
  • item_shipping_country: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping country
  • item_shipping_phone: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping phone number
  • isCreditedPoints: boolean

    Status indicates order item is allow to credit.
  • itemtaxes: List[TaxCalculation]

    List of taxs applied to order item.
  • itemtaxes[0].tax: float

    Tax amount based on subtotal.
  • itemtaxes[0].taxtype: string

    Tax type. Default tax type is TAX
  • item_issue_creditinvoice: boolean

    Status indicates order item is allow to issue credit invoice.
  • isShoes: boolean

    Boolean variable that defines if this order item is of type shoe or not.



  • orderid: int

    Skechers order number.
  • locale: string

    Location from where the order enters the system. For example , en_US for USA orders.
  • parentid: int

    New order number for exchange order action.
  • storenum: string

    Store where the order is placed.
  • customerid: int

    For guest customer, userid is -1, for order placed through Omni, userid is -2, for Skechers Elite member, userid is any number greater than 0
  • emailaddress: string

    Customer email used for placing order.
  • billing_fname: string

    Customer’s billing first name.
  • billing_lname: string

    Customer’s billing last name.
  • billing_address1: string

    Customer’s billing address line1.
  • billing_address2: string

    Customer’s billing address line2.
  • billing_city: string

    Customer’s billing city.
  • billing_zip: string

    Customer’s billing zipCode.
  • billing_state: string

    Customer’s billing state.
  • billing_country: string

    Customer’s billing country.
  • billing_phone: string

    Customer’s billing phone number.
  • shipping_fname: string

    Customer’s shipping first name.
  • shipping_lname: string

    Customer’s shipping last name.
  • shipping_address1: string

    Customer’s shipping address line1.
  • shipping_address2: string

    Customer’s shipping address line2.
  • shipping_city: string

    Customer’s shipping city.
  • shipping_zip: string

    Customer’s shipping zipCode.
  • shipping_state: string

    Customer’s shipping state.
  • shipping_country: string

    Customer’s shipping country.
  • shipping_phone: string

    Customer’s shipping phone number.
  • shippingmethod: string

    Order shipping method, for example Standard shipping method.
  • shippingdescription: string

    Description of shipping method, for example : Standard Shipping (4-10 business day for Standard shipping method).
  • discountcode: string

    Discount code used for placing the order.
  • tax: float

    Tax amount applied to order.
  • discountamount: float

    Discount amount applied to order.
  • shippingcost: float

    Shipping amount applied to order.
  • referralid: string

    Order placed through Skechers affiliate member site. The referalid is an pre-defined name associated with each Skechers affiliate member, for example, the mobile-predictspring refers to the order placed by Skechers mobile application.
  • currencycode: string

    Currency Code applied to order, for example: USD for Skechers US site.
  • ordertimestamp: Calendar

    The time at which order is placed.
  • failedPaymentRetry: boolean

    Status indicates order has failed payments and 'Retry' option is allowed.
  • garpacid: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique number provided by Skechers E2 system.
  • networkid: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique string provided by a B2B employee while placing an order on Skechers's B2B site.
  • taxrate: float

    Tax rate applied to order.
  • groupname: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique name provided by B2B to identify a business unit.
  • estimatedShippingDate: Calendar

    Estimated Shipping Date applied to order.
  • crmecode: string

    A unique string for Skechers's Elite member.
  • crmcardnum: string

    A unique number for Skechers's Elite member.
  • subtotal: float

    Sum of item total after item's category discount.
  • total: float

    Total amount applied to order.
  • gcpaymentamount: float

    Sum of total paid by gift cards.
  • totalaftergcpaymentamount: float

    Order total amount after gift card payments.
  • orderAppCancellable: boolean

    Status indicates order is cancellable by a customer.
  • orderAdminEditable: boolean

    Status indicates order is cancellable by a Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • orderAdminReturnable: boolean

    Status indicates order qualifies for return by a Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • orderAdminDiscountable: boolean

    Status indicates order qualifies for discount by a Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • orderAdminRevokable: boolean

    Status indicates order qualifies for revoke by a Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • orderAdminRevoked: boolean

    Status indicates order has been revoked.
  • orderAdminVoidable: boolean

    Status indicates order qualifies for void by a Skechers CS associate through Skxadmin.
  • inReturnGracePeriod: boolean

    Status indicates order is under Skechers defined return period.
  • inPayPalReturnGracePeriod: boolean

    Status indicates order is under PayPal defined refund period.
  • orderDisplayReturn: boolean

    Status notifies front-end to show 'Return' option on 'MANAGER ORDER' dropdown selection on 'Order Detail' page.
  • failedCCPayment: boolean

    Status indicates order has failed payments
  • exchangeOrderIds: List[int]

    List of exchanged order numbers.
  • orderitemwrites: List[WebItem]

    Refers to WebItem object to Models -> WebItem.
  • exchangedOrderItems: List[WebItem]

    Order items linked to exchanged order, refers to WebItem object to Models -> WebItem.
  • creditedGiftCardItems: List[WebItem]

    Order items associated with refunded gift card items, refers to WebItem object to Models -> WebItem.
  • transactionwrites: List[TransactionWrites]

    List of order transactions applied to order.
  • transactionwrites[0].id: int

    A unique id generated by database.
  • transactionwrites[0].transactiontype: String

    Transaction type, for examle CVV, CC_SALE, CC_REFUND ...
  • transactionwrites[0].transactionamount: Float

    The amount applied to payment gateway transaction.
  • transactionwrites[0].cctype: String

    Credit card type applied to order.
  • transactionwrites[0].accountnumber: string

    Payment's account number, for example credit card's acct number is last 4-digits prefixed with x, PayPal's acct number is payerId provided by PayPal.
  • transactionwrites[0].serverreferencenum: string

    A unique number generated by Skechers to identify each transaction request.
  • transactionwrites[0].voidable: Boolean

    Status indicates transaction is voidable.
  • transactionwrites[0].voided: Boolean

    Status indicates transaction has been voided.
  • ordercommentwrites: List[OrderCommentWrites]

    List of comments applied to order.
  • ordercommentwrites[0].author: string

    The user who adds the comment. For example : or
  • ordercommentwrites[0].commenttype: String

    Type of comment. For example, Admin Add Comment, Cancel Comment, Revoke Comment.
  • ordercommentwrites[0].comment: string

    Actual comment string
  • ordercommentwrites[0].entrytimeStr: string

    The time at which the comment is created.
  • paymentwrites: List[PaymentWrites]

    List of gateway payments applied to order.
  • paymentwrites[0].paymentid: int

    A unique id generated by database.
  • paymentwrites[0].accountnumber: string

    Payment's account number, for example credit card's acct number is last 4-digits prefixed with x, PayPal's acct number is payerId provided by PayPal.
  • paymentwrites[0].token: string

    A unique string provided by payment gateway to identify individual credit card, gift card, PayPal paymet, Afterpay payment ...
  • paymentwrites[0].paymenttype: string

    Skechers defined payment type, for example 'CREDIT' is for credit card payment, 'PAYPAL' is for PayPal payment, 'GIFT' is for gift card payment and 'REWARD' is for reward certificate payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexp: string

    Credit card expiration.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexpmonth: string

    Credit card expiration month.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexpyear: string

    Credit card expiration year.
  • paymentwrites[0].cctype: string

    Credit card type, for example MasterCard, visa, Discover etc.
  • paymentwrites[0].activeok: boolean

    Status indicates credit card is active.
  • paymentwrites[0].totalrefundamount: float

    Total refund amount occurs on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].totalchargedamount: float

    Total charge amount occurs on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].updatedateStr: string

    The timestamp with formatted string at which the payment is updated, for example: Jan 17, 2019 11:52 PST.
  • paymentwrites[0].allowCredit: boolean

    Total amount allows to credit on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].availableamount: float

    Total available amount current on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].status: string

    Current status of payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].paymentservice: string

    Service provided by payment gateway, for example credit card have APPL(ApplePay) and GOOG(Google Wallet).
  • paymentwrites[0].authcode: string

    A unique number provided by payment gateway to identify each payment transaction.
  • PaymentWrites[0].numofinstallments: int

    Only applied to Webpay, number of payments a payment gateway offers.
  • emailWrites: List[OrderEmailWrites]

    List of emails applied to order.
  • emailWrites[0].orderid: int

    Customer’s order number.
  • emailWrites[0].storenum: string

    Store Number from where the order was placed
  • emailWrites[0].recipient: string

    Customer's email address.
  • emailWrites[0].subject: string

    Email’s subject text. For example : Order_Confirmation_en_US order - #497552
  • emailWrites[0].log: string

    While sending an email to the customer, a log message is generated that has the important information about the order and the customer. For example. {"orderid":"497552","emailaddress":"SHAHPANK1428@GMAIL.COM","orderDateStr":"Jan 17, 2019","hasGiftCardPayments":false,"hasPaypalPayments":false,"hasCreditCardPayments":true,"hasPayrollPayments":false,"hasWebpayPayments":false,"employeeid":"","numofinstallments":"","shippingCostStr":"FREE","hasDiscount":false,"discountcode":"","discountStr":"$0.00","shippingMethodStr":"FREE Standard Shipping (4-10 business days)*","paypalPaymentList":[],"giftCardPaymentList":[],"creditCardPaymentList":[{"accountnumber":"x1111","ccexp":"04/2031","cctype":"Visa","chargedamountStr":"$0.00","paymentType":"","paymentFee":"","authorizationCode":"8212339"}],"shippedItemList":[],"outofstockItemList":[],"currencyCode":null,"totalStr":"$91.80","totalAfterGCPaymentStr":"$91.80","totalGCPaymentStr":"$0.00","subtotalStr":"$85.00","taxStr":"$6.80","taxRateStr":"","taxStr2":"$0.00","taxType":null,"taxType2":null,"hasTax1":false,"hasTax2":false,"isWebOrder":true,"isRetailOrder":false,"isFreeOrder":false,"orderHistoryLinkStr":"http://localhost:9000/en-us/secure/signin","hasShippingAddress":false,"shiptoaddress":{"id":4146349,"firstname":"PANKTI","lastname":"SHAH","address1":"3700 WILSHIRE BLVD","address2":"350","city":"LOS ANGELES","state":"CA","zip":"30330","country":"USA","homephone":"4513111111","cellphone":"4513111111","createtimestamp":1547754737287},"orderbillingaddress":{"id":2221207,"firstname":"PANKTI","lastname":"SHAH","address1":"3700 WILSHIRE BLVD","address2":"350","city":"LOS ANGELES","state":"CA","zip":"30330","country":"USA","homephone":"4513111111","cellphone":"4513111111","createtimestamp":1547754737294},"hasShiptoAddress2":true,"shipToAddress2":"350","orderitems":[{"skunumber":"192283758959","skuvalue":"8.0","webwidth":"","webwidthlabel":"","skutype":"","stylecode":"12977","colorcode":"WBKB","productname":"D'Lites 2 - One Piece","imageUrl":"","unitprice":"$85.00","regularunitprice":"$85.00","quantity":1,"quantityprice":"$85.00","discountcode":"","discountcodedescription":"","discountamount":"$0.00","categorydiscountamount":"$0.00","tax":"$6.80","shippingcost":"$0.00","totalprice":"$91.80","orderstatus":"NEW","hasTrackingNumber":false,"hascategorydiscount":false,"hasnocategorydiscount":true,"isEGiftCard":false,"isNotEGiftCard":true,"trackingnumber":null,"trackingLinkStr":"","giftcard_cardnum":"","giftcard_pin":"","recvremail":null,"recvrname":null,"sendername":null,"senderemail":null,"message":null,"carryStr":null,"productUrl":"http://localhost:9000/en-us/style/12977/d-lites-2-one-piece/WBKB","creditamount":"$0.00"}],"hasGiftCardRefund":false,"gcRefundAmountStr":null,"gcRefundCardNum":null,"gcRefundDateStr":null,"hasPaypalRefund":false,"payPalRefundAmountStr":null,"payPalRefundDateStr":null,"hasCreditCardRefund":false,"ccRefundAmountStr":null,"ccRefundAccountNum":null,"ccRefundDateStr":null,"hasAfterpayRefund":false,"apRefundAmountStr":null,"apRefundAccountNum":null,"apRefundDateStr":null,"totalRefundStr":null,"hasRewardCodeRefund":false,"rewardCodeRefundAmountStr":"$0.00","returnedItemList":[],"cancelledItemList":[],"cancelledItemsAmountStr":null,"totalAfterCancelStr":null,"cancelPartialOrder":false,"cancelWholeOrder":false,"fromJob":false,"originalItemList":[],"exchangedItemList":[],"updatedItemList":[],"adminChargeBackCardNumber":null,"adminChargeBackCardType":null,"adminChargeBackAmountStr":null,"adminChargeBackDateStr":null,"useEliteRewardCode":false,"estimatedShippingDateStr":"","isAfterpayOrder":false,"afterpayId":null,"storename":"600","website":"","locale":"en_US","serverUrl":"http://localhost:9000/en-us","sslServerUrl":"http://localhost:9000/en-us"},
  • emailWrites[0].timestampStr: string

    The time at which the email is sent out.
  • emailWrites[0].status: string

    The status of the email that was sent ie if it is successfully sent or it is a failure
  • emailWrites[0].comment: string

    If any extra comments that were mentioned in the email.
  • hasShippedItems: boolean

    Status indicates order has the items already delivered.
  • hasGCRCItem: boolean

    Status indicates order has the refunded gift card items.
  • hasInvoice: boolean

    Status indicates order has a invoice.
  • hasNif: boolean

    Status indicates order provides nif number.
  • requireNif: boolean

    Status indicates order requires nif number.
  • isPayrollOrder: boolean

    Status indicates order has PayPal payment.
  • isFreeOrder: boolean

    Status indicates order is free and no payment needed.
  • orderAllowPartialCancel: boolean

    Status indicates order allows to cancel some of order itmes.
  • taxes: List[TaxCalculation]

    List of tax types applied to order.
  • taxes[0].tax: float

    Tax amount based on subtotal. For example. $6.80
  • taxes[0].taxtype: string

    Tax Type. Default tax type is TAX
  • numOfInstallments: Int

    Webpay only(Chile site), the number of payments Chile site offers.
  • printOrderSummary: boolean

    Status indicates order has printable order summary available.
  • vatid: string

    Germany and Spain site only, a number is required for placing a order on Germany or Spain site.
  • isAfterpayOrder: boolean

    Status indicates order uses Afterpay payment gateway.
  • afterpayId: string

    Afterpay only, a unique number provided by Afterpay to identify each order.



  • orderid: String

    Skechers order number.
  • locale: string

    Location from where the order enters the system. For example , en_US for USA orders.
  • parentid: int

    New order number for exchange order action.
  • storenum: string

    Store where the order is placed.
  • externaluserid: String

    External User Id that was given by B2B, B2C.
  • emailaddress: string

    Customer email used for placing order.
  • billing_fname: string

    Customer’s billing first name.
  • billing_lname: string

    Customer’s billing last name.
  • billing_address1: string

    Customer’s billing address line1.
  • billing_address2: string

    Customer’s billing address line2.
  • billing_city: string

    Customer’s billing city.
  • billing_zip: string

    Customer’s billing zipCode.
  • billing_state: string

    Customer’s billing state.
  • billing_country: string

    Customer’s billing country.
  • billing_phone: string

    Customer’s billing phone number.
  • shipping_fname: string

    Customer’s shipping first name.
  • shipping_lname: string

    Customer’s shipping last name.
  • shipping_address1: string

    Customer’s shipping address line1.
  • shipping_address2: string

    Customer’s shipping address line2.
  • shipping_city: string

    Customer’s shipping city.
  • shipping_zip: string

    Customer’s shipping zipCode.
  • shipping_state: string

    Customer’s shipping state.
  • shipping_country: string

    Customer’s shipping country.
  • shipping_phone: string

    Customer’s shipping phone number.
  • shippingmethod: string

    Order shipping method, for example Standard shipping method.
  • shippingdescription: string

    Description of shipping method, for example : Standard Shipping (4-10 business day for Standard shipping method).
  • tax: float

    Tax amount applied to order.
  • shippingcost: float

    Shipping amount applied to order.
  • referralid: string

    Order placed through Skechers affiliate member site. The referalid is an pre-defined name associated with each Skechers affiliate member, for example, the mobile-predictspring refers to the order placed by Skechers mobile application.
  • currencycode: string

    Currency Code applied to order, for example: USD for Skechers US site.
  • ordertimestamp: Calendar

    The time at which order is placed.
  • garpacid: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique number provided by Skechers E2 system.
  • networkid: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique string provided by a B2B employee while placing an order on Skechers's B2B site.
  • taxrate: float

    Tax rate applied to order.
  • groupname: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique name provided by B2B to identify a business unit.
  • estimatedShippingDate: Calendar

    Estimated Shipping Date applied to order.
  • crmecode: string

    A unique string for Skechers's Elite member.
  • crmcardnum: string

    A unique number for Skechers's Elite member.
  • subtotal: float

    Sum of item total after item's category discount.
  • total: float

    Total amount applied to order.
  • orderitemwrites: List[WebItem]

    Refers to WebItem object to Models -> WebItem.
  • creditedGiftCardItems: List[WebItem]

    Order items associated with refunded gift card items, refers to WebItem object to Models -> WebItem.
  • paymentwrites: List[PaymentWrites]

    List of gateway payments applied to order.
  • paymentwrites[0].paymentid: int

    A unique id generated by database.
  • paymentwrites[0].accountnumber: string

    Payment's account number, for example credit card's acct number is last 4-digits prefixed with x, PayPal's acct number is payerId provided by PayPal.
  • paymentwrites[0].token: string

    A unique string provided by payment gateway to identify individual credit card, gift card, PayPal paymet, Afterpay payment ...
  • paymentwrites[0].paymenttype: string

    Skechers defined payment type, for example 'CREDIT' is for credit card payment, 'PAYPAL' is for PayPal payment, 'GIFT' is for gift card payment and 'REWARD' is for reward certificate payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexp: string

    Credit card expiration.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexpmonth: string

    Credit card expiration month.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexpyear: string

    Credit card expiration year.
  • paymentwrites[0].cctype: string

    Credit card type, for example MasterCard, visa, Discover etc.
  • paymentwrites[0].activeok: boolean

    Status indicates credit card is active.
  • paymentwrites[0].totalrefundamount: float

    Total refund amount occurs on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].totalchargedamount: float

    Total charge amount occurs on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].updatedateStr: string

    The timestamp with formatted string at which the payment is updated, for example: Jan 17, 2019 11:52 PST.
  • paymentwrites[0].allowCredit: boolean

    Total amount allows to credit on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].availableamount: float

    Total available amount current on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].status: string

    Current status of payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].paymentservice: string

    Service provided by payment gateway, for example credit card have APPL(ApplePay) and GOOG(Google Wallet).
  • paymentwrites[0].authcode: string

    A unique number provided by payment gateway to identify each payment transaction.
  • PaymentWrites[0].numofinstallments: int

    Only applied to Webpay, number of payments a payment gateway offers.
  • hasShippedItems: boolean

    Status indicates order has the items already delivered.
  • hasGCRCItem: boolean

    Status indicates order has the refunded gift card items.
  • hasInvoice: boolean

    Status indicates order has a invoice.
  • hasNif: boolean

    Status indicates order provides nif number.
  • requireNif: boolean

    Status indicates order requires nif number.
  • numOfInstallments: Int

    Webpay only(Chile site), the number of payments Chile site offers.
  • printOrderSummary: boolean

    Status indicates order has printable order summary available.
  • vatid: string

    Germany and Spain site only, a number is required for placing a order on Germany or Spain site.

BrainTree - Get Client Token

Retrieves client token from Braintree.

Request Parameters

  • userid: string

    User's id

Response Parameters

  • token: string

    User's client token generated by Braintree.
  • btUserId: string

    User's id that is saved in Braintree.
POST /api/order/clientToken

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"userid":"63355474"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


BrainTree - Get Nonce

Retrieves payment method nonce from Braintree by passing in the card id.

Request Parameters

  • cardid: int

    Id associated with customer's credit card.

Response Parameters

  • paymentMethodNonce: string

    Payment method nonce retrieved from Braintree.
POST /api/order/paymentMethodNonce

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"cardid":532915}} '

Example Response


Live Response


BrainTree - Next User ID

Retrieves next user ID for BrainTree.

Request Parameters

Response Parameters

  • userid: string

    User ID newly generated for use with BrainTree.
POST /api/order/payment/nextUserId

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \

Example Response


Live Response


Oms - Get Barcode Image

Get barcode image based on card number / pin or order id / item id combination. If both combinations exist, the lookup is based on the order id/ item id combination. The successful response is a base64 encoded string.

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • orderitemid: int

    Order item ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • cardnum: string

    Card Number
  • pin: String

    Pin number for the card
  • format: String

    Format of the code, either 'QR' or 'code128', default is 'code128'
  • width: Int

    Width of the barcode image, default value is 350
  • height: Int

    Height of the barcode image, default value is 50

Response Parameters

  • imageStr: String

    A base64 encoded string of the image.
POST /api/v2/order/getBarcode

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":652249,"orderitemid":10511676,"cardnum":"6035710349460000000","pin":"1234"}} '

Example Response

{"errorCode":"200000","errorMessage":"Order id | item id : 65224 | 10511676 not found in web system."}

Live Response


Oms - Shipping Label

Get shipping label for the customer to return shoes. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns an URL for accessing AWS S3.

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order ID, numeric only, no dashes.
  • orderitemid: int

    Order item ID, numeric only, no dashes.

Response Parameters

  • s3bucket: string

    Name of AWS S3 bucket, the place to store Skx's return order shipping labels.
  • s3objectkey: string

    The key of return order shipping label in AWS S3 which is used to retrieve AWS S3 object.
  • url: string

    The presigned url which is used to retrieve AWS S3 object.
POST /api/v2/ups/getReturnShippingLabel

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":538619,"orderitemid":10295219}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Order - Add Comment

Add order comment.

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order Id for which comment is being added.
  • comment: string

    Comment String
  • adminuser: string

    Admin user adding comment. Example : pshah

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/addOrderComment

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"fill in order id","comment":"fill in comment","adminuser":""}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"fill in order id","comment":"fill in comment","adminuser":""}}

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object."}

Live Response


Order - Add Payment

CC charge failed, customer adds new credit card

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order id for the payment being added
  • creditcard: object

    Customers credit card information
  • creditcard.accountnumber: string

    Credit card account number start with x with cc's last 4 digits, example as x1234.
  • creditcard.token: string

    Token number generated for the card. If not mentioned it will take blank
  • creditcard.creditcardid: int

    required if customer uses saved credit card.
  • creditcard.refnum: string

    required if customer applies new credit card, refum is provided by Skechers web server. If not mentioned, it will take default value as blank string
  • creditcard.txnid: string

    required if customer applies new credit card, txnid is provided by Payment Gateway
  • creditcard.exp: string

    Expiration of the card
  • creditcard.expmonth: string

    Expiration month
  • creditcard.expyear: string

    Expiration year
  • creditcard.cardtype: string

    Type of card. For example : MasterCard, Visa, etc.
  • creditcard.default: boolean

    If this card is the default card being used.
  • creditcard.srvc: string

    Payment service type, required for ApplePay(APPL), GoogleWallet(GOOG), Afterpay(AP), Webpay(WP).

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/addOrderPayment

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"fill in order id","creditcard":{"refnum":"2089","exp":"12/2018","accountnumber":"x1111","txnid":"2005027643","token":"","default":true,"expyear":"2018","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"Visa"}}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"fill in order id","creditcard":{"refnum":"2089","exp":"12/2018","accountnumber":"x1111","txnid":"2005027643","token":"","default":true,"expyear":"2018","expmonth":"12","cardtype":"Visa"}}}

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object."}

Live Response


Order - Calculate Exchange

Calculate exchange items tax and shipping cost

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order Id order being exchanged
  • lineitems: list

    List of lineitems to be exchanged.
  • lineitems[0].shipstorenum: string

    pickup store number
  • lineitems[0].upccode: string

    sku number of each order item in the placed order
  • lineitems[0].quantity: int

    Quantity of the item being exchanged
  • lineitems[0].giftcard: object

    required for ordering virtual gift card.
  • lineitems[0].giftcard.recvremail: string

    gift card's recipient email.
  • lineitems[0].giftcard.recvrname: string

    gift card's recipient name.
  • lineitems[0].giftcard.sendername: string

    gift card's sender name.
  • lineitems[0].giftcard.message: string

    Gift card message.
  • lineitems[0].shippingaddress: object

    Customer's shipping address information
  • lineitems[0].shippingaddress.firstname: string

    Customer's shipping First name with maxlength = 255
  • lineitems[0].shippingaddress.lastname: string

    Customer's shipping Last name with maxlength = 255
  • lineitems[0].shippingaddress.address1: string

    Customer's shipping address line1 with maxlength = 255
  • lineitems[0].shippingaddress.address2: string

    Customer's shipping address line2 with maxlength = 255
  • lineitems[0] string

    Customer's shipping city with maxlength = 50
  • lineitems[0].shippingaddress.state: string

    Customer's shipping state with maxlength = 10
  • lineitems[0] string

    Customer's shipping zipCode with maxlength = 25
  • lineitems[0] string

    Customer's shipping country with maxlength = 50
  • lineitems[0] string

    Customer's shipping phone number with maxlength = 255
  • lineitems[0].shippingaddress.default: boolean

    To denote if this is a default shipping address or not

Response Parameters

  • WebItem: WebItem object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebItem.
POST /api/order/exchangeOrderItems

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"please fill in order id placed before","lineitems":[{"quantity":1,"upccode":"887047153575"}]}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"please fill in order id placed before","lineitems":[{"quantity":1,"upccode":"887047153575"}]}}

Example Response

{"result":"List of WebItem objects."}

Live Response


Order - Close Order

Close order

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order Id for the order being closed. Example : 496057
  • adminuser: string

    Admin username taking the action of closing the order. Example : pshah

Response Parameters

  • message: Message object

    Skechers defined response message either Success or Error
POST /api/order/closeOrder

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"207306","adminuser":"amy"}} '

Example Response

{"result":"success / error"}

Live Response


Order Summaries

Retrieve customer's order history. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns order summary information associated with the customer.

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    Customer's ID.

Response Parameters

  • locale: string

    Locale where the order was executed by the customer. en_US is US, en_US_direct is US Direct. es_CL is Chile, en_CA is Canada, fr_CA is French Canada, en_GB is UK, de_DE is Germany, and es_ES is Spain.
  • statuses: list

    Status of the order. Example: NEW for pending, HOLD for questionable orders, SHIP for already shipped orders, or CANC for cancelled.
  • images: list

    Images of the order items, excluding gift card/reward certificate image.
  • orderid: int

    Order ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 497436.
  • timestamp: long

    Expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • total: double

    Total amount of the order. Example: 100.00
  • ordertype: string

    Type of order. Example: Online.
  • points: int

    Number of points credited to an order. Example: 1000.
POST /api/v2/order/summaries

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"userid":"990093"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Order Summaries V3

Retrieve customer's order history. On error, returns an error code. On success, returns order summary information associated with the customer.

Request Parameters

  • userid: int

    User id of the customer who placed the order.
  • locale: string

    Locale is where the order was executed by the customer. Locale is used in request body when searching orders with API key without locale information.

Response Parameters

  • locale: string

    Locale where the order was executed by the customer. en_US is US, en_US_direct is US Direct. es_CL is Chile, en_CA is Canada, fr_CA is French Canada, en_GB is UK, de_DE is Germany, and es_ES is Spain.
  • statuses: list

    Status of the order. Example: NEW for pending, HOLD for questionable orders, SHIP for already shipped orders, or CANC for cancelled.
  • images: list

    Images of the order items, excluding gift card/reward certificate image.
  • orderid: int

    Order ID, numeric only, no dashes. Example: 497436.
  • timestamp: long

    Expressed as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 12/31/2025 is represented as 1767139200000.
  • total: double

    Total amount of the order. Example: 100.00
  • ordertype: string

    Type of order. Example: Online.
  • points: int

    Number of points credited to an order. Example: 1000.
POST /api/v3/order/summaries

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"userid":"990093","pagenumber":0,"pagesize":10}} '

Example Response


Live Response



Used When user wants to cancel the order through MyAccount->Order History -> Click on the order you want to cancel -> Cancel

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order Id for the cancel being requested
  • lineitems: List

    A List of Order Items to be cancelled
  • lineitems[0].orderitemid: int

    An order will have more than 1 items hence, orderitemid is the id of each item in the order
  • lineitems[0].reason: string

    A comment mentioning the reason for updating the order
  • comments: string

    A comment mentioning the reason for updating the order
  • adminuser: string

    Admin User ID who is modifying the order

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/cancelOrder

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"496437","lineitems":[{"orderitemid":10150042,"reason":"customer cancel"}]}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"496437","lineitems":[{"orderitemid":10150042,"reason":"customer cancel"}]}}

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object."}

Live Response



Updates the list of order items mentioned in the request and updates the order as a whole from Admin.

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order Id for the update being requested
  • lineitems: List

    List of Line items to be updated. Should have atleast 1 line item. Line item list cannot be empty.
  • lineitems[0].orderitemid: int

    An order will have more than 1 items hence, orderitemid is the id of each item in the order
  • lineitems[0].upccode: string

    sku number of each order item in the placed order
  • lineitems[0].reason: string

    A comment mentioning the reason for updating the order
  • lineitems[0].amount: float

    Amount of the order item being modified.
  • comments: string

    A comment mentioning the reason for updating the order
  • adminuser: string

    Admin User ID who is modifying the order

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/updateOrder

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":492427,"lineitems":[{"orderitemid":10146598,"upccode":"190872953709"}],"comment":"udpate shoe","adminuser":true}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":492427,"lineitems":[{"orderitemid":10146598,"upccode":"190872953709"}],"comment":"udpate shoe","adminuser":true}}

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object."}

Live Response


Order-Update Items

Updates the order items mentioned in the input request. Update item is called whenever the Admin user tries to update a Customer's Line Update. ie. update the size , updateOrderItems is called.

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order Id for the update being requested
  • lineitems: List

    List of Line items to be updated.
  • lineitems[0].orderitemid: int

    An order will have more than 1 items hence, orderitemid is the id of each item in the order
  • lineitems[0].upccode: string

    sku number of each order item in the placed order
  • lineitems[0].reason: string

    A comment mentioning the reason for updating the order
  • lineitems[0].amount: float

    Amount of the order item being modified.
  • adminuser: string

    Admin User ID who is modifying the order

Response Parameters

  • WebItem: WebItem object

    Refers WebItem to Models -> WebItem.
POST /api/order/updateOrderItems

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":46712,"lineitems":[{"orderitemid":3698677,"upccode":"887047153599"}]}} '

Example Response

{"result":"List of WebItem Objects."}

Live Response


Payment-Credit CC POS Orders

Tool used by Retail department to refund back to credit card for POS orders

Request Parameters

  • refnum: string

    Reference Number which is given by Element
  • creditamount: float

    Total amount to be creditted
  • transid: string

    Transaction ID generated by Element
  • storenumber: string

    Store Number
  • user: string

    User who is making the call

Response Parameters

  • OrderLogTransaction: object

    Order transaction related information.
  • storenum: string

    Store where order placed.
  • transactiontype: string

    Transaction type, such as CVS, CC_SALE, CC_REFUND, PAYPAL_SALE, GC_ACTIVATE ...
  • serverauthorizationcode: string

    A unique code returned by payment gateway to identify each transaction.
  • serverreferencenum: string

    A unique number generated by Skechers to identify each transaction.
  • requestfile: string

    Transaction request data sent by Skechers.
  • responsefile: string

    Transaction response data returned by payment gateway.
  • cctype: string

    Credit card type or prepaid payment such as PayPal.
  • amount: float

    Transaction amount.
  • entrytimestamp: number

    JSON deserialized transaction time.
  • orderLog: OrderLog object

  • payment: OrderPayment object

POST /api/order/creditCCByElementAdmin

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"refnum":"001_001_0170552_001916_7566_01_01","creditamount":10,"transid":"2005027133","storenumber":"1","user":""}} '

Example Response

{"result":"OrderLogTransaction object."}

Live Response


Payment-Retry Failed CC

Retry failed credit card payment.

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order ID of the payment that needs to be retried.
  • paymentid: int

    Payment ID of the payment that needs to be retried.

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/retryOrderPayment

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"paymentid":987573,"orderid":56497}} '

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object."}

Live Response


Payment-Updt CC Total Amt

Update CC Total Charged Amount

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order Id for the amount to be charged
  • adminuser: text

    Admin User ID who is modifying the charged amount
  • chargedInfo: List

    List of Credit card Charged information
  • chargedInfo[0].token: string

    Token generated by the payment Gateway
  • chargedInfo[0].accountnumber: string

    Credit card account number start with x with cc's last 4 digits, example as x1234.
  • chargedInfo[0].oldtotal: float

    Old Amount which is being modified
  • chargedInfo[0].newtotal: float

    Amount being modified to

Response Parameters

  • token: string

    Token generated by the payment Gateway
  • accountnumber: string

    Credit card Account number
  • oldtotal: float

    Old Amount which is being modified
  • newtotal: float

    Amount being modified to
POST /api/order/updateCCTotalChargedAmount

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"243495","adminuser":"pshah","chargedInfo":[{"token":"6035710349460000000","accountnumber":"x1111","oldtotal":100,"newtotal":50}]}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Remove GC balance

Remove balance from gift card / reward card.

Request Parameters

  • cardnumber: string

    Card Number involved in the transaction
  • cardpin: string

    Card Pin Number. If not mentioned, it will take a default value as blank string
  • amount: float

    Amount to be refunded
  • adminuser: string

    Admin user taking the action. For Example : pshah

Response Parameters

  • message: Message object

    Skechers defined response message either Success or Error
POST /api/order/removeGCBalance

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"cardnumber":"6035710349473900159","cardpin":"8768","amount":2,"adminuser":"amy"}} '

Example Response

{"result":"success / error"}

Live Response


Resend - Email

Resend order email.

Request Parameters

  • orderId: int

    Order ID for which Resend Email needs to be invoked
  • recipient: string

    Recipient of the email
  • emailType: string

    Type of email to be resent. For Example : Confirmation, refund, etc.
  • adminuser: string

    Admin user taking the action. For Example : pshah

Response Parameters

  • message: Message object

    Skechers defined response message either Success or Error
POST /api/order/resendEmail

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"495911","emailtype":"Order_Confirmation_en_US order - #495911"}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"495911","emailtype":"Order_Confirmation_en_US order - #495911"}}

Example Response

{"result":"success / error"}

Live Response


Resend - GC Emails

Resend CGC emails for Orders.

Request Parameters

  • orderids: List(int)

    Order IDs for which Resend Email needs to be invoked
  • refundOnly: boolean

    RefundOnly whether required or not

Response Parameters

  • message: Message object

    Skechers defined response message either Success or Error
POST /api/order/resendGCEmails

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderids":[439852],"refundOnly":true}} '

Example Response

{"result":"success / error"}

Live Response


Search - Orders

(Admin Default Order Search) Search orders by order timestamp, Order ID. Any of the below mentioned request parameters can be used in combination as the search criteria. If no criteria mentioned, it is return all today's orders

Request Parameters

  • start: long

    Start time for order time search
  • end: long

    End time for order time search
  • userid: int

    for guest customer, userid is -1, for order placed through Omni, userid is -2, for Skechers Elite member, userid is any number greater than 0.
  • orderid: int

    Order ID
  • email: string

    Customer's Email Address
  • phone: string

    Customer's Phone number
  • creditcardnum: string

    Last 4 digit of credit card number used on the order
  • firstname: string

    Customer's first name
  • lastname: string

    Customer's last name
  • billaddr: string

    Customer's billing address
  • billzip: string

    Customer's billing zip code
  • shipaddr: string

    Customer's shipping address
  • shipzip: string

    Customer's shipping zip code
  • orderids: list of number

    List of Order IDs
  • paypalinvoice: number

    PayPal Invoice Number
  • limit: int

    Max results to be displayed. Default value sent = 500

Response Parameters

  • OrderSummary: object

    Search order Summary information.
  • locale: string

    The Locale from where the order comes from. Example : en-us, en-ca etc.
  • status: List[string]

    the Probable List of status this order can be into. For example : NEW,CANC
  • billtofirstname: string

    Customer's billing FirstName
  • billtolastname: String

    Customer's billing LastName
  • billtophone: String

    Customer's billing phone number
  • userid: number

    for guest customer, userid is -1, for order placed through Omni, userid is -2, for Skechers Elite member, userid is any number greater than 0.
  • orderid: int

    Order Id
  • gcid: int

    Garpac ID.
  • timestamp: long

    Time at which order was placed
  • total: double

    Total cost of the order
  • type: string

    Order coming from which channel. For example : Online
  • points: int

    The number of points collected
  • discountcode: string

    promotion code applied in the order. If not it will return null
  • isrewardorder: boolean

    If this order is a Reward order or not
POST /api/order/searchOrders

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"firstname":"amy","lastname":"ruan","limit":500}} '

Example Response


Live Response


SearchOrder - Hold

Fetches all the orders with HOLD order status. There are no request parameters passed for this API Call.

Request Parameters

Response Parameters

  • HoldOrders: object

    List of Hold Orders
  • HoldOrders.Orders: List[HoldOrder]

    List of Hold Orders
  • HoldOrders.gcOrders: List[HoldOrder]

    List of Garpac Held Orders
  • HoldOrders.waitOrders: List[HoldOrder]

    List of all Waiting orders.
  • HoldOrder.Orderid: int

    Order ID
  • HolderOrder.orderDate: java.util.Calender

    Order Date
  • double

  • string

    The Name of the customer who placed the order
  • phone: string

    Phone Number of the customer
POST /api/order/searchHoldOrders

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \

Example Response

{"result":"HoldOrders object"}

Live Response


SearchOrder - ID

(ThankYou Page) Search by order id. Used in Thankyou page and admin for Order Detail screen.

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order ID for the order to be fetched.

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/searchOrderByOrderId

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":130045}} '

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object."}

Live Response


SearchOrder - ID, Email

(Order Status) Search by order id and Email Address. Used in Order Status check in This API provides customer an easy way to check the order status without login to My Account

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order ID. for the order to be searched
  • email: string

    Email address of the customer who placed the order. Follows skechers Email format.

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/searchByOrderIdEmail

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":130045,"email":"AMYRUAN@SKECHERS.COM"}} '

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object."}

Live Response


SearchOrder - ID, External UserID

(Order History) Search by order id and External User ID. Used in Order Detail through My Account in This API provides customer an easy way to check the order status after Customer login into My Account. This API will not work for guest user or omni orders. For Guest or Omni Order Status, please use /api/order/searchByOrderIdEmail

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order ID for the order to be searched.
  • externaluserid: String

    External user ID will be passed by B2b, B2c.

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder-OMS: OmsWebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder-OMS to Models -> WebOrder-OMS.
POST /api/v2/order/searchByOrderIdUserIdOMS

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":544528,"externaluserid":990104}} '

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder-OMS object. Refer Models."}

Live Response


SearchOrder - ID, UserID

(Order History) Search by order id and User ID. Used in Order Detail through My Account in This API provides customer an easy way to check the order status after Customer login into My Account. This API will not work for guest user or omni orders. For Guest or Omni Order Status, please use /api/order/searchByOrderIdEmail

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Order ID for the order to be searched.
  • userid: int

    for guest customer, userid is -1, for order placed through Omni, userid is -2, for Skechers Elite member, userid is any number greater than 0.

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/searchByOrderIdUserId

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":753,"userid":990104}} '

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object. Refer Models."}

Live Response


SearchOrder - Invoice By ID

Find order invoice by order id

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    Customer's Order Id

Response Parameters

  • OrderInvoice: List of object

    List of Order Invoice Information
  • id: int

    A unique generated ID
  • invoiceid: string

    Invoice ID. For example : CHL1002087 for CHILE locale
  • parentinvoiceid: string

    Parent Invoice ID
  • orderid: int

    Order Id
  • locale: string

    Locale from where the order originated. For example : en_US
  • storenum: string

    Store number. For example, en_US has store number : 600
  • invoicetype: string

    Type of invoice generated.
  • invoicedate: calendar

    Date of Invoice creation
  • nif: string

    Tax Identification Number that deffers as per locale
  • taxrate: float

    Tax rate applied.
  • createtimestamp: calendar

    Invoice creation date time
  • updateuser: string

  • updatetimestamp: Calendar

    Invoice update timestamp.
  • active: boolean

    Whether this invoice is active or not
  • invoiceitems: List of objects

    List of invoice item information
  • invoiceitems[0].orderitemid: int

    Order item ID
POST /api/order/findOrderInvoice

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":236931}} '

Example Response


Live Response


SearchOrder - ItemId, Token

Search by order item id and gift card item token. This API allows customers to reprint their gift card and reward certifcate through the link that is embedded in gift card and reward certifcate emails.

Request Parameters

  • orderitemid: int

  • token: string

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/order/searchByOrderItemIdToken

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderitemid":8082634,"token":"OYqsw2j"}} '

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object."}

Live Response


V3 SearchOrder - Order ID, Email or user id

(Order Status) Search by order id and Email Address. Used in Order Status check in This API provides customer an easy way to check the order status without login to My Account

Request Parameters

  • orderid: String

    Order ID. for the order to be searched
  • locale: string

    Locale is where the order was executed by the customer. Locale is used in request body when searching orders with API key without locale information.
  • email: string

    Email address of the customer who placed the order. Follows skechers Email format.
  • userid: string

    User id of the customer who placed the order.

Response Parameters

  • WebOrder: WebOrder object

    Refers WebOrder to Models -> WebOrder.
POST /api/v3/order/searchOrder

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":"130045","email":"AMYRUAN@SKECHERS.COM"}} '

Example Response

{"result":"WebOrder object."}

Live Response