
Place orders from store to be shipped from web. Tax calculations. Inventory lookup.

Error Codes

The Skechers Web Service uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. When a request is valid, but does not complete successfully (e.g. user not found), a response is given containing a specific error code and error message about the point of failure.

Response Parameters

  • errorCode: string

    An error code that can be referenced in the table to the right. Refer to this error code when identifying errors.
  • errorMessage: string

    A human-readable message providing more details about this error.


00001 Request Timeout.
00002 Invalid form data.
000007 Unauthorized, use the proper API key.
06000 Order cannot be found for void.
06007 Order cannot be cancelled at this time, or has already been cancelled.
190000 Store return error, ok to resend.
190001 Store return error, do not resend.



  • id: int

    Order Item Id generated by database.
  • orderid: String

    Order number
  • skunumber: string

    Sku Number that uniquely identifies that product in the inventory. For example : sku Number for product D'Lites 2 - One Piece Style : 12977 Color Code : WBKB is 192283758959
  • skuvalue: string

    Skechers defined shoe size.
  • unitprice: float

    Price of the item after discount
  • regularunitprice: float

    Regular price before coupon and category discount
  • quantity: int

  • stylecode: string

    Style code of the order item placed for example 12977
  • colorcode: string

    Code code of the order itemm for example WBKB.
  • color: string

    Various options for the color of the order items provided, for example WHT/BLACK/BLUE
  • itemtype: string

    Type of the item, for example 'REWARD' or 'SHOE'.
  • image: string

    Product image applied to order item.
  • trackingnumber: string

    A string provided by a carrier to track the package.
  • trackinglink: string

    A url created by Skechers to allow customer tracks their package.
  • orderstatus: string

    Status in which the order is, for example: NEW,SHIP,CANC etc.
  • quantityprice: float

    The price of total quanity bought.
  • itemdiscountamount: float

    The discount amount applied to order item.
  • itemtax: float

    The tax amount calculated per item.
  • itemtotalprice: float

    Total price of the item after adding the tax amount. For example : Shoe price : 85$ and Tax amount : 6.80. Total Item Cost : $91.80
  • itemshippingcost: float

    The shipping cost applied to order item.
  • categorydiscountamount: float

    The category discount applied to order item.
  • refundamount: float

    Total refund amount applied to order item.
  • creditamount: float

    Total credit amount applied to order item.
  • divisioncode: string

    Skechers defined product divison for order item.
  • skutype: string

    Type of shoe width for order item, for example EW, EEW.
  • webwidth: string

    The web width for order item.
  • productname: string

    Skechers defined product name for order item, for example D'Lites 2 - One Piece.
  • pickdate: Calendar

    The date that order has been processed by Skechers E2 systme.
  • shipdate: Calendar

    Expected shipping date of the Order
  • shipstorenum: string

    Shipping store number
  • canceldate: Calendar

    Order cancel date
  • returndate: Calendar

    Order return date
  • cancelreason: string

    Order cancel reason
  • returnreason: string

    Order return reason
  • giftcard_recipient_name: string

    gift card's recipient name.
  • giftcard_recipient_email: string

    gidtcard’s recipient’s email address.
  • giftcard_sender_name: string

    gift card's sender name.
  • giftcard_cardnum: string

    Gift card CardNumber
  • giftcard_pin: string

    Gift card’s PIN number.
  • giftcard_msg: string

    Gift card message.
  • giftcard_amount: float

    Gift card amount
  • giftcard_expiration: Long

    Gift card’s expiration date
  • item_shipping_fname: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping first name.
  • item_shipping_lname: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping last name.
  • item_shipping_address1: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping address line1.
  • item_shipping_address2: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping address line2.
  • item_shipping_city: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping city.
  • item_shipping_zip: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping zipCode.
  • item_shipping_state: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping state.
  • item_shipping_country: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping country
  • item_shipping_phone: string

    Customer’s item’s shipping phone number
  • isCreditedPoints: boolean

    Status indicates order item is allow to credit.
  • itemtaxes: List[TaxCalculation]

    List of taxs applied to order item.
  • itemtaxes[0].tax: float

    Tax amount based on subtotal.
  • itemtaxes[0].taxtype: string

    Tax type. Default tax type is TAX
  • item_issue_creditinvoice: boolean

    Status indicates order item is allow to issue credit invoice.
  • isShoes: boolean

    Boolean variable that defines if this order item is of type shoe or not.



  • orderid: String

    Skechers order number.
  • locale: string

    Location from where the order enters the system. For example , en_US for USA orders.
  • parentid: int

    New order number for exchange order action.
  • storenum: string

    Store where the order is placed.
  • externaluserid: String

    External User Id that was given by B2B, B2C.
  • emailaddress: string

    Customer email used for placing order.
  • billing_fname: string

    Customer’s billing first name.
  • billing_lname: string

    Customer’s billing last name.
  • billing_address1: string

    Customer’s billing address line1.
  • billing_address2: string

    Customer’s billing address line2.
  • billing_city: string

    Customer’s billing city.
  • billing_zip: string

    Customer’s billing zipCode.
  • billing_state: string

    Customer’s billing state.
  • billing_country: string

    Customer’s billing country.
  • billing_phone: string

    Customer’s billing phone number.
  • shipping_fname: string

    Customer’s shipping first name.
  • shipping_lname: string

    Customer’s shipping last name.
  • shipping_address1: string

    Customer’s shipping address line1.
  • shipping_address2: string

    Customer’s shipping address line2.
  • shipping_city: string

    Customer’s shipping city.
  • shipping_zip: string

    Customer’s shipping zipCode.
  • shipping_state: string

    Customer’s shipping state.
  • shipping_country: string

    Customer’s shipping country.
  • shipping_phone: string

    Customer’s shipping phone number.
  • shippingmethod: string

    Order shipping method, for example Standard shipping method.
  • shippingdescription: string

    Description of shipping method, for example : Standard Shipping (4-10 business day for Standard shipping method).
  • tax: float

    Tax amount applied to order.
  • shippingcost: float

    Shipping amount applied to order.
  • referralid: string

    Order placed through Skechers affiliate member site. The referalid is an pre-defined name associated with each Skechers affiliate member, for example, the mobile-predictspring refers to the order placed by Skechers mobile application.
  • currencycode: string

    Currency Code applied to order, for example: USD for Skechers US site.
  • ordertimestamp: Calendar

    The time at which order is placed.
  • garpacid: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique number provided by Skechers E2 system.
  • networkid: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique string provided by a B2B employee while placing an order on Skechers's B2B site.
  • taxrate: float

    Tax rate applied to order.
  • groupname: string

    Applied to Skechers B2B site, a unique name provided by B2B to identify a business unit.
  • estimatedShippingDate: Calendar

    Estimated Shipping Date applied to order.
  • crmecode: string

    A unique string for Skechers's Elite member.
  • crmcardnum: string

    A unique number for Skechers's Elite member.
  • subtotal: float

    Sum of item total after item's category discount.
  • total: float

    Total amount applied to order.
  • orderitemwrites: List[WebItem]

    Refers to WebItem object to Models -> WebItem.
  • creditedGiftCardItems: List[WebItem]

    Order items associated with refunded gift card items, refers to WebItem object to Models -> WebItem.
  • paymentwrites: List[PaymentWrites]

    List of gateway payments applied to order.
  • paymentwrites[0].paymentid: int

    A unique id generated by database.
  • paymentwrites[0].accountnumber: string

    Payment's account number, for example credit card's acct number is last 4-digits prefixed with x, PayPal's acct number is payerId provided by PayPal.
  • paymentwrites[0].token: string

    A unique string provided by payment gateway to identify individual credit card, gift card, PayPal paymet, Afterpay payment ...
  • paymentwrites[0].paymenttype: string

    Skechers defined payment type, for example 'CREDIT' is for credit card payment, 'PAYPAL' is for PayPal payment, 'GIFT' is for gift card payment and 'REWARD' is for reward certificate payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexp: string

    Credit card expiration.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexpmonth: string

    Credit card expiration month.
  • paymentwrites[0].ccexpyear: string

    Credit card expiration year.
  • paymentwrites[0].cctype: string

    Credit card type, for example MasterCard, visa, Discover etc.
  • paymentwrites[0].activeok: boolean

    Status indicates credit card is active.
  • paymentwrites[0].totalrefundamount: float

    Total refund amount occurs on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].totalchargedamount: float

    Total charge amount occurs on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].updatedateStr: string

    The timestamp with formatted string at which the payment is updated, for example: Jan 17, 2019 11:52 PST.
  • paymentwrites[0].allowCredit: boolean

    Total amount allows to credit on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].availableamount: float

    Total available amount current on a payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].status: string

    Current status of payment.
  • paymentwrites[0].paymentservice: string

    Service provided by payment gateway, for example credit card have APPL(ApplePay) and GOOG(Google Wallet).
  • paymentwrites[0].authcode: string

    A unique number provided by payment gateway to identify each payment transaction.
  • PaymentWrites[0].numofinstallments: int

    Only applied to Webpay, number of payments a payment gateway offers.
  • hasShippedItems: boolean

    Status indicates order has the items already delivered.
  • hasGCRCItem: boolean

    Status indicates order has the refunded gift card items.
  • hasInvoice: boolean

    Status indicates order has a invoice.
  • hasNif: boolean

    Status indicates order provides nif number.
  • requireNif: boolean

    Status indicates order requires nif number.
  • numOfInstallments: Int

    Webpay only(Chile site), the number of payments Chile site offers.
  • printOrderSummary: boolean

    Status indicates order has printable order summary available.
  • vatid: string

    Germany and Spain site only, a number is required for placing a order on Germany or Spain site.

Create API Key

Create a new API Key, requestable up to 48 hours. Optionally be closed off if ack=true.

Request Parameters

  • storenum: string

    Store number, string value.
  • app: string

    App type, should correspond with locale. ex: For US, send 'skechers_us'
  • locale: string

    Locale, should correspond with app. ex: For US, send 'en_US'
  • client: string

    Accepted values are 'web', 'garpac', or 'pos'.
  • ack: boolean

    If ack = false, api key is requestable up to 48 hours. If ack = true, this particular apikey is closed off and not requestable anymore.

Response Parameters

  • apikey: string

    This is the api key generated.
POST /api/store/apikey

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"storenum":"617","app":"skechers_us","locale":"en_US","client":"pos"}} '

Example Response


Live Response


Place Omnichannel Order

Place a new omnichannel order.

Request Parameters

  • emailaddress: string

    Customer email used for placing order.
  • shippingmethod: string

    Order shipping method, for example Standard shipping method.
  • shippingcost: float

    Order shipping cost.
  • taxrate: float

    Order tax rate cost.
  • chargedamount: float

    Amount that has been charged to the customer.
  • invoicenum: string

    Store invoice number.
  • terminalid: string

    Store terminal ID.
  • cashierid: string

    Store cashier ID.
  • shippingaddress.firstname: string

    Customer's shipping First name with maxlength = 255
  • shippingaddress.lastname: string

    Customer's shipping Last name with maxlength = 255
  • shippingaddress.address1: string

    Customer's shipping address line1 with maxlength = 255
  • shippingaddress.address2: string

    Customer's shipping address line2 with maxlength = 255
  • string

    Customer's shipping city with maxlength = 50
  • shippingaddress.state: string

    Customer's shipping state with maxlength = 10
  • string

    Customer's shipping zipCode with maxlength = 25
  • string

    Customer's shipping country with maxlength = 50
  • string

    Customer's shipping phone number with maxlength = 255
  • billingaddress.firstname: string

    Customer's shipping First name with maxlength = 255
  • billingaddress.lastname: string

    Customer's shipping Last name with maxlength = 255
  • billingaddress.address1: string

    Customer's shipping address line1 with maxlength = 255
  • billingaddress.address2: string

    Customer's shipping address line2 with maxlength = 255
  • string

    Customer's shipping city with maxlength = 50
  • billingaddress.state: string

    Customer's shipping state with maxlength = 10
  • string

    Customer's shipping zipCode with maxlength = 25
  • string

    Customer's shipping country with maxlength = 50
  • string

    Customer's shipping phone number with maxlength = 255
  • payment.accountnumber: string

    Payment's account number, for example credit card's acct number is last 4-digits prefixed with x, PayPal's acct number is payerId provided by PayPal.
  • payment.token: string

    A unique string provided by payment gateway to identify individual credit card, gift card, PayPal paymet, Afterpay payment .... For Aurus payment, the param refers to Aurus's CardIdentifier(CI or KI), the specification of OOT shall refer to Aurus documentation.
  • payment.providertoken: string

    A unique string provided by payment gateway. For Aurus payment, the param refers to Aurus's OneOrderToken(OOT), the specification of OOT shall refer to Aurus documentation.
  • payment.providerrefnum: string

    A unique string provided by payment gateway. For Aurus payment, the param refers to Aurus's AurusPayTicketNum(APTN), the specification of APTN shall refer to Aurus documentation.
  • payment.providertxnid: string

    A unique string provided by payment gateway. For Aurus payment, the param refers to Aurus's TransactionIdentifier(APTID), the specification of APTID shall refer to Aurus documentation.
  • payment.exp: string

    Credit card expiration.
  • payment.expmonth: string

    Credit card expiration month.
  • payment.expyear: string

    Credit card expiration year.
  • lineitems.upccode: string

    UPC/SKU of item.
  • lineitems.regularunitprice: float

    Regular price before coupon and category discount.
  • lineitems.discountamount: float

    The discount amount applied to order item.
  • lineitems.unitprice: float

    Price of the item after discount
  • float

    Tax amount applied to order.
  • lineitems.shippingcost: float

    Shipping amount applied to order.
  • lineitems.totalprice: float

    Total price of the item after adding the tax amount. For example : Shoe price : 85$ and Tax amount : 6.80. Total Item Cost : $91.80

Response Parameters

  • order: WebOrder

    Refer to Models - WebOrder.
POST /api/retail/checkout/confirm

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"shippingaddress":{"city":"OKLAHOMA CITY","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"JOHN","country":"USA","address2":"APT 4","lastname":"SMITH","address1":"123 MUCEASY STREET","default":false,"phone":"1231231234"},"emailaddress":"MYTEST+SKECHERS@SKECHERS.COM","billingaddress":{"city":"LOS ANGELES","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"JOHN","country":"USA","address2":"1121 Manhattan Avenue","lastname":"SMITH","address1":"Store 001","default":false,"phone":"1231231234"},"invoicenum":"","lineitems":[{"tax":2.61,"unitprice":29,"upccode":"190211914439","discountamount":10,"regularunitprice":39,"shippingcost":0,"totalprice":31.61},{"tax":2.61,"unitprice":29,"upccode":"190211914439","discountamount":10,"regularunitprice":39,"shippingcost":0,"totalprice":31.61}],"chargedamount":63.22,"shippingmethod":"Standard","payment":{"exp":"3/2022","accountnumber":"1111","token":"1313561542810119","expyear":"2022","expmonth":"3","cardtype":"Visa"},"shippingcost":0,"taxrate":0.09,"terminalid":"","cashierid":""}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"shippingaddress":{"city":"OKLAHOMA CITY","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"JOHN","country":"USA","address2":"APT 4","lastname":"SMITH","address1":"123 MUCEASY STREET","default":false,"phone":"1231231234"},"emailaddress":"MYTEST+SKECHERS@SKECHERS.COM","billingaddress":{"city":"LOS ANGELES","zip":"30330","state":"CA","firstname":"JOHN","country":"USA","address2":"1121 Manhattan Avenue","lastname":"SMITH","address1":"Store 001","default":false,"phone":"1231231234"},"invoicenum":"","lineitems":[{"tax":2.61,"unitprice":29,"upccode":"190211914439","discountamount":10,"regularunitprice":39,"shippingcost":0,"totalprice":31.61},{"tax":2.61,"unitprice":29,"upccode":"190211914439","discountamount":10,"regularunitprice":39,"shippingcost":0,"totalprice":31.61}],"chargedamount":63.22,"shippingmethod":"Standard","payment":{"exp":"3/2022","accountnumber":"1111","token":"1313561542810119","expyear":"2022","expmonth":"3","cardtype":"Visa"},"shippingcost":0,"taxrate":0.09,"terminalid":"","cashierid":""}}

Example Response

{"result":"[WebOrder Object]"}

Live Response


Return Web Order

Return web order through store.

Request Parameters

  • storeNum: string

    Store number for the return transaction.
  • orderid: int

    Web Order ID.
  • comment: string

    POS return Web order Store: xxx, RTNCItems: stylecode1colorcode1/size1/upc1/itemId1, stylecode2colorcode2/size2/upc2/itemId2, ExchangedItems: stylecodecolorcode/size/upc (if has exchange) RefundTo: CreditCard: Visa, X4111, $100.00, GIFTCARD: xxxx, $20.00, Cash: $20.00 ChargeTo: CreditCard: Visa, X4111, $100.00, GIFTCARD: xxxx, $20.00 (if exchange to more expensive item)
  • lineitems: List

    List of returned items, require at least one item.
  • lineitems[0].orderitemid: int

    Unique web order item id, it can be located in the response of 'Get Order By ID' API call, example as orderitems -> id
  • lineitems[0].amount: float

    Refund amount for the line item, which is determined by store associate.
  • lineitems[0].reason: string

    Reason for returning the line item.
POST /api/store/web/return

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"storeNum":"500","lineitems":[{"orderitemid":10330830,"amount":48.6,"reason":"doesn't fit"},{"orderitemid":10341913,"amount":55.49,"reason":"doesn't fit"}],"comment":"POS return Web order\nStore: xxx,\nRTNCItems: stylecode1colorcode1/size1/upc1/itemId1, stylecode2colorcode2/size2/upc2/itemId2,\nExchangedItems: stylecodecolorcode/size/upc (if has exchange)\nRefundTo: CreditCard: Visa, X4111, $100.00, GIFTCARD: xxxx, $20.00, Cash: $20.00\nChargeTo: CreditCard: Visa, X4111, $100.00, GIFTCARD: xxxx, $20.00 (if exchange to more expensive item)","orderid":553239}} '
{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"storeNum":"500","lineitems":[{"orderitemid":10330830,"amount":48.6,"reason":"doesn't fit"},{"orderitemid":10341913,"amount":55.49,"reason":"doesn't fit"}],"comment":"POS return Web order\nStore: xxx,\nRTNCItems: stylecode1colorcode1/size1/upc1/itemId1, stylecode2colorcode2/size2/upc2/itemId2,\nExchangedItems: stylecodecolorcode/size/upc (if has exchange)\nRefundTo: CreditCard: Visa, X4111, $100.00, GIFTCARD: xxxx, $20.00, Cash: $20.00\nChargeTo: CreditCard: Visa, X4111, $100.00, GIFTCARD: xxxx, $20.00 (if exchange to more expensive item)","orderid":553239}}

Example Response


Live Response


Void Omnichannel Order

Cancels and voids an omnichannel order. Can only be canceled and voided if the order is in NEW status and hasn't been pulled by Garpac.

Request Parameters

  • orderid: int

    OMS Order ID of the Order that needs to be voided.

Response Parameters

  • order: WebOrder

    Refer to Models - WebOrder.
POST /api/retail/checkout/void

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"orderid":6174242}} '

Example Response

{"result":"[WebOrder Object]"}

Live Response


Web Inventory Search

Searches web inventory by sku or style/color/size combination.

Request Parameters

  • upc: string

    Product UPC Code or SKU.
  • style: string

    Product Style Code
  • color: string

    Product Color Code
  • size: string

    Product Size Number.

Response Parameters

  • message: string

    SUCCESS, NO_RESULT, or INVALID_REQUEST. This is only not null if the search is by UPC/SKU.
  • skus: string

    List of UPCs and Sizes available for that search query. This is only not null if the search is by Style/Color/Size.
POST /api/retail/checkout/search

Example Request

curl \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"apikey":"AY8ZRNUHN2I4MNM5JQDDWVBXWQBEUH","request":{"style":"52675","color":"BBK"}} '

Example Response


Live Response